2 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE DAY OF THE PEOPLE sia, and the near future will determine whether revolution has for once been really triumphant or whether sudden reaction has again won the day.
In the struggle in Russia the revolution has thus far triumphed for the reason that it has not compromised. The career of Kerensky was cut short when he attempted to turn the revolutionary tide into reactionary bourgeois channels.
Lenine and Trotzky were the men of the hour and under their fearless, incorruptible and uncompromising leadership the Russian proletariat has held the fort against the combined assaults of all the ruling class powers of earth. It is a magnificent spectacle. It stirs the blood and warms the heart of every revo lutionist, and it challenges the admiration of all the world.
So far as the Russian proletariat is concerned, the day of the people has arrived, and they are fighting and dying as only heroes and martyrs can fight and die to usher in the day of the people not only in Russia but in all the nations on the globe.
In every revolution of the past the false and cowardly plea that the people were not yet ready has prevailed. Some intermediate class invariably supplanted the class that was overthrown and the people remained at the bottom where they have been since the beginning of history. They have never been ready to rid themselves of their despots, robbers and parasites. All they have ever been ready for has been to exchange one brood of vampires for another to drain their veins and fatten in their misery.
That was Kerensky doctrine in Russia and it is Scheidemann doctrine in Germany. They are both false prophets of the people and traitors to the working class, and woe be to their deluded followers if their vicious reaction triumphs, for then indeed will the yokes be fastened afresh upon their scarred and bleeding necks for another generation.
When Kerensky attempted to side track the revolution in Russia by joining forces with the bourgeoisie he was lauded by the capitalist press of the whole world. When Scheidemann patriotically rushed to the support of the Kaiser and the Junkers at the beginning of the war, the same press denounced him as the betrayer of socialism and the enemy of the people. And now this very press lauds him to the heavens as the savior of the German nation! Think of it! Scheidemann the traitor has become Scheideman the hero of the bourgeoisie. Could it be for any other reason on earth than that Scheidemann is doing the dirty work of the capitalist class. And all this time the prostitute press of the robber regime of the whole world is shrieking hideously against Bolshevism. It is worse than Kaiserism is the burden of their cry. Certainly it is.
They would a thousand times rather have the Kaiser restored to his throne than to see the working class rise to power. In the latter event they cease to rule, their graft is gone and their class disappears, and well do they know it. That is what we said from the beginning and for which we have been sentenced as disloyalists and traitors.
Scheidemann and his breed do not believe that the day of the people has arrived. According to them the war and the revolution have brought the day of the bourgeoisie. Mr. Bourgeois is now to take the place of Mr. Junker to evolute into another Junker himself by and by while Mr. Wage Slave remains where he was before, under the heels of his master, and all he gets out of the carnage in which his blood dyed the whole earth is a new set of heels to grind into his exploited bones and a fresh and lusty vampire to drain his life blood.
Away with all such perfidious doctrines; forever away with such a vicious subterfuge and treacherous betrayal!
The people are ready for their day. THE PEOPLE, say.
Yes, the people!
Who are the people? The people are the working class, the lower class, the robbed, the oppressed, the impoverished, the great majority of the earth. They and those who sympathize with them are THE PEOPLE, and they who exploit the working class, and the mercenaries and menials who aid and abet the exploiters, are the enemies of the people.
That is the attitude of Lenine and Trotzky in Russia and was of Liebknecht und Rosa Luxemburg in Germany, and this ac