
First Appearance in this Country: From October to Brest Litovsk By LEON TROTZKY This book of about 100 pages covers the entire period of preparation for the October (Nov. 1917, Revolution in Petrograd, the events of the November Revolution itself (exciting struggles for individual buildings, discussions of such questions of principle as the function of the middle class in the class struggle. and, finally, a brilliant exposition of the Soviet attitude on armistice and peace questions.
Written in April, 1918.
PRICE, 35 CENTS Special Rates for Agents and Socialist Locals.
About to Appear: The State and Revolution By NIKOLAI LENIN There is doubt in certain circles as to the desirability of revolution as opposed to evolution in the achievement of the coming Communism. Lenin shows in this book, on the basis of innumerable passages from Marx and Engels, that the foundezs of scientific Socialism were never in doubt on this question. Other distortions of true Marxism are also revealed in its various chapters, which will fill about 130 pages.
PRICE, 50 CENTS Special Rates for Agents and Socialist Locals.
Both books published by THE SOCIALIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY 243 55th Street, Brooklyn,