
476 THE CLASS STRUGGLE RECONSTRUCTION IN RUSSIA 477 or leaving their employ; b) to furnish detailed reports, on forms prepared by the Insurance Soviet, on the work done in their establishments, on the sum paid as wages to each and every person separately, on each receipt, weekly, from the day of pay; c) to keep books and records covering the above information; and d) to submit to the persons empowered to carry on this work, by the committees of the fund, in corroboration of the above data, the necessary documents, checks, books and records.
13. Earnings or expenditures in the sense of this ordinance shall cover: a) the sum earned in the course of a year or of another interval of time, in the form of salary or wages, including also overtime pay (without regard to the form of compensation; day wages, monthly salary, piece work, etc. and b) the cost of the natural (physical) supplies during the same period (rent, fuel, etc. if such are at the disposal of the employer; in this connection, the cost of supplies, etc. to be figured at actual cost; the cost of supplies in kind to be fixed within indicated limits by the Office for Workers Insurance Matters on the data of the local Trade Organization or their collective organization.
In the amount of the earnings is to be included also the share of each person in the profits, 14. Assistance will be given to unemployed to the full amount of their earnings, but not more than the average daily pay for the given locality.
Special Note. The average earnings for a given locality shall be determined by the local or provincial Soviets of Trade Organizations.
15. Unemployment covering from one to three days shall not receive any compensation. Unemployment covering more than three days shall receive compensation from the first day of unemployment.
16. In the case the unemployed individual is ill, the Unemployment Fund will grant him financial aid and free medical assistance, according to the practice of the Sick Funds, and in co operation with them.
17. Unemployment Funds shall be established for cities as a whole, in the cities, and for counties as a whole, in the county.
18. The Unemployment Funds may organize into Unions and may operate in alliance with one another as well as with other organizations and institutions.
19. Unemployment Funds may in their own name acquire property, with property rights and other title to moveable possessions, and undertake obligations, as well as the prosecution and defense of litigation.
20. The business of the fund shall be administered by the Fund Committee, consisting of representatives of the Trade Organizations, the Factory and Works Committees, and the Sick Funds, all three having an equal number of representatives.
The number of representatives shall be determined by mutual agrecment of these organizations.
21. The Fund Committee shall appoint from its own number: a) an Executive Committee; b) an Auditing Committee.
Special Note. After the introduction of permanent forms of insurance and the formation of universal insurance funds, the direction of the affairs of the Unemployment Fund shall pass into the hands of the latter for execution.
22. The decisions of the Unemployment Fund Committee, in accordance with this Ordinance, may be contested in the Insurance Office within a period of two weeks, and the decisions of the Office similarly within two weeks before the Insurance Soviet. Such protest shall not delay the enforcement of the decisions.
23. Previous to the reorganization of the Insurance Offices and Soviet on the basis of a predominant representation from the workers, the functions of the Offices and Soviet in the terms of this Ordinance shall be incumbent on the Local and Central Committees for matters of Unemployment Insurance.
24. Local (and provincial) Committees for Matters of Unemployment Insurance shall be formed at the Insurance Offices and shall consist of 21 persons: representatives from the Trade Organizations or groups of such organizations, from the Factory and Works Committees, from the Sick Fund, from the Labor Commissariat of Commerce and Industry, from the city administration and from the zemstvo administration.
25. The Central Committee for Unemployment Insurance shall be formed under the Insurance Soviet and consist of 27 persons; of these, 18 shall be representatives of the All Russian Trade Organization Soviet, of the Central Soviet of Factory and Works Committees, and Workers Insurance Groups under the Insurance Soviet, all represented in equal number, from the Labor Commission, from the Commissariat of Commerce and Industry, from the zemstvo administration, from the city administrations, and from the entrepreneurs.
26. The preparatory work for the initial establishment of the Unemployment Fund shall devolve upon the local soviets of Trade Organizations, the Factory and Works Committees and the Sick Funds.