The New International, September October, 1918 Page Seven need.
Socialism in Japan simply promoted State Capitalism and is a necessity in the development of our in the democratic bourgeois republics, and the state are fundamental probcastrated the revolutionary action of Revolution. The difference with the but the direct power of armed and or lems of theory and tactics, and the attihe proletariat.
opportunists and disciples of Kautskyganized workers. Such is the state we tude toward these problems will be a State ownership or control of industry is, that we claim we do not need the vital one in the coming days of Socialis not and never can become Socialism bourgeois state machinery as completed The problems implicit in Socialism ist reconstruction. the revolutionary Socialist must repeatedly emphasize this in his propaganda. State Capitalism is, in fact, Capitalism at the climax of its development, an instrument for the progressive promotion of capitalist expansion and supremacy. State Capitalism is introIntroduction, by Louis Fraina, to italism had developed into a new stage raw materials, including iron and coal; duced under the aegis Imperialism, Sen Katayana forthcoming book on of its existence the stage of Imperial the enormous expansion of industry which has absorbed within itself the The Labor Movement in Japan, to ism. Normally, the development of has made this need still more imperaremnants of the old industrial middle be published by Chas. Kerr Co. Capitalism would have produced a tive, and it has been supplemented by class, the new income middle class, bourgeois, democratic revolution in the urgent need for investment marand the upper layers of the working AT the moment when reaction is as Japan; but the existence of Imperialism kets to which Japanese Capitalism can class, united in and expressing their incendant in Japan, when its Imper. altered the course of events. Imperial. export its surplus capital. All this terests through State Capitalism. State ialism is aggressively triumphant and ism is the negation of democracy; it means a feverish impetus to ImperialCapitalism is the last desperate attempt its proletariat apparently crushed and means, historically, the end of bour ism; and the field for Japanese Imperof the ruling class to maintain the su silent at this moment, more than any geois democracy and the re introduc ialism is Asia.
other, is a book on the Japanese Labor tion of autocracy under a variety of premacy of Capitalism and the bourgeois It is just at this point that antagon compelled, however, to in. movement of great value. It is of state; it political forms. In nations which com ism develops between Japan and the crease its control and exploitation of value in showing a militant proletariat pleted their bourgeois democratic revo other imperialistic powers in general, the industrial proletariat, the mass of in action and by emphasizing our inter lution, as England and France, Imper between Japan and the United States in the machine workers, and in this way national spirit without which Socialism ialism develops a reaction against de particular, an antagonism latent with prepares the proletariat for that mass cannot conquer.
mocracy and establishes the autocracy the threat of war, a war that would ulaction which will sweep aside imperial This book, appearing at this particu of imperialistic State Capitalism; in timately involve all the other great ism and state capitalism as unified in lar time, is, moreover, a symbol to the nations which had not completed their powers to protect their own Imperialism.
the malevolent autocracy of the conworld of Socialism and revolution. It bourgeois revolution, as Germany, or Economically and financially, the temporary bourgeois state.
is a symbol of the great role that the which never had the beginnings of one, United States is being affected by the Japanese proletariat is destined to play as Japan, Imperialism prevents the apSocialism, accordingly, should not war in precisely the same way as Japan, in the days to come; it is even more a pearance of the institutions of bour. only more so. The Far East, and paradopt a policy of promoting State Capsymbol of the momentous fact washed geois democracy. The feudal class is ticularly China, is a great, capitalisticitalism, but should fight State Capitalism.
The theory of State Capitalism is the upon the shores of Time by the Great not destroyed; it becomes capitalistic ally untapped reservoir; it can do two War that Labor, and Labor alone, in and is put into the service of Imperial things indispensable to an imperialistic co operation of classes with the industrial proletariat in subjection; and it is spite of momentary collapse and a ism; autocracy is not abolished, but nation provide practically unlimited swerving from its historic mission, is bent to the uses of Imperialism. This sources of raw materials and absorb not at all strange that the policy of the force that can preserve civilization was precisely the development in Japan, vast amounts of investment capital.
moderate Socialism, which makes for from total ruin by creating the new civ.
as in Germany. Imperialistic Capital This import of raw material and the exState Capitalism. is one of the coilization of Socialism.
ism was developed on the basis of still port of capital are the nerve centers of operation of classes which results in Japan is today dominantly reaction prevailing feudal conditions and idethe betrayal of fundamental Socialist Capitalism today, and the source of the and proletarian interests, as proven by ary. It is preparing itself to extend ology, a situation excellent for the great antagonisms which may again the power and influence of its ruling profit mad ruling class, but simply mur produce a catastrophe unless the prothe attitude of moderate Socialism toward the war and toward the proletarclass. As a capitalist nation, Japan is derous to the workers and peasants, and fetariat acts decisively in the performian revolution in Russia. Under the part and parcel of the general imperial disastrous to the rise of democratic ance of its historic mission.
ideas and institutions. Instead of com In this situation latent with catasprevailing conditions, State Capitalism plunged the world into disaster. And prehensively developing the intoraal trophe, the workers of the two nations in Japan. or tupertatistiu na market and its corresponding normal assist perialistic and promote Imperialiem. all The answer of Socialism to the menembarked upon a ace of imperialistic State Capitalism is ploitation, all classes are willing to sell export trade and Imperialism, because For the workers of the two nations to awaken the consciousness and action humanity and civilization for the mess it was more profitable, and because the alone and decisively, in co operation of the industrial proletariat of unskilled of pottage of imperialistic aggrandize development of the internal market with the workers of the world, can prelabor, to promote the concept and the ment. All classes, that is to say, ex.
would have meant the end of low wages vent a conflict. No dependence can be organization of industrial unionism, to cept the proletariat, which is silent un and the appearance of a homogenous, placed upon the words of the repreprepare to awaken and direct the mass der the oppression of a malevolent tyr aggressive proletariat.
sentatives of the ruling classes, underaction of the proletariat, and to realize, anny, but which has within itself the lat The role to which Japan aspires, and standings and agreements are converted and emphasize in its activity, that the ent power and inspiration for great conspires for, is that of arbiter of the into scraps of paper when they clash bourgeois sate must be abolished before deeds, as is amply proven by Comrade Far East. Its imperialistic interests dic with dominant imperialistic interests.
the process of introducing Socialism Katayama sketch of the rise of the tate the establishment of Japanese heg. The proletariat alone can act; and it can begin.
Labor and Socialist movement under emony on the Asiatic continent, and is the function of the New InternaVandervelde is not in accord with the most discouraging conditions. particularly in succulently rich and tional now in process of becoming to revolutionary Socialist theory in his The Japanese government is increas. helpless China. Japan has already prepare the revolutionary proletariat to statement that Socialism would use the ing its repressive measures against the promulgated a sort of Monroe Doc act when the crisis comes, aye, to prestate during a transitory period of work proletariat. Recently, Comrade trine, which insists upon priority of vent the coming of the crisis.
ing class dictatorship. since Vander Sakai was imprisoned for propaganda interest and consideration for Japan velde means the state of the bourgeois The fomenting of race prejudice and in favor of an extension of the suf in the Far East, just as the American hatred is exactly what the ruling classes parliamentary regime. The state of the frage. And in its reactionary sweep, Monroe Doctrine has been perverted desire. Hatreds of race against race dictatorship of the proletariat will have the Japanese government is destroying into a similar claim for the United constitute the ideologic dynamo of Imnothing in common with the bourgeois a peculiar instrument it forged for the States in Central and South America.
perialism. It is the task of the Socialist parliamentary state: it will be the state deception of the workers the Yu Si The war has definitely converted to break down these hatreds. And of the organized workers as in the Kai. The Yu Si Kai was a union or Japan into a dominant imperialistic na when the American Federation of Labor Soviets of proletarian Russia. This ganized under government auspices, in tion. From a debtor nation, Japan has foments racial hatred against the Japstate will, during the transition period, cluding its membership capitalists, become a creditor nation, with large anese, it is betraying the interests of combine industrial and political func professors and officials of the govern masses of capital that must be exported the workers. The Japanese workers in tion; but the purely political functions ment, its chief activity being the public for investment. In January, 1918, Fin this country are part and parcel of our proletariat; they have proven that they dictatorship of the proletariat develop Employers often brutally coerced their speech said that imports since the be are organizable, that they can fight the into the industrial, communistic state workers to join this union, and it be ginning of the war had aggregated industrial oppressors, that they are exof the organized producers Engels came a means of destroying the legiti 2, 623, 000, 000 yen (a yen is equivalent cellent material for the militant prole administration of things.
mate organizations of the proletariat.
But now the Imperial government itself to almost half a dollar. and exports, tarian movement. It is sheer suicide for The revolutionary Socialist attitude 3, 799, 000, 000 yen, the resulting favor the American proletariat to indulge in toward the state has been clearly stated is persecuting the Yu Si Kai, against able balance of 1, 175, 000, 000 yen be. race hatred against the Japanese, or the protests of Baron Shibusawa and by Lenin: ing increased by 700, 000, 000 yen from against any other racial element of our other magnates of capital, while the other sources. The accumulation of people. From the praxis of the Paris Com workers are rapidly deserting it enmune, Marx shows that the working tirely. This is significant equally of capital from this favorable balance of The American proletariat, moreover, class cannot lay hold of the ready the stupidity of the government and trade is increasing rapidly as the must understand precisely what are the made machinery of the state, and wield months go by. Moreover, industry has real forces of labor and progress in the awakening of the workers.
it for its own purposes. The proletarexpanded to gigantic proportions, in Japan. It must not play into the hands have said that Japan is part and cluding the shipping industry. IndusSome iat must break down this machinery.
of the Imperial government.
parcel of the general imperailistic forcAnd this has been either concealed or try and trade are increasing, not in years ago, the Yu Si Kai sent a frater es and ambitions that plunged the arithmetical, but in geometrical prodenied by the opportunists. But it is nal delegate to a convention of the world into disaster; and this Imperial. gression. Japanese capitalism is en American Federation Labor, a Mr.
the most valuable lesson of the Paris ism is determinant in the recent history trenching itself firmly in all sections Susuki, secretary of Baron Shibusawa.
Commune of 1871 and of the Revoluand development of Japan.
of Asia, and particularly China, where Mr. Susuki was accepted as a bona fide tion in Russia of 1905 and 1917.
The Japanese people emerged defineconomic and political penetration representative of the Japanese work The difference between us and the itely into the world of modern produc proceed simultaneously. Japan great ers, Messrs. Compers and Scharrenberg Anarchists is, that we admit the state tion and exchange at a time when Cap need until recently was the import of solemnly accepting the invitation to go