DemocracyImperialismItalySocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalism

120 THE CLASS STRUGGLE The Fraina Defense Fund Louis Proina, one of the Editors of The Class Struggle, and Bditor of The New International, has been found guilty of alleged con.
spiracy to violate the Draft Law, Fraias was arrested as a Conscientious Objector, tried as a Con.
scicatious Objeotor, nad convicted es Conscientious Objector. vital revolutionary prizoiple is involved in his conviction.
The case is being appealed, and must be fought to finish. The defcose needs funds, immediately. Counsel for Fraina, Louis Bondin, is not being paid a cent for his servioss, all money being spent for technical expenses und for publicity, Will you do your bit in the great cause?
Sead monoy, protest resolutions, etc. to RUTGERS 477 East 16th Street, Brooklyn, pal locals and officials calling upon them to refuse payment of certain federal taxes in order to strike at the war.
In September, Lazzari followed this up by a circular addressed to Socialist municipal office holders, calling upon them: To carry on an intensive public agitation against the war and to act generally in a way that would result in their dismissal from office. In the event that their agitation would not result in dismissal, to be ready to resign office on a certain date, when all Socialist officials would simultaneously resign as a protest, and in order not to even have any indirect participation in the war.
Now comes the most significant feature of Lazzari actions.
Lazzari was placed under arrest, but released on his own recognizance. The Imperialists in parliament took the matter up, protested that the traitor should be allowed at large, and a resolution was passed demanding that Lazzari be brought to immediate trial. Lazzari opeared before a Grand Jury, which in Italy consists of Judges, and the charge against him was dismissed.
Nor has the government since taken any further action against the traitor, not daring to force the issue in fear of the consequences. This alone shows how intense is the spirit against the war and the government.
The actions of Lazzari are in line with the whole activity of the Italian Socialist party, an activity that is revolutionary and in direct contact with the masses.
But this is not all. The party is being forced to even more definite and aggressive action by a growing and powerful Left Wing group within the party. The Socialists of Naples and Florence instructed delegates to the party convention to criticize the actions of the Party and to urge more revolutionary activity.
The Italian revolutionists desire international proletarian action against the war and for peace. To them the war is an opportunity for achieving revolution, not simply for securing peace. It is precisely this attitude that animates the revolutionist everywhere.
Assist the Defense!
Revolutionary unionism and the right to strike are on trial in the case of the W, Liberty and democracy find highest expression in, and are best represented by, Unionism in Industry, and Unionism is on trial.
The conspiracy against the must be shat.
tered. The defense needs money and moral support.
Send your contribution immediately. DO IT NOW!
To morrow may be too late.