THE CLAJ STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE Vol. II MARCH APRIL, 1918 No. Devoted to International Socialism Published by The Socialist Publication Society, 119 Lafayette St N. City Lasued Every Two Months 25 a Copy; 50 a Year Editors: LOUIS BOUDIN, LOUIS FRAINA, LUDWIG LORB CONTENTS Page VOL. II MARCH APRIL, 1918 No. 129 Changing Labor Conditions in Wartime 143 By FLORENCE KELLEY 161 171 186 Changing Labor Conditions in Wartime. By Florence Kelley.
The Land Question in the Russian Revolution.
By Forming a War Psychosis. By Dr. John Kallen.
The Future of the Russian Revolution. By Santeri Nuorteva.
The Tragedy of the Russian Revolution. Second Act. By Boudin.
Self determination of Nations and Self defense.
By Karl Liebknecht.
Germany, the Liberator. By Ludwig Lore.
The State in Russia Old and New. By Leon Trotzky.
Current Affairs.
The new Danger. Peace by Negotiation. Recall Berger. Strategy and Conscience.
Documents for Future Socialist History.
The Bolsheviki Rising. By Karl Kautsky. The British Miners and the War. By Robert Smillie.
193 204 213 222 Changes before America entered the War Since August, 1914, labor conditions in the United States have been changing incessantly, but the minds of the mass of wage earners have not kept pace with these changes.
Before the war European immigration into the United States had been, for several years, at the rate of more than a million a year, largely from the nations then at war, Italy and the Balkan countries. This vast influx almost exclusively of people of the wage earning class produced no conspicuous fall in wages. Unemployment was present, both seasonal and chronic as it had been for many years, but not obviously increased by the immigration. There was still enough cheap land and sufficiently rapid expansion of industry to keep wage conditions relatively stable.
Real wages were declining. The dollar was already buying less food, fuel and shelter from year to year. But this was recognized as permanent only by a very small group of writers led by Isbel King.
Then came the war followed instantly both by a reduction in immigration and by epidemic unemployment which led to no permanent organization either legislative or voluntary intended to prevent its appearance on an immense scale at the close of the war.
237 The Co Operative Press 15 Spruce St. New York