THE CLAS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE No. NOVEMBER, 1919 Devoted to International Socialism PUBLISHED BY The Commu ist Labor Party of the United States of America Issued Every Month 25 a Copy; 00 a Year Vol. III Editors: JACK CARNEY, LUDWIG LORE and GREGORY WEINSTEIN VOL. III NOVEMBER, 1919 No. CONTENTO Pages Hands off Russia. call to the American Working Class By the Communist Labor Party 354 355 Two Years of Soviet Russia. By Ludwig Lore. 355 365 Work, Discipline and Order to Save the Soc.
Soviet Republic. By Leon Trotzky.
366 382 The Invincible Power of the Russian Revolu.
tion. By Sachs.
382 386 Oh! How German is this Revolution. By Rosa Luxemburg 386 389 Convention Impressions By William Bross Lloyd 389 394 Concerning the Jewish Question By Karl Marx 395 406 The Twilight of Leadership By Bilan. 406 408 The Military Program of the Proletarian Revolution By Lenin.
409 413 Rosa Luxemburg Her Fight against the German Betrayers of International Socialism By Clara Zetkin 414 424 Documents 425 436 Bolshevist Propaganda: Leaflets, Distributed to British and American Soldiers in North Russia. The Agrarian Program of the Communist Party of Germany.
Editorials 439 448 The Communist Labor Party. The Dynamic Class Struggle. One Year of German Revolution. Democracy. The Dictatorship of Capitalism.
Hands off off Soviet RussiaThe imperialists of the world are continuing their infamous armed intervention in Soviet Russia. The counter revolutionary Tsarist generals, backed up by allied troops, allied ammunition and allied money continue shedding the blood of the Russian workers and devastating the territory of the proletarian Republic. Moreover, the Allies are tightening the iron ring of blockade around Soviet Russia, thus dooming millions of women and children to unheard of misery, starvation and disease.
All this is being done because the workers and peasants of Russia have cast off the yoke of exploitation and oppression and have devoted themselves to the task of reconstructing their life on such foundations as will eliminate all oppression of the poor by the rich, all exploitation of the toilers by the capitalists. This is why the capitalist countries, where all the power is concentrated in the hands of the big commercial and financial interests, are waging this predatory war against Soviet Russia. Defending their class in Russia they are thereby protecting their own interests, for they know that the example set by the Russian workers will inevitably be followed by the workers of their own countries.
210 The Co Operative Press 15 Spruce St. New York