Page Six The New International, February, 1918 The Case of the menia.
By JUSTUS EBERT Word of Optimism!
about shooting traitors at sunrise; when who are now singled out for destruction, to be on the lookout for forest fires, that we recall the torrents of abuse against just as other labor organizations and lead fire fighting gangs were composed 90 per ORIA, in his book on the economic the and note that no traitors ers have been singled out for destruction cent of men under the leaderL. have been shot, either at sunrise or moon by the same capitalist forces in the past. ship of foremen, and when so institutions as performing the work of rise, and that the vast majority of Americomposed were the most efficient gangs.
blinding the masses in favor of the cap cans refuse to follow the example of corVictorious Despite Oppression The latter testified to the peaceful characitalist control of such foundations, viz, the porate thuggery, we are inclined to quesLaw, Church and Public Opinion, as tion the power of the press and to is pleasing to record that, despite the of drunkenness during them. And so the expressed and moulded principally by the believe that were it not for the greater won out again. In the courts press or newspapers. The first two, he power of profit, no lawlessness at all being persecuted, the Industrial Work of Minnesota, also, some cases have been declares, are waning in influence; the last would take place against the ers of the World are achieving some not won, in which criminal syndicalism was alone, being the bulwark of oppression. It is the profiteer, not the press, that is able victories. In the Northwest they the charge.
The have not only adBut then public opinion, as repre getting results against the He have won the eight hour day, better camps. sented by the netvspapers, seems to be is interested and organizes accordingly. more food, wages, and rights for thou vanced labor interests in general, but prolosing power too. case in point is the sands of lumberjacks. They have also tected its members in particular. They recent municipal elections in New York In all of this there is much room for caused action that may result in national still have a hard fight ahead, in which the City, where the voters rallied successfully encouragement. Make no mistake, the legislation beneficial to the workers in all opposing odds appear overwhelming.
to the cause of the candidates opposed by is terribly outraged. There branches of the lumber industry of the Nevertheless, they fight on, cheered by the press. Throughout the world, in the is no law, no justice for it, especially in entire country.
these victories and confident of working convulsions attending the war, the ability the calculations of the profiteer and his class aid and the final triumph of the inThe press of the Industrial Workers of the press to guide so called public actool, the press. But make no mistake also, of the World has recorded for weeks dustrial democracy for whirh the Industion is completely destroyed. Organiza about the attitude of the great American trial Workers of the World stand.
the eight hour and other victories achieved tion and its dependent means of communiworking class. They are the victims also cation of the operation of compelling soof present day terrorism and, being such in numerous lumber camps throughout the Northwest. How the men cial forces, has destroyed the power of victims, many understand the the press and made of it a thing of ridi situation well, instinctively, intuitively, if gave up the old style strike of off the job. The Bolshevik Terms of Peace cule and contempta chip sent swirling not consciously, and many more of them and went back to work for the purpose THE Russian delegates to the prelimin the modern whirlpool. The press may inary peace conference at Brestpress unsuccessfully tries to hide from fused to work more than eight hours a lie, but there is no dodging the stern Litovsk, have, under instructions of the day, were discharged; and then got more realities that come home to us all through them. They, too, understand instinctively Bolshevik government, presented the fola thousand mediums other than that of and intutively, if not consciously. The members on the same job to repeat the lowing peace terms: the printed word.
press cannot lie down social forces. It same methods until victory was won. How. The evacuation of all Russian cannot stem the tide of evolution and re by the same means, they also secured bet territory occupied by Germany, and auThe press, just now, is doing much ly, volution. That is as much apparent as ter bunk houses, shower baths, more and tonomy for Poland and the Lithuanian ing regarding the Industrial Workers of its lies. Why, then, should the cleaner bedding, more and better food, and Lettish provinces.
the World. Coupled with the campaign fear this crooked and impotent thing?
more wages, and the right to meet in the (2. Autonomy for Turkish Arof villification there goes much incitement Why then should it not proceed certain bunk houses, elect committees on gievto riot and a justification of lawlessness that in the end, it will again triumph ances, and otherwise get a greater share (3. Settlement of the question of against the Yet, it is a ques over it, as at Lawrence, Everett and else in the products of their own labor and Alsace Lorraine by plebiscite, with a tion if this campaign is not at all suc where?
greater voice in the control of industry. guarantee of perfect freedom of vote.
cessful; if the press hasn t, in other (4. The restoration of Belgium and Now, after the press has words, failed once more in its policy of So, then, you members and friends of moulding public opinion. The indithe everywhere don despair!
been printing these reports with increasing indemnity for damages to be provided by and more frequent detail, comes the press an international financial fund.
cations that cause this questioning are well Present day factors work for us even (5. The restoration of Servia and worth consideration. First there is the when they appear most to work against of the Northwest with a couple of impor Montenegro, with idemnity for damages tant announcements.
response to the defense appeals. us! Lincold Steffens, in his New York Western Pine Manufacturers Associato be taken out of a similar international Much of this is of a private, rather than lecture on The Russian Revolution fund. Servia, moreover, tion, with 16, 000 employes and a memhave access of a public character. Organizations apto the Adriatic; Bosnia and Herzegovina proached have almost invariably responds of activity blossom into life when least bership in Oregon, Montana, Idaho and ed to the appeals. They have donated expected. And who will deny another Washington, will establish an eight hour to have complete autonomy.
day with no reduction in wages.
The (6. Other contested territory in the funds, taken up collections, placed ad fact, after what Russia has taught us, other states that the Loggers Club of Balkans to enjoy temporary autonomy dress lists and directions at the disposal namely, that oppression is least secure Spokane, Wash. an influential body of until a plebiscite is taken.
of the and otherwise helped when it is most firmly entrenched.
employing lumbermen, will petition Con. Rumania to recover all territory the work. Many of their officers have gress for a basic eight hour day for all within her previous frontiers, after promcondemned the newspaper attempts to Socialist Party Pledges branches of the lumber industry of the ising to grant autonomy to the Dobrudja, prejudice the cases, as the eviI. Support United States.
dent expression of a well organized plan and to give effect to Article III of the Thus does a twofold victory perch on Berlin Convention concerning the equalDersomustThis view, rehat the press, in this THE the socialise meantiye a Ceheilte the banners of the Industrial Workers of ity of the rights of Jews.
as in other matters, is actuated by a policy the World amid the most savage persecu(8. Autonomy for the regions of cent session, passed the following rather than the truth, is entertained by resolutions: tion one actual and economic; the other Trent and Trieste, inhabited by Italian many. Accordingly, the funds collected prospective and legislative.
populations, until a plebiscite is taken.
by the defense to date are un The Socialist Party repeats its declaThe Industrial Workers of the World (9. Germany to receive back her precedented. Seven thousand dollars for ration of support of all economic organicolonies.
are not placing much faith in either vicOctober, the first month after the begin zations of the working class and declares tory. They still rely on themselves as (10. Restoration of Persia and In November, the Greece.
ning of the persecutions, is a new record the lynching, deportation, prosecution and organized workers.
that surpasses the financial achievements of persecution of the Industrial Workers of lumberworkers union secured 1, 000 new (11. Neutralization of all marieven Lawrence and Everett. In Seattle.
the World is an attack upon every toiler members and did 18, 000 in business.
time straits leading to inland seas, includWash. the heart of the Northwestern in America, and we now call attention They are out to do even better than this, ing the Canals of Suez and Panama; activity, five thousand dollars to the fact that the charges of incendiar with the aid of the aforementioned press freedom of commercial navigation, the were collected up to November 16. Theism, the burning of crops and forests and cancellation of all charters during war reports.
promise of one thousand a week there is of vicious destruction of property made time of enemy ships, and the torpedoing The Industria! Workers are also winmore than fifty in the near future. Other by the public press against the of commercial ships on the high seas to cities exhibit a similar enthusiasm, and.
have proven pure fabrications wherever ning other victories, despite unprecedented be forbidden by international agreement.
best of all, membership input to legal test.
opposition. In Arizona, the courts at (12. All belligerents to renounce Tucson have acquitted Embree, war indemnities under any form or discreases. The Socialist Party has always ex who was arrested for inciting to riot at guise whatsoever, and all contributions But more indicative of the waning influ tended its aid, material and moral, to Bisbee, Arizona. This acquittal destroys exacted since the beginning of the war ence of the press is the lack of lawless organized labor whenever and wherever the excuse of the copper barons, to the to be refunded.
ness resulting from its incitement to riot. it was attacked by the capitalistic class, effect that the incitements to riot of (13. All belligerents to Make no mistake, there has been much and this without reference to form of or Embree before the Bisbee deportation jus definitely any commercial boycott after outrage against the The lynch ganization or special policies; therefore, tified that event. In Idaho, the courts at ing of Frank Little, the Bisbee deporta we pledge our support to the Industrial St. Maries have also acquitted Neil Mcthe war, or the institution of special custions and the Tulsa outrages have been workers of the World now facing trial Guiney, and released scores of others, toms agreements. 14. in Chicago and elsewhere, and demand held on the charge of criminal syndical by a peace congress composed of delenumerous and revolting. But have they Peace conditions to be settled been proportionate to the continuous prese for them a fair unprejudiced trial and ism. In these cases also an attempt was gates chosen by national, representative campaign? Have they not been the urge our members to use every effort to made to justify lawlessness against the works, not of infuriated and aroused the Industrial Workers of the World Charges that the set bodies, diplomatists to bind themselves to populaces, but organized. corporate gangs by familiarizing the public with the real fire to forests and committed violence were sign no secret treaties, which are to be declared, by their very nature, null and of thugs and cut throats the work of in facts, to overcome the falsehoods and mis overthrown by forest wardens and deputy void terested parties rather than a people enven information with which the capitalist press sheriff in charge of srtike precincts. The (15. omed and stirred to lawlessness? When has poisoned and prejudiced the public former testified that the memand sea, and the re establishment of militia we think of the words from high places mind and judgment against these workers, bers were instructed by the organization renounce Gradual disarmament on land to replace standing armies.