164 THE CLASS STRUGGLE JAPAN AND CHINA 165 They turn half a hundred houses inside out, beat to death a few of the Hebrew nation, and, having tired of their labors, feel no further desire for reforms, and order has triumphed!
In addition to the well born officials, the native population, and the Jews, there existed in this same state, for the turning aside of discontent and the appeasing of passions, also some good people, who, after each pogrom, having gathered in their full strength, sixteen men, issued to the world their written protest. Although the Jews are also Russian subjects, we are nevertheless convinced that it is ill advised to wipe them out altogether, and therefore express in this document from every point of view, our dissatisfaction with the immoderate destruction of living people. Signed) Humanistov, Hairsplitter, Ivasov, Lipbiter, Lout, Shrieker, Three eared Ossip, Grokhalo, Queen Anne Fan, Cyril Methodieff, Logorrhea, Kapitolina Kolymskaya, Drinknobeer, Lt. Col. retired, Attorney Nary Busybody, Pritulikhin, Grisha Futurity (seven years old. And so it was after each pogrom, except that Grisha age changed, and that Kolimskaya signed for Nary, after his unexpected disappearance from the town of the same name.
From time to time from the provinces came answers to these protests. sympathize and join with you, telegraphed Razdergayeff from the Backwoods; Zatorkanny of Myamlin also joined in; and from Okoruv, Samogryzov, etc. sent their approval, but everyone knew that the etc. had been carefully added to swell the apparent force of the threat, for there was no etc. in that place outside of Samogryzov.
When the Jews read the protest they wept still more, but once upon a time, one of them, a very cunning man, proposed the following. You know what we ll do? Don you? Well, just before the next pogrom, we ll hide all the paper, and all the pens, and all the ink, and then we ll see what these sixteen creatures, with their Grisha, will do!
The people were agreeable no sooner said than done: they bought up all the paper and all the pens, and hid them, and all the ink they poured into the Black Sea, and they sat and waited.
They were not obliged to wait very long: the word was handed out, the pogrom was put through, the Jews lay in the hospitals, and the humanitarians rushed to Petrograd and looked for paper and pens, but there was no paper, there were no pens, except in the bureaus of the well born bureaucrats, and none could be gotten from there. What. they were told, we know what you want these things for! No! you can get along without them!
Shrieker begged. How can we get along without them. Well, we ve read enough of your protests, find some way yourselves. Grisha (who has now attained the age of forty three) cried. bish to dodge a plotest. and he began to weep.
What should they write on? Queen Anne Fan darkly suggested. On the brick walls along the streets. But there are no brick walls in old St. Petersburg, only wrought iron fences. So they went out to the suburbs, and found an old stone wall, and as Humanistov had just finished executing the first character in chalk, a policeman appeared as if from the clouds and began addressing him seriously. What do you call this? We lecture little children when they write things in this way, and you seem to be respectable, intelligent people! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!
Of course, he did not understand them, thinking that they were literary men of the type who have written 1001 articles, but they became embarrassed and decided to go straight home.
So one pogrom remained unprotested, and the humanitarians remained without their satisfaction.
Persons acquainted with racial psychology rightly assert that the Jews are a cunning people!
Japan and China By Sen KATAYAMA The discussions and speculations that have accompanied the recent difficulties between Japan and China in the world of oldfashioned diplomacy are characterized by a remarkable superficiality and lack of understanding of true conditions. Nor will any substantial or permanent settlement be reached in the near future.