CapitalismEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyWorking Class

62 63 THE CLASS STRUGGLE POLITICAL PARTIES IN RUSSIA the taking over of all the powers of government in all the belligerent countries by the revolutionary proletariat.
with Germany. We consider the German capitalists to be the same band of robbers as the capitalists of Russia, England, France, etc. and Emperor Wilhelm to be the same crowned bandit as Nicholas II and the monarchs of England, Italy, Rumania and the rest.
The above was written early in April, 1917. To the possible objection that now, since the forming of the new coalition government, on May 6, 1917, it may be a little out of date, should like to make the following answer. No, for the Advisory Commission did not really disappear, but simply changed its quarters, which it now shares with the cabinet members. The moving of the Chernovs and Tseretellis into their new quarters did not change either their policy or that of their party.
Our party will explain to the people, with patience and preciseness, the truth that war is always bound up indissolubly with the policies of certain definite classes, that this war may only be terminated by a democratic peace if the governing powers of at least some of the belligerent countries are handed over to the class of the proletariat and semi proletariat, who are really capable of putting an end to the bondage of capitalism.
The revolutionary class, having taken into its hands the governing power in Russia, would inaugurate a series of measures to abolish the economic rule of capitalists, as well as of measures to bring about their complete political sterilization and would immediately and frankly offer all peoples a democratic peace on the basis of a definite relinquishment of every possible form of annexation and contribution. Such measures, and such an open offer would create a perfect understanding between the workers of the belligerent countries and would inevitably lead to an uprising of the proletariat against such imperialist governments as might resist the peace offered them under the above conditions.
Until the revolutionary class in Russia shall have taken over the entire authority of the government, our party will consistently support those proletarian parties and groups in foreign countries as are already, during the continuance of the war, fighting against their imperialist governments and their bourgeoisies.
Particularly, the party will encourage any incipient fraternization of masses of soldiers of all the belligerent countries, at the front, with the object of transforming this vague and instinctive tpression of the solidarity of the oppressed into a class conscious movement, with as much organization as is feasible, for