ImperialismItalyLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismStrikeTrotsky

THE CLAS STRUGGE THE CLASS STRUGGLE Vol. NOVEMBER DECEMBER, 1917 No. Devoted to International Socialism Published by The Socialist Publication Society, 115 Worth St. City Issued Every Two Months 25 a Copy; 50 a Year Editors: LOUIS BOUDIN, LOUIS FRAINA, LUDWIG LORE CONTENTS Vol. NOVEMBER DECEMBER, 1917 No. Page 6 14 15 34 35 39 The Trial. By Fraina Pacifism in the Service of Imperialism. By Leon Trotzky.
The Passing of the Nation. By Boudin. The Russian Revolution. By Karl Kautsky.
Our Obedient Congress. By Ludwig Lore.
Political Parties in Russia. By Lenine.
Imperialism and the New Middleclass. By Rutgers The Case of Fraina. By Edward Dryden.
40 48 49 63 6471 72 79 Stockholm. By Lionel Petersen.
80 84 The Tragedy of the Russian Revolution. By Bondin 85 90 The Task of the Constituent Assembly. Republic without a President. By Marius. 91. 99 Current Affairs.
100 120 The New York Mayoralty Campaign. Act, Not Withdraw. The Italian Debacle. The Neue Zeit, an Obituary. Making Haste Slowly. The Situation in Italy.
THE TRIAL By FRAINA The great and significant fact in the case of the is that the employers, the national government and the corrupt and reactionary bureaucracy of the of are apparently engaged in a covert conspiracy to destroy a militant organization of labor.
These sinister forces, each for reasons of its own, are banded together in a gentlemen agreement to crush the The employers, because the is not only threatening their immediate profits, but creating a powerful organization for action in the days to come; the government, because the employers by refusing to grant increased wages are precipitating strikes that hamper industrial mobilization, and the government, not daring to strike at the employers who are strong, strikes at the workers, whom it considers weak; and the of because the in the west is becoming the dominant organization and threatening to drive out the of Whether one relishes it or not, the fact is that the has not acted against the war; has not carried on a propaganda against the war, and is chiefly if not exclusively at the moment interested in questions of wages and the regulation of industrial conditions. Yet the government charges that the is engaged in a nation wide conspiracy to thwart the war plans of the country by inciting and organizing strikes, The Co. Operative Prese 15 Spruce St. New York