THE CLAS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE Devoted to International Socialism Published by The Socialist Publication Society, 115 Worth St. City Issued Every Two Months 25 a Copy; 50 a Year Vol. SEPTEMBER OCTOBER, 1917 No. Editor: LOUIS BOUDIN, LOUIS FRAINA, LUDWIG LORB Vol. SEPTEMBER OCTOBER, 1917 No. THE NEW LABOR MOVEMENT OF THE WEST By AUSTIN LEWIS CONTENTS Page The New Labor Movement of the West.
By Austin Lewis 10 Socialist Terms of Peace.
By Boudin 11. 39 The Russian Revolution and Its Problems.
By Morris Kolchin 40 56 Labor and Democracy.
By Louis Fraina 574 62 accuse! Friedrich Adler Address in Court 63 71 Recent Development of Capitalism in Japan.
By Katayama 72 82 La Vie des Mots. By 83. 84 Our Old Masters and Their Modern Substitutes.
By Franz Mehring 85 93 Current Affairs 94 The Pope Peace Proposal. The People Council and the National Alliance. Meyer London. Tom Mooney and Alexander Berkman Savior of His Country. Stockholm. Germany Stands Pat.
Discussion 110 Boudin Policy in Peace and War.
Wider and more deep grows the industrial agitation in the Far West, bringing into its scope forces which have hitherto been recognized as outside of the pale of organization, and welding the masses of labor into a unified and coherent body. The Industrial Workers of the World, formerly a mere outlaw organization, looked at with contempt by large numbers of members of the American Federation of Labor, regular union men, is now in possession in more than one place of an industrial power which will render its future much more secure. With a curious sort of fatuousness the government and the various state officials have advertised this movement as pro German and anti war, and have stated that its funds came from German sources, an accusation which they have been obliged publicly to withdraw and have thereby increased both the publicity and the standing of the Industrial Workers. The organizer of one of these unions in a district where hitherto its activities had not been remarkable informed me that their membership had increased sevenfold within a few months as the result of the advertising and the agitation directed against them. concrete example of its progress found in the City of Portland, where the organization had long had a hard fight to maintain itself. To my astonishment saw an entirely different condition of things than ever before in such a headquarters.
119 The Co Operative Preu 15 Spruce St. New York