480 THE CLASS STRUGGLE RECONSTRUCTION IN RUSSIA 481 this purpose by the organs of the Soviet government, land committees and other democratic organizations.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Report on the accomplishments of the government of the Soviet Republic. The possession of the land is to be equal, the land is distributed amongst the tillers, in accordance with local conditions, in equal plots, the standard share being either a plot to a man capable of working it with his own labor, or a plot required to feed himself and his family. The forms of land tenure are to be decided freely by the local community, whether individual, communal, cooperative, or any other. The whole of the land, after its expropriation, forms a National Land Reserve. The distribution of this reserve amongst the tillers is effected by the local authorities, beginning with democratically elected rural and urban municipalities and ending with the central provincial institutions. The re allotment of the whole of the Land Reserve is carried out periodically, in accordance with the growth of the population and the rise in the productiveness of land cultivation. During the re allotments the main portion of an original allotment must remain unchanged. The land which belonged to persons, who for one reason or another, have lost, or given up possession, reverts to the Land Reserve. The cost of manuring or improvements (in so far as the latter are of a fundamental nature. are to be refunded to the owner, if not fully utilized at the time of delivery of possession of the plot. In case the available Land Reserve in any given locality is not sufficient to provide for the local population, the excess population is provided for by emigration organized by the State, and the latter bears all the cost of the emigration and settlement of the new land. 10. The contents of this instruction as representing the firm will of the great majority of the conscious peasants of the whole Russia is declared a temporary law, to be carried into effect forthwith, either in full or in part, as determined by the District Councils of Peasants? Delegates.
Land belonging to peasants and Cossacks below a certain standard size is not to be confiscated.
Comrade Larin, a member of the Soviet Commission that was recently sent to Berlin to revise the Brest Litovsk Treaty, a member of the Executive Committee of the Supreme Council of National Economy, published the following review of the accomplishments of the Soviet Government in the German Party Press, showing that the revolutionary government of the Russian proletariat has already put a large part of its theoretical program into actual practice: The complete assimilation of all banks into one unit, and the liquidation of current transactions has already been carried out in the larger centers. State monopoly of export trade has already been endorsed. An organization has been created (the Soviet for export trade. which has created subdivisions for the more important products: for leather, brushes of all kinds, naphta, pharmaceutic articles, flax, cotton, wool, wood, butter, paper, smoked goods, musical instruments, scientific instruments, scientific accessories. The statistical forces of Russia have been collected (there is a bureau of statistics in every gouvernment. and active preparations are under way for a census of Russian industry to be taken this fall (the first industrial census that was ever taken in Russia in the thousand years of its existence. The nationalization of steamship traffic on all inland lakes and rivers, with the absolute exclusion of private capital; has been accomplished. The railroad system was already, de facto, in the hands of the state. The Naphta industry, the transportation of coal, and the lumber industry have also been taken over by the government.
Thus the government has taken systematic control of those industries that must serve as the foundation of the inner economic reconstruction of the nation. net of radio telegraph stations has been established. Several thousand post offices have been set up in European Russia where there were none before. The organization of an aeroplane postal service is already under way.
E1 Decree issued by the Council of People Commissaires, establishing a state monopoly in agricultural implements.
The Council of People Commissaires, in the name of the Republic, decrees: All agricultural machinery and implements, whether manufactured in the country or imported, used to provide the agricultural economy with means of production and to meet the needs of the toiling agricultural population, are hereby declared a state monopoly, as of the date of the publication of this decrec. The distribution of these implements and machinery is to be conducted in accordance with regulations that shall be issued especially for