PARLIAMENT OR SOVIET The beginnings of a Township Co operative may be formed through the free organization of any number of small farmers who combine for co operative work.
The socialized industries shall aid the Township Co operatives by the construction of township barns, township stables, and other towiiship buildings, by supplying geometricians, technicians, agricultural experts, and gangs of workers for sowing and harvesting time, as well as capital for stock and upkeep.
Education, including general and technical training, school supplies, and subsistence during the school year shall be free.
All schools in city and country shall be equipped by the State with appropriate means for the practical training of the pupils in the main branches of agricultural work.
Mortgages and real estate titles shall be taken over by the State.
They may not be broken, though the State shall have the right to declare them void.
Economic and Political Structure of the Estate, Small Farm, and Village Councils.
The Estate, Small Farm, and Village Councils shall be united according to economic districts and finally for the entire State.
Each of these council organizations shall elect from among its members an executive committee, which shall conduct ordinary business and have the right to enlist the services of experts. The supreme economic soviet body for agriculture shall be the Central Congress of Agricultural Workers and Small Farmers Councils. The Congress shall elect from among its members as its executive organ the Central Agricultural Council. This body shall belong to the Central Economic Bureau and in common with the latter decides the general rules for the management of agriculture.
The village communities shall govern themselves through the Village Councils. Current business shall be conducted by the Executive Committee of the Village Council.
The in bers of the Executive ommittee, as also those of the Village Council may at any time be recalled by their constituents. The Village Councils shall send their delegates to the Precinct Workers and Peasants Councils, these to the District Workers and Peasants Councils, etc. which together with the other councils shall wield the political power in their respective territories.
The former tutelage of the agricultural population by the bureaucrats shall be replaced by their self government.
To American and British Soldiers, You are told that you are fighting for demu. this wou not help you out since Parliament cracy. But wha kind il democracy are you is oniy one of the institutions of capitalist fighting forOn one side is the Russian Socialist power and not the most important either.
Federated Soyler. Repub it, on the other side There is the Government with its bureau.
the capitalist democracks of England. cratıc mach:nery, the police. the judges, the Prance and the United States.
army. In the Parliaments the representatives are allowed to talk. but it is the executive The fact is clear, and you have to choose power, the Government that acts. And this between two existing sysłems of guanagement Covernment in all countries is becoming more of public life by the workers for. The wor and more powerful, wliereas the influence of kers; or by the workers and the capitalist for the Parliament is on the decline. It would the capitalists. The poklical system under which te absurd to believe that it will be possible you live appears to give the right to controllo vote the capitalists out of power, out of public affairn to the people. But who actualy their privilégcs Parliament is a capitalist controls allairs in your countrles. Is it not institution to further capitalist interests and the Morgans and Rockefelors, tie Deverſports, it ceases to further those interests, it will Rhondas or men like these big business be simply reorganised or abolished altogether: men capitalists and financiers. At dections.
they make fine promises, but when they are More than that, political control is useless returned do Mothing, and when some petty: it does not carry with it control of the reform is demanded they wonder where the means of life, In you country Parliament has money is to come trom. If the workers got only a very limited control of industry. The moic insistent in their demande these so called means of production are owned and controled representatives of the people will call out faimost exclusively by capitalists. Those who troops to shoot the people down, as they did own the means or iso, own every thing. In at Ludiow, Cuiorado Tunypandy, Wales, and Russia the means of life are owned by the Dublin.
Phole nation, and the control is vested in In our democracy only the workers have the local and National Soviets. The Soviets voice, only those inat produce the useful are elected from the workers in the factories things decide htw to enjoy the results of mines or rallroads as the case may be. We thelr common efforts. We are a commonwealth have thus direct and caclusłys labour repeof fellow workers and we con vant parasites sontation. Dus is a real Labour Ropubitc, and reh euf portes to interfere with our affairs and when you come against us to overthrisy the Scripts and establish the kind of demo.
This kind of demetracy not to the Hiking tracy that exists for your countries, you are of those who wish to live upon the labour attempting to overthrow the rule the warkers of others. Being a minority they want deand re estabitsh the rule of kings and capitalists mocracy thet secures the rule of the few over, the many and you are made to fight for this Fellow workingmen refuss to be the suppre kind of democracy.
tons of your own class. Strive father to You may aptie: since we have genegut establish your role in your countrles. Form sulfaga it is our own Aupidity wo elect Soldiers Councils in your regiments. Send the wrong representatives to Parliament your papraventative to your officers and de and we are going to change this gradually mand to be sent home. And when you get home remove the sham Capitalist democracy reigning But even it was possible to secure a there, and estabiish true Republics et Latur najority of the right people in Parliament, as we have done in Russia.
Tho Group of English speaking Communista