The New International, Febraury, 1918 Page Seven INTERNATIONAL Threatened loceta tack Petrograd.
dent Wilson at the convention was evi tually and above all on you. All the peo Baltic Fleet Appeal to the NEW dently to strengthen Gompers; and cer ples of Europe look to you, exhausted and tain passages in the President address bled by such a war as there never was Workers of the World were construed by the Washington corre before, that you will not permit the sponded of the New York Tribune as Austro German imperialists to make war THE German fleet some months ago Published by meaning a contemplated attempt to get un against revolutionary Russia, for the subThe Socialist Progaganda organized labor within the of jection of Poland, Lithuania, Courland The Second Congress of the Baltic or under its control, so as to simplify the and Armenia.
Fleet, the sailors of which are an intensely League problem of dealing with it, meaning be In spite of all this, the infinitely vile Bolsheviki, was in session at the time, and revolutionary force and united with the trayal, by dealing with it through the moral perverts of the New York Times decided to defend Petrograd as the centre 10c Copy. 50 Year of bureaucracy. The country insist that the Bolsheviki have from the of the revolutionary forces. An appeal LOUIS FRAINA needs a new, a radical labor movement. beginning been committed to a German Editor The constituent elements for it are at was adopted, which will become a classic peace.
hand: the vast mass of unorganized unof revolutionary literature: Press Committee: More important, however, is the beskilled workers, a large group of inde lief that Russia will again fight. In view To the oppressed in all countries, Rutgers Klees Comrades: pendent, secession and opposition unions, of these develpments, it is hinted that the Axelrod Freiman and the unions in the of which Allies may recognize the Bolsheviki gov In the fatal hour in which the signals consist of unskilled workers or those whose ernment but only and if it is willing to of war and of death ring in our ears, we Address Communications skill has been expropriated by the machine fight!
repeat and emphasize our appeal to you.
237 Lenox Avenue process. The need and the conditions are Revolutionary Russia may fight. But, We send you our greetings and our last New York City here: action is necessary.
gentlemen, it won be your war, but a testament.
revolutionary war waged by a revolu Attacked by the powerful German The Bolshevik Policy tionary government for revolutionary pur fleet, our warships are doomed in an unposes.
American War Policy The magnificent appeal of the equal struggle.
T: HE newspapers and the lackeys of sailors of the Baltic fleet, printed else Not one ship will refuse to fight, not IN the New York Times of January Imperialism generally, which have where in this issue, indicates the spirit one sailor will desert his ship.
4, An American Jurist says: It is been viciously and contemptibly and purposes of such a war.
Our much abused fleet will do its duty not compatible with the safety of Amer slandering the Bolsheviki, are on the verge If the newspapers and the lackeys of. toward the great Revolution.
ica that there should be only one great fending friendliness for the Bolsheviki and they would understand that the new de Petrograd. We will fulfill our self imof pre Imperialism were not miserably stupid, power in Europe, and that power unWe consider it our duty to defend friendly to America. This expresses cajole them into carrying on the war. velopments are in perfect consonnance with America war policy in a nut shell, the These are the moral preverts. Others, the purposes of Imperialism and the purposed obligation.
same sentiment expressed by President more sincere, seem to imagine that the poses of revolutionary Socialism.
Not because of the request of a pitiWilson one year ago in the phrase, Peace Bolsheviki are changing their policy be Weeks ago, Trotzky said: We did ful Russian Bonaparte (Kerensky) who without victory. it is the same old game cause they are preparing to fight German not overthrow Czarism in order to bend retains power simply because of the unof the balance of power. To day, Imperialism, if necessary! To these good the knee to the Kaiser. Again: Te is limited patience of the Russian Revolu peace without victory has become transsouls, one attitude is determined by the all the same to us how the allied and tion.
formed into peace with victory, not be answer to the question, Will you, or enemy imperialists treat us. We shall Nor because of the treaties made by cause of different purposes but because of will you not fight?
carry on different conditions.
our independent class policy, our government with the Allies, treaties The peace terms The circumstances are these: German whatever they do. And Lenine has intended to smother the Russian Revoluenunciated recently by the President, in a and Austrian Imperialism tried to perpe again and again emphasized that he was tion general way, are terms in accord with the by enunciating the formula through grit Germany and all Europe, if necessary, trate a fraud on the Russian Revolution, in favor of a revolutionary war against We follow the call of our revolutionary balance of power, terms that subtly prosentiments.
mote Imperialistic purposes. And these ted teeth of no annexations, and then by The Russian Revolution is pursuing are the terms that representatives of the means of characteristic duplicity trying to We go into death with the name of to day its independent class policy, na the great Revolution in our hearts and People Council, either through stupid The Bolsheviki, who want a general and icy imposes the necessity of a struggle annex Poland and the Baltic provinces. tionally and internationally. This pol on our unfaltering lips.
ity or poltroonery, have hailed as its terms of peace! Imperialism moves in a mysrevolutionary peace, and not a fraudulent, against all Imperialism, and the concluThe Russian fleet has always stood imperialistic peace, immediately protested.
terious way its purpose to perform.
in the front lines of the Revolution.
sion of a general, non imperialistic peace.
Neither an aggrandized Germany nor an The correspondent of the London Daily The Imperialism of the Allies has as The names of its sailors are written in much to fear as the Imperialism of Gerthe book aggrandized Britain. neither a crushed News, describes this session of the peace the history of the struggle against the Czarism.
Britain nor a crushed Germany: either negotiations at Brest Litovsk as follows: many and Austria from a war waged by eventuality would menace American im The Russian delegation, acting on un revolutionary Russia.
In the earliest days of the Revolution perialistic interests. Our Imperialism equivocal instructions from the Bolshevik It is precisely this policy of the class the sailors marched in the front ranks, would secure world power by having its authorities, took up an uncompromising at struggle that is the strength of the Bol our ultimate aim being deliverance from rivals neutralize each other. It is the game titude. They said self definition fof na sheviki. They represent revolutionary So all misery.
that Britain played for centuries in Eutionalities in Poland, Lithuania and Cour cialism because of cleaving to And this life and death struggle with rope a game that cost millions of lives land was impossible until the last Ger struggle, and they cleave to the class our own oppressors gives us the right to and immemorial agony. Also, American man soldier had left the country. Fur struggle because of representing revolu appeal to you, proletarians of all counImperialism is strengthening its hold, while ther, they jeered the Germans, asking tionary Socialism.
tries, with a strong voice, with the voice what they proposed to do. They asked The Bolsheviki, representing the revothe war lasts, on the investment and other of those who look into the eyes of death whether they intended to take Petrograd lutionary Socialism of the Left Wing, are markets of the world.
in the revolt against the exploiters.
and feed 3, 000, 000 starving folk or to proving and emphasizing the bankruptcy Break the chains, you who are opdisarm a revolutionary country in which of moderate Socialism. They are not pressed!
The of Convention every workman had a rifle. They also simply a product of the temporary situa Rise in revolt!
THE recent convention of the of asked what the Germans proposed to say tion in Russia, but Socialists who have We have nothing to lose but our chains! at Buffalo emphasized the reactionary to their own democracy, which protested always been revolutionary, the same Left character of Gompers and his bureauca couple of months ago against the proWing Socialism that, organized in small lution, we are full of this belief.
We believe in the victory of the Revoracy, and equally emphasized the coward posed, annexation of Poland and Lithu or large minority groups, operates throughania.
ice and treachery of the Socialist oppoThe Bolsheviki demanded the out the world. The great achievements, We know that our comrades in the The Gompers war policy was evacuation of territory occupied by Ger the magnificent spirit of the revolutionary Revolution will fulfill their duty on the approved, and the Socialist delegates man and Austrian troops as the only way Bolsheviki will not contribute all that they barricades to the bitter end.
of ensuring a real plebiscite.
dared not express the courage of their conshould to the reconstruction of Socialism We know that decisive moments are The Central Committee of the Soldiers victions. Or it may be that their convicunless their policy is related to Socialism coming.
and Workmen Council, after hearing everywhere, equally during peace as durtions exist only on paper, and not for gigantic struggle will set the world The misleaders of labor Leon Trotzky repudiate Germany hyppractical use.
ing war, and in accord with conditions. afire. On the horizon the fires of the rewho cloak themselves in the idealistic garb ocritical peace proposals, and his decvolt of all oppressed peoples are already laration that it might be necessary to deof Socialism in order better to betray the glowing and taking definite shape.
fend the Revolution, adopted a resoluNEW BRANCH OF THE workers are becoming more and more nuAt the moment that the waters of the tion denouncing the dominant parties in LEAGUE Baltic will become red with the blood merous, and dangerous. The Volkzeitung says. The unbelievable Germany, which, compelled by a popular movement to grant concessions to the Harlem Branch of the Socialof our comrades, will close forever over their bodies, at this moment we call cowardice of the majority of the Socialist ist Propaganda League has been delegates at the of convention principles of a democratic peace, neverupon you.
organized in New York City, with seems to us the most revolting and dis theless are trying to distort this idea in more than forty new members.
Already in the clutch of death, we send the sense of their own annexationist polour warm greetings and appeal to you: gusting phenomenon imaginable. And to The Branch has opened permaProletarians of the world, all, unite!
cap the climax, the Socialist delegation icy. The resolution further said. We now declare that the Russian nent headquarters, ordered 500 Rise in revolt, you who are oppressed.
at the convention of the of Revolution remains faithful to the policy copies of each issue of THE New All hail, the International Revolution!
officially publishes a lengthy statement in of internationalism.
INTERNATIONAL, and is making Long live Socialism!
the Call ending with the announcement We say to the people of Germany, plans for intensive propaganda.
that they will defeat the reactionary leadAustria Hungary, Turkey Bulgaria: Cowardice before the ers next year. Under your pressure your GovernComrades and sympathizers are Argentine Strikes chemy is bad enough, but to boast afterurged to call at our headquarters STRIKES continue in Argentine and the wards of future bravery is too much. The ments have been obliged to accept the motto of no annexations and no indemni237 Lenox Avenue capitalists use the same methods as their one really vital expression of revolutionary ties, but recently they have been trying New York City colleagues in the United States. Shootsentiments came from Delegate Fischer, of to carry on their old policy of evasions.
ing in La Negra, near Buenos Ayres, reMontana, representing the Laborers Local (Bet. 121st and 122nd Sts. sulted in one person killed and several and a member of The Socialist Propa Remember that the conclusion of an immediate democratic peace will depend acinjured.
Banda League. The appearance of Presisition.