352 THE CLASS STRUGGLE Do You Want to know the Truth about Russia. Then read the New Weckly Newspaper devoted to telling You this Truth. Soviet Russia is the Official Organ of the Russian Soviet Government Bureau, of New York City organization of a revolutionary army and the forming of a Red Guard have hardly been begun.
16. The poorest section of the Russian peasants would be ready to support a revolution headed by the working class, but they are not ready to support a revolutionary war at present. It would be a serious error to overlook this state of things.
17. The question of revolutionary war, therefore, stands as follows: 18. Conditions being as indicated above, it is intolerable thus to jeopardize the fate of the Russian Revolution.
19. The German Revolution will absolutely not be made more difficult by the conclusion of a separate peace. It will probably be weakened for a time by chauvinism, but the condition in Germany will remain very critical. The war with America and England will last long and imperialism will finally be unmasked completely, on both sides. The example of the Russian Revolution will continue to inspire the peoples of the world, and its influence will be enormous. On the one side will be the bourgeois system and war for conquest waged by two imperialistic groups, on the other peace and the socialist republic.
20. By a separate peace we free ourselves, in so far as present conditions will permit, from the two imperialist coalitions; by taking advantage of their warfare and their mutual enmity, preventing them from uniting against us, we shall utilize the time so gained, in order to strengthen the socialist republic in Russia. The reorganization of Russia, based on the dictatorship of the proletariat, the nationalization of banks and of big industry, the exchange of the products of the cities with the cooperatives of small peasants in the country, is economically quite feasible, provided we have a few months to devote energetically to the job. Such an organization will make socialism unconquerable in Russia, and will provide a permanent basis for the formation of a powerful red army of peasants and workers.
21. truly socialistic war could not, at this moment, have any other character than that of a war between the socialistie republic and the bourgeois countries, with the distinct object, approved by the red army, of overthrowing the bourgeoisie in the other countries.
Its weekly issues have for three months already been spreading all the availabie information on the operation of the Russiau Soviet Government; the plans and accomplishments of that Government for the betterment of the social, economic and educational conditions of Russia; the plots and intrigues of counter revolutionary forces both within Russia and in the governing classes of foreign countries; the great military successes of the Soviet armies against the foreign invaders; the cruelty of the hunger blockade, and the imperative necessity of lifting it, in the interests both of Soviet Russia and of the rest of the world.
AT ALL NEWS STANDS, TEN CENTS Subscription Price, 00 per year; 50 for six months SPECIAL OFFERS For the price of a six months subscription, we shall send you the 12 issues that have already appeared, and the remaining weekly issues up to January 1, 1920, 30 issues in all, instead of 26. Ask for Special Offer For one dollar, we shall send you the first twelve issues or Soviet Russia (instead of ten. Ask for Special Offer Special Rates to Distributing and Retailing Agents, Address. SOVIET RUSSIA 110 West 40th Street Room 303 New York,