324 THE CLASS STRUGGLE DOCUMENTS 325 Allied Propaganda (Distributed among British and American Soldiers in North Russia)
There seems to be among the troops a very indistinct idea of what we are fighting for here in North Rassím. This can be explained in a few words. We are up against Bolshevism, which means anaroby pure and simple. Any one of you can under stand that no State can possibly exist when its own internal affairs such as labour, railways, relations with Foreign Powers etc are so disorganised as to make life impossible for everybody. Look at Russia at the present moment. The power is in the hands of a few men, mostly Jews, who have succeeded in bringing the country to such a state that order is non existent, the posts and railways do not run properly, every man who wants something that somebody else has got just kills his opponent, only to be killed himself when the next man comes along. Human life is not safe, you can buy justice at so much for each object. Prices of necessities have so risen that nothing is procurable.
In fact the man with a gun is COCE of the walk provided that he does not meet another man who is a better shot. The result is that the country as a whole suffers and becomes liable to be the prey of any adventurers who happen along. Bolshevism is a disease which, like consumption kills its victim and bring no good to anybody.
Undoubtedly things will be changed after the war, but not by anarchy and wholesale murder. Bolshevism to start with was only commenced with the sanction of Germany to rid the latter of a dangerous enemy, Russia. Now Bolshevism has grown upon the uneducated masses to such an extent that Russia is disintegrated and helpless and therefore we have come to help hier to get rid of the disease that is eating her up.
We are not here to conquer Russia, and none of us want to stay here, but wa want to help her and see her a great power, as at present sbe is lying helpless in the hands of the adventurers who are simply exploiting her for their own ends, and who, in order to attain their ends, kill off their opponents from the highest to the lowest, including those who have the best brains in the country, whose powers could be utilised to restore: her prestige and place among the nations. When order is restored here we shall clear out, but only when we haye attained our object, and that is; the restoration of Russia.
The Constitution of the Hungarian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic Fundamental Principles Section In establishing the Soviet Republic the proletariat has taken into its hands full liberty, full right and full power for the purpose of doing away with the capitalistic or and the rule of the bourgeoisie and putting in its place the socialistic system of production and society. The dictatorship of the proletariat is, however, only a means to the destruction of all exploitation and class rule of whatever kind, and the preparation for the social order which knows no classes and in which also the most important instrument of class rule, the power of the state, ceases to exist.
Sec. The Hungarian Soviet Republic is the Republic of the Workers. Soldiers and Peasants Councils. The Soviet Republic will not grant to the exploiters a place in any council. In the Workers. Soldiers and Peasants Councils the working people shall create the laws, execute them, and pass judgment upon all who transgress against these laws. The proletariat exercises all central and local authority in the Councils.
Sec. The Soviet Republic is a free league of free nations, In its foreign policy the Soviet Republic shall aim, with the aid of the world revolution, to bring about the peace of the workers world. It desires peace without conquest and without indemnities, based upon the right of self determination of the workers.
In place of imperialism, which caused the World War, the Soviet Republic desires the union, the federation of the proletarians of all lands, the international Soviet Republic of the workers. Hence it is opposed to war as a mode of exploitation, opposed to all forms of oppression and subjugation of the people. It condemns the means employed by class governments in their foreign relations, particularly secret diplomacy.
The Rights and Duties of the Workers in the Hungarian Federated Soviet Republic Sec. For the sake of checking exploitation and organizing and increasing production the Soviet Republic aims to transmit all the means of production into the possession of the society of the workers. To this end it shall take over as public property all industrial, mining and transportation establishments exceeding retail dimensions.
Sec. The domination of financial capital shall be checked in the Hungarian Soviet Republic by turning all financial institutions and insurance companies into public property.
Sec. In the Hungarian Soviet Republic only those who work shall have the right to live. The Soviet Republic prescribes general compulsory labor and, on the other hand, insures the right to work.
Those who are incapacitated for work, or to whom the state cannot offer employment, shall be supported by the state.
Sec. In order to insure the power of the toiling masses and in order to thwart the re establishment of the power of the exploiters, the Soviet Republic shall arm the workers and disarm the exploiters.
The Red Army shall form the class army of the proletariat.
Sec. In the Soviet Republic the workers shall be able to exApx. lyo. la.
The original of this leaflet was distributed among the American and British soldiers at Archangel and it is a part of the anti Bolshevist propaganda carried on by the Allies along the North Russian front.
We call special attention to the statement: The power is in the hands of a few men, mostly Jews, who have. which shows that the so called democratic forces that have been sending troops to liberate Russia from the clutches of Bolshevist autocracy have become as efficient in Jew baiting as their Allies, the General Denikin, Admiral Kolchak, Colonel Horwat and General Semionow.