Page Eight The New International, September October, 1918 Vandervelde Socialism the war.
to Japan to teach the workers there ure. In 1904 he went as a delegate to Katayama, making his life unpleasant must become the basis of the New Inhow to organize. Opera bouffe! Many the Amsterdam Congress, and after a and his organizing work impossible. ternationalAt sixty years of age, Sen Socialists also made this gross error, in tour of the United States returned to His friends were intimidated by the Katayama looks to the future, and not spite of Comrade Katayama expose the Amsterdam Congress, and after a consuls, who possess great power. The to the past to the immediate future of in the New York Call of the real char tour of the United States returned to Japanese Day Laborers Union, of which the Third International, the Internaacter of Susuki and his labor organi Japan, to find the movement dominated Katayama was an officer, was compelled tional of revolutionary Socialism, of zation.
by petit bourgeois intellectuals and per to denounce him; one of his friends the final, unconquerable struggle In the coming great work of reconsecuted bitterly by the authorities. His was actually kidnapped, sent to Japan, against Capitalism, initiated by the prostruction, the Socialist Party should activity in a big strike in Tokyo caused and imprisoned for eighteen months. letarian revolution in Russia.
recognize and emphasize the vital im his arrest and nine months imprison Katayama was compelled to leave Cali History, says Trotzky, is a mighty portance of the Japanese American is ment, which greatly impaired his fornia and come to New York, where he mechanism serving our ideals. And consue, and make it a central feature of its health; and upon his release, his every has since been publishing a paper in temporary history is preparing the way agitational and educational propamove was interfered with, detectives Japanese and English, The Heimin. feverishly and swiftly for our final ganda. Indeed, this is all the more nec were always with him wherever he went, struggle. In this struggle the internaessary considering the temporary weak and he was compelled to leave Japan, The central characteristics of Kata tional solidarity of the proletariat is an ness of the Japanese movement, a weak again coming to the United States. This yama activity and personality are an indispensable requirement. May Sen ness due to definite historical circum persecution was largely due to the in uncompromising class consciousness Katayama book on the Japanese Labor stances. Why could not the Party make trepid attitude against war with Russia and internationalism. He greeted with movement prove a factor in promoting an appropriation to assist comrades adopted by the Japanese Socialists. joy the proletarian revolution in Rus this solidarity! May Sen Katayama in Japan? Why not more intimate con But in America the Japanese Consuls sia, as did his comrades in Japan; and revolutionary conception of Socialism tact between the two movements? And, and detectives, upon instructions from he is firmly convinced that the revolu prove a factor in the revolutionary resurely, the Party could make use of an the Imperial Government kept watch of tionary Socialism of the Bolsheviki construction of Socialism!
appropriation for special propaganda among the Japanese in this country, could avail itself of the services of a Sen Katayama.
Comrade Sen Katayama is an inBy ROBERT DELL.
teresting personality. At sixty years THE ordeal through which we are Vandervelde demonstration is con for it is quite the most yaluable work of age, he retains the enthusiasm and idealism of youth; forced to make a passing here makes it almost impos vincing. In fact, state control of in of the kind that has appeared for a living for himself and his daughter, as sible to give one mind to anything but dustry of the workmen and hampered long time. It would be impossible to But the other night, having their collective action, and it might give in so small a compass, for the book an ordinary worker, he devotes all his been awakened by the alarm of an easily be used to reduce them to comspare time to the cause to which he has is quite short, a clearer exposition of dedicated his life. Katayama is unpreair raid at three the morning, be. plete subserviency and to make efforts what Socialism means and does not gan to read a book that had just come at economic emancipation more difficult mean. Vandervelde has an admirtentious and democratic; the fan fare of from the publisher, Le Socialisme than ever.
able style and makes his subject interheroics makes no appeal to him. He is contre Etat a worker in the workers movement, ac(Berger Levrault, It is a maxim of social democracy esting to the least specialist or readers; Paris. by Emile Vandervelde, the that the workers should aim at the conthe book is essentially a popular one.
cepting the worker lot that is all; distinguished Belgian Socialist and but that is all a man can do.
quest of political power, so as to obtain president of the International Socialist Incidentally, it should do much to control of the state in order to get rid reconcile with the Socialists those revoIt was at the Amsterdam Socialist Bureau.
of it. For the government of men lutionaries, or radicals, as believe Congress in 1904 that Katayama par The title will astonish many people, Socialism would substitute the adminyou call them in America, who rightly ticipated in a symbolic act. Japan and for it is a common fallacy that Social istration of things. But Vander dread the restrictions of individual lib.
Russia, the Russian and Japanese au. ism is identical with Etatisme. why velde shows that the conquest of politi erty that would result from a system tocracy, were at war. The chairman of is there no English equivalent for that cal power alone will not be sufficient. of state monopoly. The difference be.
the Congress was speaking, when Kata useful word? Vandervelde pur One of the most interesting parts of his tween Socialists and Syndicalists in yama and Plekhanav arose, and in full pose is to combat that fallacy, which, as book is that in which he exposes the France is chiefly one of method, and view of the audience, shook hands he cruits, ie shared by many Socialists failure of political democracy and of symbol of that international proletarthere is every sign of a raprochement or persons claiming that title: tin paxliamentary system.
ian solidarity which will yet prove between them, due to the disgust of the He has no difficulty in showing that It is a wholesome corrective to the mightier than cannon and chauvinism.
younger Socialists with parliamentarthe Socialism of Marx and Engels, for notion that, if Germany would only ism and with the etatiste tendencies instance, far from being etatiste, was Sen Katayama was born December 7, adopt the system of a government reof some of the leaders, who are much exactly the contrary, for it aimed at sponsible to a parliament, all would be nearer to the Italian Reformists and 1858, of peasant parentage, and the the abolition of the state as we know it. well. In fact, as Vandervelde the English Fabians than to the Internastory of his life is the story of the Japanese labor and Socialist movement. He If they admitted the conversion of cer shows, the people have very little more tional Socialist Party.
tain services or industries, such as the effective influence on the government worked on a farm, studying at home, schism between these bourgeois in the countries called democratic than with only short intervals of school edu railways, into state monopolies, it was Socialists and the adherents of the revoonly as a measure of transition, not as cation. In 1882 Katayama went to in the others. Perhaps, as Mr. Vander lutionary Socialism, seems, sooner or a final aim.
Tokyo, working in a printing plant ten velde says, no country in the world is later, inevitable. In any case, revoluhours a day at 712 cents a day; by And they never supposed that a state so completely dominated by the finantionary Socialism is likely to be strong.
monopoly was Socialism. Many of their cial interests as France, which has, in working overtime he could earn 50 er than ever after the war, and, whether month. The ordeal of these days made followers have even opposed all state form, the institutions most nearly dem one agree or not with its principles and Katayama a permanent proletarian monopolies as dangerous to the prole ocratic of all the great nations, not exaims, it is desirable to know what they with the aspirations of the militant tariat, on the ground that they paralyze cepting the United States.
are. That knowledge can be obtained proletariat.
the action of the working class and It is much to be hoped that this without difficulty from Vanderstrengthen the bourgeoisie. Van book will be translated into English, velde book. The Dial.
For a time, Katayama worked as a dervelde admits the danger if, for injanitor in a Chinese University, and stance, the employes of the state are studied the Chinese classics in his spare prevented from organizing themselves time; then he came to the United States and are deprived of the right to strike.
to study not subsidized by the Imperial The notion that Socialism can be government, as so many Japanese stubrought about by the gradual absorpdents are, but entirely upon his own tion of production by the state or the resources, which consisted of exactly municipalities that, for instance, the By LOUIS FRAINA one dollar upon his arrival in Califormunicipalization of the gas or water is nia in 1884. Katayama studied English a step toward Socialism is a dein a Chinese Mission in Alameda, enlusion. bureaucratic state Socialism, tered John Hopkins Academy at Oak such as is conceived by some of the land, from there went to Marysville leading members of the English Fabian College, Tennessee, and in 1889 entered Society, would produce a servile comGrinnel College, graduating in 1892. munity in which the worker would be Two years at Andover and one year at the wage slave of a state official inA Study in Socialist Reconstruction Yale were spent in the study of social stead of a capitalist. To this concepproblems. And during all these years tion, that of the organization of labor This book is a real contribution to Socialist Literature, an analysis of Katayama had work for his living by the state, Socialism, properly so.
and his tuition, the ordeal of it all pre called, opposes that of the organization the new tendencies and ideas now at work in International Socialism.
paring him for the activity of a miliof labor by the workers themselves, Chapters: Introductory; II Imperialism, New Stage in Captant rebel.
grouped in vast associations independ. italism; III Class Divisions Under Imperialism; IV The Death of DeAbout this time, Katayama began to ent of government.
mocracy; Fundamentals of Socialism; VI Socialism in Action; VII study Socialism, starting with Ferdi State control of industry has been. The Great Collapse; VIII Socialist Readjustment; IX Class and Nanand Lassalle, who inspired him with so enormously extended by the war that tion; Problems of State Capitalism; XI Unionism and Mass Action; a love for the practical work of organi this book is very opportune. That exzation. After a short stay in England tension has been hailed by many Social XII The Proletarian Revolution.
studying social problems, Katayama re ists as a triumph for their ideas, and 176 pages; 60c a copy.
turned to the United States on his way is feared by many opponents of Socialto Japan, where he immediately became ism for the same reason. It was neces.
ALFRED BURNS 195 Lenox Avenue, New York City active in the developing labor move sary to demonstrate that these hopes ment, and soon became its central fig. and fears are alike mistaken, and Timely and Neccessary Book!