120 THE CLASS STRUGGLE DOCUMENTS 121 Executive concerning the question of unity in the workers movement: As a prerequisite for your cooperation you demand in your last communication of Nov. 18, that the should unreservedly renounce Bolshevism. The answer of the is a categorical negative, if by this means you seek to secure the party moral or practical support for the policy of intervention and isolation inaugurated by Entente capitalism against Soviet Russia. The latter is a brutal denial both of the right of national self determination as well as of the solidarity of the international proletariat, and, if it should prove successful, would be equivalent to a triumph for Russian and European reaction. Our party, furthermore, declines to set itself up in judgment over the fighting methods used by the November Revolution in Russia, which are the result partly of the counterrevolution and its methods, and partly of the general conditions of the country.
As regards our goal and tactics in the people struggle that has begun in Sweden, the L, refers you to its former declaration, that the party has never declared itself in favor of a minority dictatorship, and that it takes its stand on the broadest democratic foundation. Any other interpretation of our answer we must definitely reject.
Our party offered its cooperation on the basis of a pure socialistic democratic program, calculated to gather the entire working class in a common front, The Workers Party passed a program of action that was chiefly bourgeois democratic in character, which, on the one hand, postponed to an indefinite future certain important democratic constitutional demands, and, the other hand, overlooked entirely the weighty economic and social demands of the working class. As you refuse any radicalizing of your program of action in the direction of the program of action of the it must be admitted that the Executive of your party prefers a unity with the liberal party to a unity within the working class. Under these circumstances, the is obliged to note with regret that its attempt to create a united front on a socialistic platform has ior this time met with failure. But the party simultaneously expresses its confident hope and certainty that the workers of Sweden, under the pressure of the world revolutionary events, will succeed in forcing a socialistic unity of action, which is necessary if the present situation is to be the introduction to a completely democratic and socia:istic Sweden.
on position on the latest events. The imperialists of the Central Powers are rapidly approaching a great catastrophe. Bulgaria and Turkey have bolted the alliance, and Austria will soon follow suit. The internal front of Germany is tottering. The policy of the ruling classes is wavering between military dictatorship and a parlimentarian cabinet composed of representatives of liberals, catholics and Socialist traitors. The British French, American and Japanese imperialistic exploiters now seem to be almighty, just as Germany half a year ago, during the Brest Litovsk parleys, seemed to be almighty. Encouraged by their newest victories, the allied exploiters appear as more dangerous and merciless enemies of the Soviet Republic than the Germans. But just as we during the period of the greatest triumph of the German military power foresaw its inevitable catastrophe and the impossibility of its annexation plans, likewise we now express our unshakable conviction of the approaching downfall of the Entente Powers. The deep going inner conflicts among the partners of the world exploitation and the deepfelt bitterness among the deceived masses of the people, are driving the capitalistic world toward social revolution. Now, as in October last year, and as during the negotiations at Brest Litovsk, the Soviet Government bases its whole policy on the conviction of the oncoming social revolution in both imperialistic camps.
The firmness of this conviction allowed us to accept the vile terms of the Brest Litovsk peace, which terms we did not for a moment believe to be the last word of history. As we now againn are joining the fate of Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Baltic Proinces and Finland to the fate of the Russian workers reolution, we do not contemplate any kind of an alliance with the allied imperialists for the purpose of obtaining modifications of the Brest Litovsk treaty.
Those chains where with the British French and Japanese American exploiters are burdening the peoples of the world are not the least better than those of the German Austrian exploiters. The German military dictatorship is no more able than a parliamentary coalition between bourgeois agents and socialistic compromisers to change the course of the events. These events are relentlessly leading the working classes of Germany to power. The war between the British American and Austrian German exploiters may at any moment develop into a war between imperialism and the German working class. The All Russian Central Executive Committee declares before the whole world that in this struggle the whole Soviet Russia with all its power and with all possible means will support the German workers. The A11 Russian Central Executive Committee is convinced that the revolutionary working class of France, England, Italy, America and Japan will come to the same camp together with Russia and revolutionary Germany. Awaiting the coming reolutionary eents, it is the duty of the A11 Russian Central Executive Committee to fight with double strength against the brigands who are invading our territory, and at the same time to prepare effective aid for the working class of Germany and Austria, military aid as well as in respect to the food situation. Te All Russian Central Executive Committee, therefore, orders the reolutionary military council immediately to outline a broad program for the organization of the Red Army based on the conditions of the new International situation. The All Russian Central Executive Committee orders the food commission immediately to outline a program for sending food reserves to the working masses in Germany The German Revolution and Russia The Russian legation at Stockholm has received (October 4th)
the following dispatch from the Russian Ambassador at Berlin. have been notified that the meeting, recently held by the Central Executive Committee, the Moscow Soviet and other organizations of Moscow, adopted the following resolution, which later was approved by the All Russian Central Executive Committee. The All Russian Central Executive Committee considers it necessary that the working classes of all nations should state their