
DOCUMENTS 245 244 THE CLASS STRUGGLE ice, were interested only in keeping their own jobs safe, completely forgetting the hopeless situation of the lower employees.
Thus the railroads of our country were gradually enveloped in an increasing state of disorder, the possibility of through traffic and transportation over the roads was reduced to a minimum, the rolling stock was in bad repair, the number of sick cars and locomotives was increasing day by day, the lack of traction material is becoming seriously felt; there is a constant increase in the difficulties experienced at traffic centers and transfer points; the normal flow of empties to the important points from which provisions are constantly moving to the capitals and to the army, was being constantly interrupted; the most important centers, Moscow and Petrograd, were congested; there, at other times, an insufficiency of rolling stock was felt when thousands of cars that were being held up at transfer points were preventing the proper operation of the roads.
It is not possible to give a detailed picture here of the whole miess, but it is necessary to point out that if, in this vast confusion, it is still possible for a citizen of Russia to move about somewhat in his own country, this possibility must be ascribed to the slavish devotion alone, the almost intolerable exertions of the lower ranks of railway employees workmen, foremen, clerks, especially the men working out on the line.
The consciousness of our duty to the country and to the revolution impels us, the lower employees of the railroads, to stand by our posts under conditions that are intolerably severe, in spite of the fact that the coalition ministry of agreement (Kerensky Cabinet. in a number of proclamations, criminally betraying the interests of the toiling masses for the advantage of capital, completely forgot the railway slaves, fed them on promises and used only the most merciless measures in dealing with the disobedient.
Ministers changed, the wording of their promises changed, but the poverty of the poor railway employees increased.
The hopes of the railway men to have the aid of their own Trade Organization have not been realized.
This organization, the All Russian Railway Organization, the socalled Vikzhel (V serossiskyi Zhelyeznodorozhny. Sayuz. from the very beginning of its existence, assumed the impress of the policy of coalition and compromise which was characteristic of the Kerensky Government, Being elected at a removal of two, three and even four degrees from the original voter, Vikzhel, consisting of persons cut off from the great masses of the railway workers, has not reflected, and does not reflect the will and the hopes of these masses, and has never fought for their demands.
On the contrary, all this time, especially at the moment when there were bitter conflicts between the broad masses of the workers with the landholders and capitalists, this organization stood openly by the side of those who fought, with a policy of union with the landholders and capitalists, against the workers and the peasants.
This fight against the workers and peasants came out with particular clearness in November, at the time of the successful uprising of the workers and soldiers.
Comrades! There are still many struggles ahead, the workers and peasants will still have many conflicts with the landholders and capitalists, the Kaledins, Kornilovs, and Kerenskys; all workers, all toilers, should unite in one faithful family around their Peasants and Workers Government, born in the Second All Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers. Soldiers and Peasants Delegates.
Comrades! All for one and one for all! Only by our united strength and not by the wretched policy of agreement pursued by the Vikzhel, can we improve our lot. Only by supporting the outspoken policy of the Council of People Commissaires can we prevent the sabotage and the opposition now being practised by our superior officials, those managers and servants of the roads who were formerly the chinovniks and employees of the Czarist Government, in their fight against the success of our Workers and Peasants Government.
This criminal sabotage must be stopped!
Comrades, support the Council of People Commissaires!
From the People Commissariat of Labor to all Workers Comrades: Hard ad difficult times are ahead of us for the industries of our country which were mobilized without any system during three and a half years of the war and were conducted for the sole purpose of war profiteering, are now losing a considerable part of their contracts. The slowdown of war industries is taking place at the moment of the greatest struggle between two classes, two worlds the world of capitalist exploitation and oppression, and the world of fraternal cooperation of all the oppressed. The political struggle between capital and labor throughout the whole country is being accompanied by a threatening economic disorganization. The organ