Page Eight The New International, February, 1918 The International Movement What we The Bolsheviki vention decided in favor of re uniting the Morgari spoke for three hours in spite of food stuffs at prices not higher than before DURING the early part of November, party, on the basis of course of a sur violent protests from the bourgeois parties, the war; taxes only on war profits, capital render of the Independents. In the demanding immediate peace on the Bol and large incomes. The soldiers are inshortly after the overthrow of the Kerendebate on this resolution the Independent shevik terms and methods. Morgari open vited to contribute to a special column sky provisional government, the Bolsheviki Social Democratic Party were called ly declared his solidarity with the Russian from and for soldiers, giving their own government introduced the following meas Anarchists and traitors, but at the revolutionary Maximalists.
thoughts and complaints.
ures, according to reports from Holland: same time it was admitted that the maAll local governments are authorized jority party was losing the support of the France and England The Social Democratic Labor Party, to confiscate all the occupied or unoccuwhich publishes the papers named above, masses. At this convention, Philip pied houses in order to provide for those has been officially invited by the Bolsheviki Scheidemann made a speech which com ACCORDING to The Labour Leader, living in over crowded districts.
to undertake telegraphic correspondence pletely abandoned the principles of So Philip Snowden declared in Parliament with Petrograd regarding peace move, All factories belong to the workers.
cialism, urging a unity with the capitalist that France was in danger of a revoluA moratorium declared on the rent of ments among the proletariat in Europe and state and working within its limits. Com tion. That was some time ago; condi America. This ignoring of the major.
small tenements.
menting on this speech, the social patriotic tions have since developed much more ity party in Holland by the Bolskeviki Confiscation of all land in favor of the Berlin Vorwaerts says: The most in acutely. According to the statement, the is a rebuke to moderate Socialism everythe peasants, without compensation; all teresting point in Scheidemann speech soldiers had practical control of the army where.
large properties, church and state domains was the statement that the socialization of and were refusing to obey orders. The Portugal together with all buildings, tools, live stock, etc. are put at the disposal of local society cannot be brought about through French soldiers were saying what the Ruse THE president and prime minister of the exclusive efforts of the Social Democ sians had already said: We will not Portugal have been put in jail as the recommittees racy. This means bourgeois reformism, go into the trenches for a war of imperial sult of a revolutionary upheaval. Paris Confiscation of coal fields, oil and salt mines, forests and canals, partly in the ialism and reaction. The Independent Sothe co operation of classes, social Imper istic aims and aggression.
papers report a resemblance of this revolt Our English comrades continue their to the first acts of the Workers and Solhands of the central government, partly cialists have rejected unity with the ma activity against the war. Two women Idiers Delegates in Russia. The rebel to be organized by local authorities.
jority. party were arrested near Manchester for dis leader, Machado Santos, has been in Nikolai Lenine, in an article in the Jugend Internationale, warns against the tributing leaflets of the imprisoned con prison since December, but on December scientious objectors. Of these conscien 11 was reported in control of the situation.
demand of some Left Wing Socialists for Propaganda and Riots in tious objectors against war, 596 are al The overthrown government was strongly opposition to all wars and for advocacy Germany ready serving a second term of imprison in favor of continuing the war together of general disarmament. Not only, says with the Allies.
Lenine, are Socialists in favor of waging COMRADE Bertha Thallheimer, of ment, 157 a third.
the class war even when it leads to civil Stuttgart, a member of the group InterUprising in Spain war, but we have to accept revolutionary nationale and a delegate to the Zimmer Austria SINCE the defeat of the revolutionary wars under certain conditions, to defend walder Conference at Kienthal, has been the proletarian revolution in one or more sentenced to two years imprisonment for THE party convention of German So uprisings in Spain in July, the workers cialists in Austria, on October 25, are gradually recovering Reports from countries against reactionary attacks. the distribution of revolutionary leaflets.
Barcelona indicate that demands have And even national wars may have our At least a few reports about demonstra adopted a resolution winding up with an been made to liberate those imprisoned in support when waged by peoples that are tions and riots in Germany reach us, iso appeal to the government to continue its efforts for a peace without annexations connection with the previous uprisings.
the objective of Imperialism.
lated expression of seething and even revo The situation is again considered serious oppose is form of imperialistic war, lutionary discontent. Some news items and indemnities, and including internano matter under what national pretext it tell of a number of killed and wounded. tional disarmament and international arbi by the ruling class, and promising by the tration. The resolution, read by old Vic proletariat.
is prosecuted. Civil and revolutionary And the censor certainly will not allow tor Adler, claims that the Austrian Sowars being a necessity, Lenine considers all the truth to come through. The eyes general disarmament not a revolutionary of the workers of the world are centered cialists supported the Russian peace for mula by endorsing the Stockholm conThe Railroads and the demand. The proletariat will have to on Germany; but this should be no excuse take the weapons of var inte its own for our own inactivity.
Government On with theference. The arguments in every respect are support of German and Austrian hands for the overthrow of Capitalism.
propaganda of Revolutionary Socialism!
The New Yorl Evening Call is jubiThe editor of the Left Wing paper, diplomacy, and a betrayal of the Russian lant over the government control of railKampf, published in Holland in the GerThe Social roads. It sees in such control a step in Russian Troops in France man language, Comrade Minster, has been Socialists together with all other reachave to sweep into oblivion this kind of the direction of Socialism. Wall Street THE news has now been passed by the arrested near the border by German spies, tionaries.
is also jubilant, but for an entirely difcensor that a whole regiment of Russian and has disappeared. Minster was at ferent and more accurate reason.
It sees troops was in open revolt in France from the Holland German frontier in connecin government control, with its guarantees June to September and no report of this tion with revolutionary. propaganda, in Swiss Conscientious Objectors of profits, its domination of labor. its op remarkable fact was allowed to reach the Germany, and probably has been made a United States during that period. victim. No news of his fate is available. CONSCIENTIOUS objectors in Switzer ization and aid in militarism and imperialMore than 10, 000 Russian soldiers reland who preferred to go to jail rather ism, a more assured, expansive, intensive fused to fight after the revolution was than bear arms numbered three hundred and remunerative capitalism. When raildeclared. General Tankevitch and all the Italy in one year alone. Two hundred and road stocks go up in Wall Street it time officers had to leave camp.
The proviThe Socialist Party of Italy, which fifty of these belonged to Young People for Socialist error to go down in ruin.
sional government of Kerensky denounced has taken an intrepid stand against the Socialist organizations, among whom is the Formerly, when Wall Street rejoiced the troops and ordered the soldiers dis war, has issued a call through its Execuchairman of the branch at Gallen, Com Socialism despaired. Such a manifestaarmed, if necessary by the use of armed tive Committee to maintain unflinchingly rade Ernest Diggelmann. He stated tion indicated the further entrenchment force, whereupon only 2, 500 submitted, the anti war stand, notwithstanding the among other arguments: Socialism has of the capitalist class to the greater detrithe others refusing to obey. Reduction of fact that foreign troops are on Italian taught us to look for the enemies of ment of the working class. Times have rations and allowances did not have any soil. The social patriots, Turati and the people where our Swiss patriotic mis not changed in their essence, and there result, since the Russians had already pro Treve, made an appeal for patriotic supleaders want us to see them; these enemies is no valid reason why Socialists should vided for a large reserve of food. port and defense of the fatherland, where are rather in our own country, here with refuse to diagnose them according to the French officer and non commissioned off as the Socialist group in Parliament defi us in the factories, banks, in the govern symptoms peculiar to them, as formerly.
cers were kept under arrest for several nitely rejected an offer to participate in ment bureaus and military camps. Mili Fallacious, indeed, is the Socialist who hours.
a bourgeois ministry, declaring that its tarism is the greatest enemy of the prole sees government control any other than An ultimatum under threat of bom policy was fundamentally different from tariat, because it is the instrument with the complete combination of railroad inbardment had no effect, and actual artil that of the social patriots. The Socialist which the most modern robbers, our Swiss terests under governmental auspices, in delery fire resulted only in a few more men Party is by no means swept off its feet by capitalists, manage to keep their slaves in fiance of all anti trustism and labor unionsubmitting. On September 4, after thirty the frantic appeals and denunciations of suppression. We Swiss Young People are ism, and for the advancement of imperialshells had been dropped into the camp, the bougeoisie, and the government has Conscientious Objectors because we hope ist policy at home and abroad. It is the 8, 300 gave in, but 140 rebels still re recourse to force. The offices of Avanti, to undermine the present rule of capital dream of Harriman of a single railroad mained and answered with a violent ma the radical organ of the party in Rome, by a refusal of military service on a large system with its immense savings and earnchine gun fire. It was only on September were raided and several arrests made, scale. Diggelmann was sentenced to ings come true; with the needs of im6 that the remaining force of the mutineers presumably on the charge of pro German six months in prison.
perialism give it still greater imporwas overpowered by loyal French and activity. Socialist Congress that was tance. It follows, consequently, that, if Russian troops.
to have been held November was pro Holland Socialism comes at all from such governhibited. Revolutionary Socialism in Italy mental control, it will come, not through German Socialism carries on what the bourgeois call a de Our sister organ in Holland, the Left it directly, but as a result of it indirectly.
featist campaign; it is striving with Wing Daily Tribune, has been issuing for such government control implies the The national convention of German might and main to make a Social Revo since November, 1917, a bi weekly paper, introduction of far reaching changes pemajority party, held in Wurzburg on Oc lution as did the proletariat of Russia. the Soldiers Tribune, for the special pur culiar to the elimination of competitiontober 14, rejected a resolution to vote Of all the belligerent countries, Italy pose of propaganda among soldiers. Its such we have witnessed heretofore, in no on war credits in the future, 250 comes nearest to Russian conditions, and program advocates: immediate and gen fact, in the trustification of industry: govvotes against, 26 in favor, and 78 voting it may well become an ally soon of revo eral de mobilization of the army; the con ernment control being merely another present. The idea of a referendum lutionary Russia.
stitution of Councils of Soldiers; payment form of trustification, with the difference to decide the status of Alsace Lorraine The revolutionary activity of the Ital of a full wage to mobilized and unem of government aid instead of opposition was rejected by a vote of 262 against ian Socialists is being maintained, includ ployed workers; embargo on food stuffs. and with a view of international capitalism 14. With one dissenting vote the con ing in Parliament. Recently Comrade confiscation and proper distribution of instead of only national capitalism.