
328 THE CLASS STRUGGLE DOCUMENTS 329 People Commissariats and of the main sections of the People Council for Political Economy.
Sec. 26. It shall be the duty of the Revolutionary Soviet Government to transact the affairs of the Soviet Republic in accordance with the injunctions of the National Congress of Soviets, as well as of the Federal Central Committee.
Sec. 27. The Revolutionary Soviet Government shall have the power to issue decrees. In general it may order all that is necessary for the speedy transaction of state business.
Sec. 28. The Revolutionary Soviet Government shall inform the Directing Central Committee forthwith of its decrees, decisions, and any measures taken in important affairs.
Sec. 29. The Directing Central Committee shall examine the decrees, decisions, and measures of the Revolutionary Soviet Government, the People Council for Political Economy, and all other People Commissariats, and shall have power to amend them.
Sec. 30. The Soviet Government may take steps in state matters of decisive importance without previous dispensation of the Directing Central Committee only in case of extraordinary urgency, Sec. 31. The members of the Revolutionary Soviet Government are responsible to the National Congress of Soviets and the Directing Federal Central Committee.
Sec. 32. The various People Commissaires shall be, as follows. 1) the People Council for Political Economy. 2) the People Commissariat for Foreign Affairs. 3) for Military Affairs. 4) for the Interior. 5) for Justice. 6) for Public Welfare and Health. 7) for Education. 8) the German. 9) the Russian People Commissariat.
Sec. 33. The various People Deputies may, within the jurisdiction of their respective People Commissariats, and the People Council for Political Economy, in questions coming under its jurisdiction, issue decrees and injunctions. The Revolutionary Soviet Government shall have power to amend the decrees of the People Council for Political Economy as well as those of the various People Commissariats.
Sec. 34. The jurisdiction of the People Council for Political Economy shall extend over the uniform control of production and the distribution of goods, the issuing and executing of decrees affecting the national economy, and the technical and economic control of the agencies of production and distribution.
Sec. 35. The main divisions of the People Council for Political Economy are as follows: a) general administration of production, husbandry, of materials, and foreign trade; b) agriculture and cattle raising; c)
technical direction of industrial production and channels of distribution; d) finance; e) public relief; f) traffic; g) economic organization and control; h) labor.
Organization of the Local Soviets Sections 38 to 65 concern the structure of the local system of councils, the prescriptions for suffrage, the powers and the mutual relations of the councils, which hold all political power in their hands.
On account of lack of space we can reproduce only a few of the most important dispositions.
The working rural population sends one member to the village council for each 100 inhabitants, the working urban population sends only one member for each 500 inhabitants to the city council. The village and city councils of a district elect the District Workers. Peasants and Soldiers Council, in which the delegates of the cities may not comprise more than one half. For every 1000 inhabitants there is one member. The district councils of each county (comitat) elect the county councils, one delegate being elected for each 5000 inhabitants.
Sec. 48. The function of the village, city, district, and county councils shall be to promote in every way the economic and cultural welfare of the working people living within the borders of their respective territorial units. To this end they shall decide all matters of local significance and execute all decrees referred to them by their superior councils and People Commissariats.
Sec. 49. The previously existing machinery of local administration herewith ceases to exist. The personnel taken over by the councils with the public offices and public works shall be at the disposal of the councils. The administration and other public buildings that have heretofore served the purposes of local government shall be transferred, together with their equipment, into the hands of the councils.
Sec. 52. The councils shall constantly observe whether the ordinances of their superior administrative bodies prove satisfactory.
They shall direct the attention of the latter or of the appropriate People Commissariat to any shortcomings and may present suggestions, if in their opinion any measure of the higher administration or of any other body seems necessary.
Sec. 53. The councils shall receive all the public works and institutions serving the dietary, hygienic, economic, cultural and similar needs of the population, may create new ones and recommend the establishment of others to their superior councils.
Sec. 54. The villages, cities, districts and counties shall conduct their financial affairs independently, within the limits ordained by the People Council for Political Economy.
Sec. 55. The councils shall have power to choose and discharge officials and other trained workers, including the transferred personnel of the former administration. Any trust conferred upon an officer of the Hungarian Soviet Republic may be revoked at any time.
Sec. 58. In counties, cities and districts special committees of experts (sub committees) shall be regularly formed for the following affairs. 1) economic, financial and industrial. 2) roads and public traffic. 3) public welfare and health. 4) housing. 5) public relief. 6) cultural affairs.
Sec. 62. The councils shall see to it that disputing parties receive prompt and accurate advices in regard to their cases without any formalities and in their mother tongue; that appropriate agencies exist for receiving oral complaints and requests; that, after the hearing of the interested parties and after a complete disposition of the case based, wherever possible, upon direct observation of the circumstances the requests be discharged within the shortest time possible, without awaiting solicitation, and the parties be notified thereof in appropriate form.
Suffrage Sec. 66. In the Hungarian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic raw