464 THE CLASS STRUGGLE RECONSTRUCTION OF RUSSIA 465 (11) Workmen District Councils of Control settle all disputes and conflicts between the lower Organs of Control, as well as all complaints made by the owners of undertakings, taking into consideration any peculiar conditions under which production is carried on, and local conditions. They will issue instructions within the limits prescribed by the All Russian Workmen Council of Control and supervise the activities of the lower organs of control. 12) The All Russian Workmen Council of Control shall work out a general plan for control to be exercised by the workmen, and to issue instructions and regulations, and to systematize the reports of the various Workmen Councils of Control; and constitute the supreme authority for dealing with all matters connected with the control exercised by workmen. 13) The All Russian Workmen Council of Control co ordinates the activities of the Workmen Organs of Control and of those institutions which direct the organization of the economic life of the country. regulation concerning the relations between the All Russian Workmen Council of Control and the other institutions which organize and put in order the economic life of the country will be issued later. 14) All laws and circulars which impede the proper working of the factory, works, and other committees, and that of workmen and employes councils, are abrogated. All existing institutions for the regulation of economy are subject to the Supreme Council of National Economy, which is granted the right to reform them. The Supreme Council of National Economy shall consist of (a)
the All Russian Council of Workmen Control, the character of which was defined in the decree of November 27, 1917. b) representatives of all the People Commissaires. c) accredited specialists and well informed persons, invited by conference. The Supreme Council of National Economy will be divided into sections and departments (for fuel, mines, demobilization, finances, etc. the number and the sphere of activity of these departments to be decided by a general meeting of the Supreme Council of National Economy. The departments of the Supreme Council of National Economy will regulate the separate sections of public economy; and prepare measures agreeable to the People Commissaires. The Supreme Council of National Economy will apportion from its midst fifteen persons to form a bureau for the co ordination of the current work of the sections and departments, and the consideration of problems demanding immediate solution. All bills and important measures concerning the regulation of public economy are to be brought in full before the Council of People Commissaires, over and above the Supreme Council of National Economy.
10. The Supreme Council of National Economy unifies and directs the work of the local economic departments of the Soviet of Workmen s, Soldiers and Peasants Delegates, including local organs of workmen control, as well as local commissaires of labor, commerce, industries and supplies.
In the absence of suitable economic departments, the Supreme Council of National Economy will form its own local organs.
All economic departments of local Soviets representing local organs of the Supreme Council of National Economy are responsible for the decrees of the Supreme Council of National Economy.
Decree of the Council of People Commissaires establishing a Supreme Council of National Economy, for the regulation of economic activity. The Council of People Commissaires establishes a Supreme Council of National Economy. The functions of the Supreme Council of National Economy are the organization of the public ownership of utilities and of the state finances. With this as its aim, the Supreme Council of National Economy will make general rules and plans regulating the economic life of the country; will co ordinate and unify the central and local activities of the governing bodies, including the All Russian Council of Workmen Control and also the activities of the professional and manufacturing organizations of the working class. The Supreme Council of National Economy is granted the right to confiscate, requisition, sequestrate and syndicate different branches of industry and commerce, and the right to introduce other measures in the field of production, distribution and state finance.
Decree of the Council of People Commissaires, nationalizing Foreign Trade.
Article All foreign trade is to be nationalized. Commercial transactions relative to purchase and sale of products (raw materials, manufactures, agriculture, etc. with foreign countries and private foreign commercial organizations are controlled directly by the Rus