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Most Recent Publications The Program of the Communist Party of Russia (Bolsheviki)
By BUCHARIN 120 Pages. 25 Education and Art in Soviet Russia In the Light of Official Decrees and Documents, with a Foreword by MAX EASTMAN. Sixty foar page pamphlet Retail price, 15c, each In lots of or more, 10c, each Radek and Ransome on Russia 32 page Pamphlet Retail price, 5c. each. 00 per 100 THE CRISIS IN THE GERMAN SOCIAL DEMOCRACY. By Rosa Luxemburg. An arraignment of Ger.
man capitalism and militarism. This is the second edition of this pamphlet. Rotail price, 25c, each. In lots of or more, 17c. each. THE OLD ORDER IN EUROPE AND THE NEW ORDER IN RUSSIA. By Price, Russian corre.
spondent of the Manchester (England) Guardian. The best story of an industrial government yet printed.
Retail price, 10c. In lots of or more, 6c. each. FROM OCTOBER TO BREST LITOVSK. By Leon Trotzky. One hundred pages. pamphlet of historical value; every student should have a copy. Retail price, 35c. cach. In lots of or more, 206, each. THE SOVIET, THE TERROR, AND INTERVENTION. By the same author. The title tells the story, Retail price, 10c. in lots of or more, 6c. each. LETTER TO AMERICAN WORKINGMEN. By Lenin. 16 page pamphlet. Retail price, Sc. euch. 00 per 100.