AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

TU MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPT R1, 1934 PAR UnitedFruitCompany Vs.
United Banana Workers LABOR DAY 1934 Tom Mooney Appeals to Labor for Assistance Stalin Followers imperialist rivals. But a worker lubs like the server ble largest is het het socialmente troos on Latin America are range om uit komen en ook Onion Workers ture. records and other equipment only refused to grant my writ of Battle Terror Labor Day, the Art Monday in a sigh of relief when the demon. capitalist onslaught on the working few weeks ago seven thousand laud workers, for the most part no September, is not the holiday of strations are over and they still class. First the fire was trained MY DEAR FRIENDS, COMRADES uble in advance to Tom Mooney Costa Rica banana workers went longer peasants but true prole labor.
remain in power.
AND FELLOW UNIONISTS: on the unions and now a slashing Molders Defense Committee, on strike. It was the biggest strike tariat.
Set aside as a national holiday by We judge ourselves by what our attack on wages is being prepared.
in Costa Rican history and was Second, the strength of Interna Congress on June 28, 1894 in direct enemies think and say of us.
As write this letter San Fran. Box 1476x San Francisco, California.
For the American working class distinguished by several unique tional industrial unionism, particu opposition to the revolutionary celcisco Bay District is tied up tightStronger and More Confident The posters can be used in coner than knot from one of the features that together made enough larly clear in Caribbean zone, ebration of May 1, It found its most Labor Day of 1934 is no day of re But on the other hand, the work greatest demonstrations of working section with advertising Mooney of an impact on the hide of the where the great majority of work direct support in the reactionaries Joleing, rest or recreation. Whether United Fruit Company to make the ers are reduced to an identical class of the American Federation of La Bin Green, President Roosevelt oring class is stronger and more class solidarity ever manifested in Mass Protest meetings. They can Morgan like it or not, it will militant on Labor Day 1934 than the whole history of this entire be carried in parades on wooden Membership in country.
frames, hung in union offices and Iike the first place, the workers of a few great companies, who have The difference between May be a day of struggle, of class war. unions has grown by leaps and For the past two months the In placed in friendly store windows halls and workers headquarters, went out on an all inclusive, in long since wiped out, economically, and Labor Day is not as some of Cotton Mills Close on Labor Day bounds. In more than one industry ternational Longshoremen Asso.
dustrial union basis. Cutters, load all trace of national borders. our reformist friends would have us Labor Day 1984 will resound the left wing workers are for the ciation, along with nine other Mar. crowds pass. These banners should and pasted up in places where great ere, railrond and dock men stopped Third, the strength of a strike believe aforelen celebration wite with the echo of the macching feed Arst time challenging the corrupt no Workers Unions, have been be carried in all Labor Day par.
erek, paralyzing the banana Indusled and supported by an active, in us an American holiday. Quite of nearly million underpaid and bureaucracy of the of conducting one of the finest and ades, and also May Day parades. In try from the jungle to the water telligereumilitant workerste partie ever fuce there are a thousand aiterent edge.
The government sun men, called ſtated by economic reality, should May was founded by the ng their places of drudgery in a ning to feel its power. Let the fought in this country.
nation wide general strike.
These very valuable uses to which they In atence by the many United Fruit be the linking, by means of indus o itself, only later to be adopted Labor Day 1934 will find the day when the workers rise to their forces bosses and their servants awe the same corFRAMED and can be put.
and all powerful boys holding public office, were un trial unionism and politically, of by the European labor and Socialist working class rankling with resent full stature ROADED me to this living hell for We are desperately hard up for able to make dent in the strike Latin American workers to North movement.
ment at the broken promises of the unable even to get near the armed, Americans, for at that point a gen The burning creed of the class self appointed savior in WashingFor when that day comes pot a LIFE are the ones now trying to funds to carry on our fight on three fighting workers, led by Communist eral strike in the banana industry, struggle and the Musory shibboton. They have learned much in few shams will be punctured. And break this strike. They ordered fronts. In the capitalist courts, be.
Party members and backed by or coffee or sugar, would become a leth of class peace there lies the this year that the New Deal of outstanding among them, is the thelr murderous police to shoot for the capitalist governors, and coin reprenehmen who, let us state significance: and would reveal the and Labor Day.
in the Costa Rican movement of enormous power and significant opposition between May the NRA has been a Raw Deal or Sham of capitalism itself. The ris. these strikers down in cold blood hopes are. We are enclosing a Company Unions, starvation wages ing profits concurrent with the without the least provocation It with honest surprise, are making a true international nature of impor.
An Offering of Capitalism and charity pittances for the un lower standard of living for the was wanton, wilful murder. Then card with the hope that you will consistent, intelligent fight against lalism, and the necessity of interWith the full blessings of the employed.
working class, the destruction of they had the state militia called in at least enclose a small coin to meet the United Fruit strangelhold. national action, on a mass basis, President of the United States, Labor Day 1934 finds the essentials of life alongside with ap to help break this wonderful labor the expense of printing and mailing this to you, and if fortune smiles palling hunger, the waste, the solidarity. JEAN MENDEZ. with the benediction of the bosses can proletariat scarred from many International Solidarity in Strike against it.
anarchy, the Insanity of this sysmore kindly upon you now than it who drive their help with the battles. Auto workers in Toledo, tem all of this we can say is more justified appearance of the militia Workers we will not be angry with These acts of violence and the un does on many millions of starving second remarkable feature whip of slave conditions, with the truck drivers in Minneapolis, long firmly impressed in about this strike was its close conminds of into the strike zone was like touch you for disregarding the coln card tact with Nicaraguan workers, and Its solid support by Jamaican Negro capitalist press on the dignity of miners in Alabama, furniture workers in the Atlantic zone, in (Continued from Page 1) labor. tbe working class is given workers in the modelvillage or lous to the meaning of the present Like one man the entire labor move express money order to enable us spite of the race hatred campaign Tbey, and they alone, are to do a day off without pay to enjoy Kohler have shed their blood in the set up of things on Labor Day 1933. ment in a marvelous spontaneous to prosecute this case all the more carried on by the United Fruit and cide how much of the dwindline the full harvest of a year of toil. cause of unionism.
That is the significance of Labor working class gesture called a gen vigorously.
They have faced and fought the Day 1934. It is not a day of cele eral strike; and this in spite of the We shall be very happy to have deporting Nicaraguans shortly starved, is their need sufficiently the revolution. when the state tional Guard.
The Costa Rican government beganers. Have they been sufficiently capitalist class trembles in fear of tear gas and bayonets of the Na. the bosses can be that but a day leaders who were swept aside. Im an order from you for a large bun.
after the strike, accusing them of desperate, are they properly grate and city authorities mass their had its martyrs.
Every strike bas for the workers to reflect over the mediately upon the consummation dle of these posters to be used in being foreign trouble makers. but ful and amenable to reason?
at the root of this action was the armed minions to prevent sexure Labor Day 1934 is greeted with year. And when the reflections are the striking longshoremen and mar. We are sending out 25, 000 of these fear of strike in Nicaragua too hand to take care of one tenth of screams with rumors of bomb of a reduction in wages, the ber will be real holidays workers hol of these misleaders of labor, togeth that in itself is an Item which, we There are insuficient fundson of property. when the hired press the announcement of the steel trust transformed into action, then there time workers unions, the benchmen circular letters and posters, and also, like Costa Rica, a vast estate this country starving. Who beer with thugs from the American hope you will consider when passof the United Fruit. The workers lieves, then, that the local author plots. assassinations and breathes all of the second big gun in the days.
Legion, formed wrecking crews ing upon this urgent plea.
might discover they are learning ities can accept, if they would, the and destroyed all literature, furni not rapidly that the precious national additional burden of the striking it boundaries are economically ficti thousands?
in a dozen radical workers head habeas corpus, also refused to to tious that the Nicaraguans are not John Edgerton need fear nothquarters. The police were conven issue a certificate of probable canse, only suffering imperialist exploitaing. The government troops will or reading his speech in the Workiently absent until the wrecking which would entitle us to appeal was finished, then they appeared on from his decision. He said we the same industries and under the strikers. Funds, unlimited governclusion in this respect: that Wolfe the scene and arrested every one as should seek relief in the State Suyoke of the same companies. Contined from Page 3)
ment funds, are his to break the the fight against American imper evelt s! In this way Wolfe, the some 500 men, women months ago Communists and threw them into preme Court, where we have three polley was not different from RoosAn international strike would be strike. Rellet for the strikers reMcGuffey, Two and children prison. Over 600 arrests new in Latin Amerca. and Immains a promissory note, unsignedialism were times sought and been denied said Workers Age, which prints the working in the largest onion fields made. Mayor Rossi sald, will relief. We have asked the mensely dangerous to the United and undated.
What are the perspectives of the speech without comment and ap in the country went out on strike. drive every radical and Communit Circuit Court to grant a certificate Frult Company, whose buge empire Aleanwhile, will the goverment Cuban revolution? Can the Com: parently agrees with it in toto, and on numerous occasions prior to the out of San Francisco. campaign of probable cause and to hear our includes most of Central America continue to pour its loans into the munist party of Cuba be restored the Lovestoneites as a movement walkout they had requested better of terror is now in full swing: original application for a writ haand the Caribbean zone, and spreads coffers of manufacturers engaged to a Leninist basis (we assume that sive objective assistance to the class working conditions and an increase first the Communist then the union beas corpus. This court promised into South America, especintly in in breaking strikes and locking out the lovestone ter will not dare to enemy and help the strongest now. in wages. The employers refused will be crushed under its heel us a decision on the certificate of Colombia and Venezuela. huge workers? It will.
maintain that the Cuban Stalinister on the continent to fasten its to grant concessions industrial union embracing the The Weirton Company, arch toe bave been pursuing a Leninist pol bloody yoke around the necks of to systematically fire the most ac for its members; these militant July, which has already pasued.
fruit, sugar and coffee in industry could of organized labor, delant of even icy although they have yet to ana millions of our fellow workers.
workers were the spark plug in the Your continued loyal and faithparaly not only the industry it. the government order to re hirelyze thelr mistakes. For the Wolfe said that there cannot be committee representing the longshoremen and general strike. ful assistance in this desperate unselt, but most of the railroad and son men it had fred, is one of the answers to these questions you look equality and free cooperation workers demanded that those fired Nothing that might try to say even uphill 18 year old struggle Hence the alarm of the United chief beneficiaries of Roosevelt in vain in Ward Baedeker of the amon the peoples of the American be put back to work. The employ could begin to do justice to the Rainst the most powerful odds, water traffic in the Caribbean zone.
generous administration, through Cuban revolution.
Fruit at the fraternizing of Nicara lonns and subsidies, through sums of Ward. After all, judging by the Intervention or any threat of in all of them. This incident on top ing place in this region. Suffice to May we hope for your early reply?
But perhaps we demand too much chiments We there exists any lere refused and threatened to fire history making events that are tak will be everlastingly cherished.
guan and Costa Rican workers.
Again give thanks from the of money sufficient to feed every Workers Age she is only atyro intervention, any cconomic or politi of the miserable wages they were way, that this is the beginning of Furthermore, International indus: single striker in the textile indus the subtle art of covering cal or military pressure by the receiving precipitated the strike.
trial unionism, cutting through nathe end of the old order of things. depths of a grateful heart, and send try.
the strongest power on this continent to Demand 35 Cents an Hour tional borders, would wipe away traces of the Stalinists. We must influence the form of government or It may take months maybe a few you warmest personal regards with the big talking point of petty bourlook to the maestros of the Love the internal affairs and economic ined and applied for a charter from. These militant workers, who have The strikers immediately organ! years but the end is inevitable. firm proletarian greetings.
geois demagogie agitators and gov.
stoneite fold for more expert per. life of any other land. This is Fraternally and sincerely yours. Signed) TOM MOONEY ernments at present a strong and formances. Those who read Ward said abstractly without reference to the of They demanded found themselves and are not afraid 1921 typical Latin American product(Continued from Page 1)
will turn with a sigh of anticipa: the necessity for fighting political recognition of the unlon, an eight to fight for their rights will soon for these kuomintangista base their appeal on anti imperialist super over June 1983. Between June and on Latin America which is reported both in Cuba and the United States hours a day for 10 cents per hour soon be making the fight for my tion to the radio speech of Wolte and military Intervention in Cuba hour day and 35 cents au hour. realize that too fought their fight nationalist pensant and worker July of this year however. again in the same issue of the Workers or to the shambles in the Gran and children for cents an hour.
demagogy. The workers cutting an oversight on the part of Rich Age. Wolte subject was Voice freedom. want you to help me (Continued from Page 1)
bananas might find out their true berg) there was a decrease in em of the Americas and no one will two strongest powers in the worla Up until a few days ago the bring this struggle forcefully and class status side by side with the ployment of 300, 000 workers in the doubt that his two precipitate vis without any overt governmental, striko had succeeded in crippling dramatically before all workers and this winter when the effects of the drought will be felt with full force.
against native nationalist hourgeol like decrease of 342, 000 in the non other attributes highly qualifies tervention or pressure whatsoever. save the strikers sympathy and The entire country should be The thousands of small farmers sie and the United Fruit.
manufacturing Industries. This him to deal with this subject.
On this remarkable development The strikers were evicted from No labor or working class event the land will be compelled to seek plastered with the enclosed Poster, and agricultural workers forced off Strike Triumphs would bring the total increase of Wolfe spoke from a capitalist ra which foresbadows the So a third remarkable feature of employment for private industry dio station and could not, in all world war as the Balkan war of their homes and relle refused. All should be allowed to pass without employment in the industrial cenWar kinds of provocations were attempt putting the Mooney Case on its ters which are now klutted with the strike emerges: it was The workers got raise, and virto the grand total of about 1, 600, 000 right language of the revolutionary which burst forth two years later, in jail at one time in connection in prison is because of my militant. The demand for social insurance tual union recognition, since the workers. In addition to the above movement. This circumstance im. Wolfe who had the opportunity to strike was settled by a committee about 1, 000, 000 men are being em. posed on him a severe restriction in speak loudly and clearls, was si with activities attending the strike, loyal devotion to the cause of the will be raised by tens of thousands To no avail. The strikers held workers, and the further fear, that of new voices. The organization upon which were represented the played on the various relief jobs the use of his language, but only lent their ranks. The employers became it released would again become of the unemployed will take on new meaning and will necessitate a new Fruit. This denonement contrasts dollars a month of the ist. Better to give up the opporsible only when the destinies of the government acting for United for a day of the to the 50 ton is permissible for a revolution cooperation he spoke tror was postrantle and resorted to every means active in the labor movement.
In this present industrial up orientation by the unions and unsharply with the big United Fruit workers.
tunity to speak than accomodate the Then an epidemic offres and heaval see real hopes or my free employed organizations as the un.
strike in Colombia several years The total applications for jobs at content of your speech to the deeach land are directly ruled by the bombings started. Strange to say. dom, and very little hopes for sameity of employed and unemployed ago, when the government sent in the federal and state employment mands of the capitalist ridio cen great majority, the workers, farmonly old, dilapidated barns were from the capitalist courts and poli will become an even greater neces.
troops to crack down on the more agencies ran well over 15 million. sors. Let us note at once that ers, peasants and producers generor less marooned banana cutters, Thus does this merry dance of Wolfe seized the occasion to cover ally True enough; but abstract pened and no lives lost or serious telans in public office. But iam sity in the face of the developing property resulted It was availing myself of every opportun strike struggles.
1, 500, 00 himself with the mantle of a modest enough to win the enthusiasts obvious that this was the work of ity to ask for my freedom just to and broke the strike by means of figures continue. Betw support of Darrow who has These perspectives place great brutality and terror. Many lives and 2, 000, 000 workers taken back patriotism. As an American speak, the Baptist church, or the Farmer the bosses in an attempt to smash prove to the workers what they can tasks before the revolutionary degenerated into skirmish and sa wage of about 15 dollars per do not fuel it appropriate here to labor party which makes even the strike and arouse public opin expect from the courts and other workers. The burning need of a were lost, and the struggle finally to industry at the magnificent ing to Americans. said Wolfe, public officials doing the dirty work new Communist Party to lead the Mayor Home Bombed for capitalism.
botage, United Fruit losing, at its week. Real wages go down. Pro make suggestions to those south of more radical declarations and Gov. fon against the workers.
oncoming struggles is being revealown estimate, a million dollars 10 its rise anywhere from 200 to 800 the Rio Grande The language of ernor Olson himself. In short, Wolfe formulations are correct in These provocations culminated in. On July 27, my 18th anniversary. Ied by each new event. It brooks no fruit and property.
Ward is likewise the language of The Costa Rican one of her master. Nay more! It is ap the abstract but are not filled by the bombing of Mayor Ott home begin my nineteenth year in pris delay!
the few Third International groups Sinclair Plan parently the language of the Love: class content. And that is the in Dell, president of the union, was anniversary of membership into the LECTURE left in the world which actually pursues an intelligent trade union (Continued from Page 1)
will take on the flesh and blood of evitable mark of the opportunist. brought to the county sherif bar International Molders Union. These THE AND JAPAN policy, and maintains a realistic po of a demagoguceven an honest national chauvinism.
litical fight, has emerged from the demagogue is to disarm oneself in Why was it not appropriate to an organization which tolerates the inquiry was Sherif Mitchell attention to this monstrous frume (Is the Conflict over the Chinese Eastern Railroad the Signal strukele greatly strengthened and advance. The very fact that stb make suggestions to an audience such people in its ranks and prints and six special deputies.
for a New World War. heathily growing. The workers have clair got so overwhelming at sote of thousands? Where is it more their speeches and articles without suddenly, crowd of some three the country should afford a won learned several lessons from this simply indicates that the issue of appropriate? In the Workers Age even any comment is rendering the hundret citizen Vigilantes derful opportunity for a brave and by strike, which if followed up should freeing Mooney in Californien of which reaches far fewer workersgreatest service to the bourgeoisie crashed through the barracks door daring exploitation of the races and make of it an enormously signif. the bugaboo that cowards in the What do revolutionists want the and the greatest harm to the work and taking the forces of law and hope every one of my real friends, order hy surprise. captured comrades and fellow unionists will MAX SHACHTMAN cant step torward in the history of labor movement have made it out on the Corsolution of their problems one is no wiser, after or reading beat him up and threw him in a The prices of these posters, 24x Dell. They dragged him outside, not forget me on that day.
American labor.
Friday, Sept. 7th at P.
Lessons of Strike at 1776 Pitkin Avenue First, the strength of the indus campaign in California, particularly world, north and south of the Rio Lovestoneltes will not solve the truck, which was rapidly driven 38 inches, are reasonable. Ise or problems of the Latin American a single copy. 10 for 00; 25 copADMISSION 150 trial union principle as applied to as it revolves about Sinclair, In Grande and everywhere else?
Late that night Dell appeared ies for 00; 50 coples for 50; and American revolutions. But Auspices: Brownsville Branch Communist League of America marine workers, railroad men, etc. words to Sinclair Junior to biscans should do as a people if we number of sincere and revolution ous wounds. He had been taken 27. 50; 1, 000 coples for 80. 00, pay same great colonial combine as In conclusion we want to repeat the few words about what we Amert they can muddle the thinking of a at his home suffering from numer 100 coples for 00: 600 copies. Por This should lead to a new and father: Daddy, read your own wish to promote better relations ary workers. The quicker the Am across the county line, terribly clearer concept of Latin American books.
of the Press: August Number of (Our emphasis. And Wolfe pro national is launched and comes to county on pain of death. He was ceeded to make a speech which ang grips with these problems the soon warned that his child would be er will we be able to settle accounts killed and his home destroyed if he FALL TERM OF INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL bourgeois demagogue looking for dared return.
TO OPEN OCTOBER 1st petty bourgeois and working class with these right wing Stalinists. JOHN COATES. The strikers immediately organCONTENTS votes could have made in its en San Luis Potost, Mexico, Aug. 16 ized a defense group and prepared The Twentleth Anniversary of the World WarThe International Workers School will open at its new headtirety daily.
for the threatened return of the The Second International and the War quarters, 144 Second Avenue, on October 1st, with the following!
Moreover Roosevelt appears to be Vigilantes.
America and the War in the Pacife courses: achieving the very solution Wolfe OPEN FORUM Dell, in behalf of the union Lenin on the Disarmament slogan ABC of Marxism. Carl Cowl, Instructor advocated. He granted independDiplomacy in the World War said, concerning a return of the ence to the Philippines: he abro Organization Principles. Instructor to be announced Literature and Revolution Vigilantes. Let them come. We a The Stalinists and Pacifism gated the Platt Amendment; he The War in the Chaco History and Principles of the International Speaker: give 500 a head for anyone who The Crisis in Fuseism Communists.
withdrew marines from Halti. Max Shachtman gets away alive.
revolutionist speaking over the ra GEORGE MARLEN The workers are determined to Hitler Triumph State and Revolution. Jack Weber o on the Latin American question (Author: The Road. defend their rights with their lives.
Mussolini Triumph American History.
Felix Morrow has a clear duty to expose the The United Front in France Friday, Sept. 7, at P.
The entire labor movement in this Elementary Marxian Economics. Alfred Weaver hypocritical, demagogle, anti workterritory is up in arms and ready Should the Socialists and Communists Unite in One Single Party?
ing class nature of these maneuvers 144 Second Avenue, to support the onion strikers until And other interesting and educational features.
You are urged to register now for whatever courses you are interested in. Registrations are accepted daily at the office of the of the world to deceive tho Latin by the leading imperialist power QUESTIONS DISCUSSION the strike is won.
Can be obtained at any headquarters of the Communist League, school. Tach course is 50 for the complete term. Further informAdmission Free American workers into thinking ation may be obtained by telephoning Gramerey 6024.
Pioneer Publishers or write for it to The New International, that capitalism is friendly to Auspices: Downtown Branch ORDER BUNDLE OF MILY Station D, Box 119, New York City.
them with resulting trado advan Communist League of America TANTS ONE CENT PER COPY.
Richberg Forgets Food Prices Up to be The New International