BourgeoisieEnglandFranceImperialismImperialist WarWorking Class

54 THE CLASS STRUGGLE POLITICAL PARTIES IN RUSSIA 55 Yes, but it remains to be decided whether they must be removed before or after consulting the Advisory Commission. They are in every respect indispensable. The soldiers will obey only the powers of their own choice; they can respect no others.
14. In favor of this war or against it? and Unquestionably in favor, for it brings in unheard of profits to the capitalists and promises to perpetuate their rule, thanks to dissension among the workers, who arc egged on against each other. The workers must be deceived by calling the war a war for national defense, with the special object of dethroning Wilhelm. In general, we are opposed to imperialistic wars, but we are willing to permit ourselves to be fooled, and to call this a war of revolutionary defense, and to support an imperialistic war waged by the imperialistic gov ernment of Guchkov, Milyukov Co. Absolutely opposed to all imperialist wars, to all bourgeois governments which wage them, among them our own Provisional Government; absolutely opposed to revolutionary defense in Russia.
15. Are we in favor of or against the predatory international treatics concluded between the Czar and England, France, etc. For the strangling of Persia, the division of China, Turkey, Austria, etc. and Absolutely in favor. At the same time we must not think of publishing these treaties, for AngloFrench imperialist Capital does not desire it, nor do their governments, nor can Russian capital afford to initiate the public into all its dirty practices. Against, but we hope that the Advisory Commission, aided by a simultaneous campaign among the masses, may influence the capitalist government, Against. Our whole task is simply this: to enlighten the masses as to the utter hopelessness of expecting any.
thing of this kind from capitalist governments, and the necessity of giving all power to the proletariat and the poorest peasants.
16. For annexations or against? and If the annexations are to be accomplished by German capitalists and their robber chieftain, Wilhelm, we are opposed to them. If by the English, we are not opposed, for they are our allies. If by our capitalists, who forcibly retain within the boundaries of Russia the races oppressed by the Czar, then we are in favor, for we do not use the term annexation in this connection. Against annexations, but we hope it may be possible to obtain from capitalist governments a promise to renounce annexations. Against annexations. Any promise of a capitalist government to renounce annexations is a huge fraud. To show it up is very simple: just demand that each nation be freed from the yoke of its own capitalists.
17. In favor of the Liberty Loan or opposed to it? and Entirely in favor, for it facilitates the waging of an imperialist war, that is, a war to determine which group of capitalists shall rule the world. In favor, for our illogical attitude on revolutionary defense forces us into this obvious defection from the cause of internationalism. Against, for the war remains imperialistic, being waged by capitalists in alliance with capitalists, in the interest of capitalists.
18. Shall we leave to capitalist governments the task of expressing the desire of the nations for peace, or shall we not? and We shall, for the experience of the SocialPatriots of the French Republic shows best how the people may be deceived by such a process: say anything you please, but in reality retain all conquests we have