BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSyndicalismWorking Class

The New International, September October, 1918 Page Six New International public.
on Judas Scheidemann. The Scheidemanns ganization of an Inter allied and Pan Soviet Russia may renew the war The in Germany, the Cassidys and Meyer Slavic expedition into Russia for the against German Imperialism; but it will Londons in this country, are an abom overthrow of the Bolshevist govern be upon her own initiative, of her own ination. They must be cleaned out.
choice, and not of choice of the Allies.
Class conscious Socialists should rally There is the whole plot. There is And if Russia renews the war, it will be Published by to the defense of Lehane, who, in spite the crime against civilization that is a revolutionary war against German of all his faults, is a vicim of the re being prepared by the sinister forces of Imperialism as the preliminary to a THE SOCIALIST PROPAGANDA action and as such has a claim upon reaction.
revolutionary war against all ImLEAGUE the militant Socialist. Is a Socialist. Against this campaign of calumnia perialism.
who criticizes the party to be penalized tion and conspiracy, the forces of Soc Russia must reconstruct the affairs of LOUIS FRAINA. Editor by the party indifference when the ialism and of labor must immediately the country. Russia must have peace claws of the reaction are at his throat? organize a counter campaign of truth until such time as she may have the Address Communications to and action against the proposed inter revolutionary war. This is the great ALFRED BURNS, Intervention in Russia vention.
task of the workers and peasants of In striking at Soviet Russia, interna Russia.
195 Lenox Avenue, New York City SINISTER forces of reaction are pre tional Imperialism strikes a blow at And it is the task of the workers of paring an onslaught upon revolu the workers and the cause of Socialism the world to see to it that governments tionary Russia throughout the world.
don inerfere. Through the class strugSocialism and Industrial They are eager to complete the work Soviet Russia is not pro German: it gle against all Imperialism the proleof counter revolution unfinished by is proletarian, pro revolution, pro tariat will co operate with Soviet RusUnionism German Imperialism and all in the Socialism. Its attitude is determined sia. Proletarian pressure must be THE recent state convention of the name of preserving Russia against by the requirements of the class strug: brought to bear upon the governments Socialist Party of New York was an Germany aggression.
gle and of Socialism. Its enemy is not to prevent intervention.
exceptionally uninteresting and routine These sinister forces, actively on the simply German Imperialism, but all Imperialism; and affair. It dodged all large problems job in Great Britain and France and in it matters not Socialism and the State this country, aided and abetted by reof policy, and in general straddled on whether this Imperialism acts problems upon which it did act. In a actionary Russian emigres, do not dis through a monarchy or bourgeois reTHE article in this issue by Robert guise the fact that their plans of miliDell on Vandervelde Socialism perfunctory sort of way it passed the tary intervention in Russia mean iulfollowing resolution industrial Russia accepted a humiliating peace poses an interesting and fundamental evitably an attempt to overthrow the with Germany because of the temporary problem in Socialist tactics. Unforunionism: revolutionary Soviet government. requirements of the Revolution. In an tunately, Vandervelde book has not Resolved, That the Socialist Party Intervention means a struggle against article in Pravda, Lenin analyzed the yet reached this country, and we must of the State of New York, in state conthe Revolution, and this means a mili situation thus: be satisfied with Mr. Dell excellent if vention assembled, recognizes the ad tary dictatorship and ultimately the res. The Russian Revolution, reaching a short review. As summarized in the visability of industrial unionism as the toration of autocracy in one form or culminating point in November, when review, Vandervelde thesis is as follogical and efficient form of organiza another.
tion of the working class, because of the the proletariat secured the reins of gov. lows: The revolutionary masses of Russia ernment, was bound to pass through a The notion that Socialism can be modern development of industry, and are determined to resist intervention to urges its members to bring the advanperiod of civil war and internal dis brought about by the gradual absorptages of this form of economic organiza. moaning about the sufferings of the Rusthe death; and the hypocrites who are order, because the propertied classes tion of production by the state or the tion to the attention of the working class could not be expected to give up their municipalities that, for instance, the of this country.
sian people are going to increase these privileges without a struggle.
municipalization of the gas or water is sufferings in order to carry through This means the necessity of the a step toward Socialism is a delusion.
Bitter experience teaches us that the their infamous imperialistic schemes. Soviet government to concentrate all its To the conception of adoption of resolutions usually means We are familiar with the hypocritical nothing: they are conveniently forgotforces on the internal Russian Revolu Socialism, properly so called, opposes the organization of labor by the state, ten. The militant Socialists in the party procedure that is part of a campaign should make it their business that this to force intervention in the affairs of tion must be based on the general inter that of the organization of labor by the another country. Our experiences with national situation namely, the proba workers themselves, grouped in vast asparticular resolution does not meet the fate of others. Action should be taken the business forces that tried to force bility or improbability of the outbreak sociations independent of the governintervention in Mexico are still fresh of Social Revolution in the rest of Eur.
ment. Vandervelde shows to share the soatiginal communikatioue dankie in our memory. The newspapers then ope; but the chances of this in the im that the conquest of political power were full of wails about starvation in mediate future are slight.
to make the party propaganda include by the profetartat) alone will not sufa propaganda for industrial unionism. Mexico; and these newspapers are to Therefore it is a mistake for the fice. One of the most interesting chapUnless industrial unionism becomes an day teeming with wails about slarva Russian Revolution to base its policy ters of his book is that in which he extion in Russia.
ont uncertain eventualities.
active phase of the party, propaganda, poses the failure of political demce.
the resolution will have been in vain.
Won intervention and the atteinpt To sign a peace with German Imracy and the parliamentary system.
Moreover, it is necessary that the revoto force Russia into the war multiply perialists is not, objectively speaking, livered by Vandervelde in 1914, just lutionary implications of industrial the agony of starvation by destroying treason to international Socialism.
the work of reorganization which is the When workmen are beaten in a unionism the overthrow of the bourprior to the war, on Socialism versus geois state and the erection of an indus. one hope of Russia. the State (of which the book is probstrike, and have to accept bad terms trial state of the organized producersThey speak of the hunger in Russia. from employers, they do not betray ably an elaboration. in which he said: should be emphasized as dynamic facBut they don speak of the hunger in their class because they cannot get all We see, with Guesde, as with Marx tors in Socialist theory and practice.
France. They don speak of the hun their demands satisfied at once. They and Engels, that there is no confusion ger in Great Britain and Italy.
only accept bad conditions in order to possible between Socialism and state The Lehane Case Russia is hungry, more than the oth better prepare for another struggle ownership: They will have nothing to ers, perhaps, but Russia is at least later.
do with the Capitalist state, except to THE arrest and indictment of Cor free! And Russia is determined to re If the Russian Revolution continued fight it. Shortly afer this was said, nelius Lehane, recently, upon serimain free, determined to work out her the war in alliance with Anglo French Guesde and Vandervelde accepted minous charges is another expression of the revolutionary destiny in her own way. Imperialism inst Austro German isterial responsibility in capitalist general reaction. But the interesting Why don the Allies ship food to Imperialism on the basis of the old states. If they wish to master it, it feature of the case is the attitude of cer Russia, if their hearts are wrung by secret treaties recently published and is only that they may abolish it. At tain moderate Socialists toward Lehane. starvation in Russia? Why don they not openly repudiated by the Allies, most, they would use the state during a The Central Committee and the Execu co operate in the work of internal re then it would be prostituting itself to transitory period of working class dictive Committee of Local New York are construction? No the sinister forces foreign Imperialists.
frittering away precious time in meet of reaction want military intervention, As long as there is no Social Revo Vandervelde is a typical opportunist ings and discussions, instead of actively the restoration of the bourgeoisie, of lution in England and Germany, the and reformist, as his activity prior to assisting to raise the bail money. But, the rule of capital, if not of the mon Russian Revolution must seek the most and during the war amply proves. His most damning of all, the Executive archy. The initiative for intervention profitable conditions in existence, rely. whole policy, in spite of his theoretical Committee sends Edward Cassidy to came from France, and the French ing as little as possible on the English realization of its futility, has been a Ansonia to get the facts of the indict plutocracy is not interested in the stary or German governments negotiating one policy of stateism, a policy making ment. Cassidy brings back, instead, an ing Russian people, but in the billions against the other.
for State Capitalism, which is not and unfavorable report, declaring that the of French capital invested in Russia, By concluding a separate peace Rusnever can become Socialism. Precisely Connecticut Socialists, including the upon which no interest is being paid. sia can utilize the fact that the Anglo. because of Vandervelde policy, his state secretary, are against Lehane; that In the New York Times Magazine, re German Imperialists are too much enformulation of the fundamental differLehane is a disrupter and an enemy of cently, Lieutenant Boris Brasol, former gaged in a bloody struggle to attend ence between Socialism and State Capthe party. Now, Cassidy is pro war ly of the army of the Czar, says: seriously to her. She can therefore italism is exceptionally important tésand prior to accepting the mission had For the sake of self preservation concentrate on the internal develop. timony.
spoken against Lehane. In other words, the Allied Powers sliould pass from ment of the Revolution.
This theoretical formulation of Vanthe Executive Committee sends a biased words to deeds; to the iron hand from If Russia, under present conditions, dervelde against stateism is nothing and prejudiced individual to investi the velvet glove.
These Rus. attempts both enterprises internally new, having been made again and again gate! And, naturally, his report is sians counter revolutionary forces to reap the full fruits of the Revolution, by the masters of Socialist theory.
biased and prejudiced. As a member are not able to unite themselves into and externally to carry on the conflict But it remained a theoretical formula.
of the Central Committee appropriat one force strong enough to cast off the against foreign Imperialism she will tion, being used purely as an abstract ly declared, even in a capitalist court domination of the Lenines and Trotz lose both her objects; but if she con argument when necessary. These masthe theory is that the jury should not be kys. The Allied Powers, therefore, centrates on internal development now, ters (the pseudo Marxists, of whom prejudiced against the defendant. And must keep in view the fact that the fight she will secure her second victory later. Marx himself said, sowed dragons when Cassidy was bitterly criticized for against Bolshevism in all its manifesta Soviet Russia is not willingly allow teeth, and reaped fleas. did not draw his dishonesty, he sought refuge in the tions is part of the fight against Ger ing German encroachments; but she is practical tactical conclusions implicit wail, have been a member of the manism.
At present there is sacrificing a little now in order to reap in their information, and acquiesced in party for twenty years. So has Philip only one way to help Russia: The or much more later.
a policy for the Socialist movement that