
640 THE CLASS STRUGGLE One Year of Revolution Silently Russia bares her wounds to the German people. Now, while the German people is passing through hours of serious trial, joy is absent also from the hearts of Russians. The Russian workers desire no victory for American or London capital; they have experienced in their own persons the significance of the liberating motives of Anglo French imperialism. The Russian people were unable to sign a peace by understanding with German imperialism; the latter, moreover, forced a peace by violence upon the Russian people. At the moment of this ominous crisis of German imperialism, the masses of the Russian people do not say to it: Give back what you took from us. they know that German imperialism will hardly return to them what it has taken from them by such means. The insane policy that is characteristic of all imperialistic states can hardly admit such a sensible step, a step that might alleviate the situation of Russia, and make it possible for that country to defend its own interests against the Allies without making a pact with German imperialism and to frustrate the ambitions of Anglo French capital for the creation of a new eastern front against Germany. The above is a literal reflection of our feelings at the present moment: Silently we bare our wounds and assume that the step required by Germany best interests will be undertaken by Germany itself.
Celebrating the Anniversary of the Founding of the Russian Soviet Republic Contains the wonderful appeal of the Sailors of the Baltic fleet, Trotzky address to the German soldiers, Tchicherin reply to the charge of red terror, articles by Reed, Williams, etc. etc.
This pamphlet breathes the Spirit of new Russia, speaks the language of a new ideal that has penetrated to the masses of an entire nation. Full page picture of Lenin and Trotzky, and facsimiles in Russian and German of the most important documents.
Price, 15 Cents, postpaid Special Prices to Agents and Socialist Locals Socialist Publication Society BROOKLYN, 431 Pulaski Street