BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismEnglandFranceImperialismLeninSocialismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

Page The New International, November 1, 1917.
The International Movement even The changing character of the revon rulers, this valiant fighter for the work ployers made it known that they are An eye witness of the raid recently at lutionary movements in Russia, when ing class, whose heroic spirit so far forming a great combination to protect the headquarter of the Bolsheviki in compared with those of twenty and more could not be broken by all the torture capital and to adjust the relations be Petrograd gives some particular which year ago, is illustrated by the fact, that behind prison walls, will not leave the tween employers and employees. strongly remember similar events under between 1884 and 1890 two thirds of prison alive.
The Government to establish in each the Government of the Czar, as well as the political prisoners were intellectual. la the period 1901 1903 their number Fform. Manifesto of the International industry council, in which employers certain recent happenings in the United had decreased to one quarter and be Organization of Young People Social and employees are represented and will. One hundred soldiers in four autom tween 1906 1911 to one tenth of the ist League in Zurich, August, 1917. have an equal control over all matten total number of political offenders. Nowadays even a child in the most affecting their common interests, with together with two armored autor apo distant village knows that this is not a the exception of buying selling and peared before the building in which the Bolsheviki have their office. The rifles Fifteen fellow workers of the finances!
war waged for the defense of any kind were loaded the machine guns pointed in San Francisco have been charged of civilization, but that the armies of The English capitalists gladly accepe at the windows of the office, and the with having conspired and agreed to millions fight and die for the sake of this scheme but at the same time build officers entered with drawn revolvers to rether and with each other unlawfully, profits. The cause of this war and of willfully and feloniously to make or constrong organization of their own, both find in the office two women and one the mutual Wrangling of the peoples is vey false statements with intent to simply and alone the Imperialistic policy to meet their commercial enemies abroad: man, who were put under arrest. The women were questioned at the point of interfere with the operations for the of groups of capitalists, the struggle for and their classe enemies at home in care the revolves. All the papers. books succeu of the military and naval forces world conquests and world exploitation this new scheme of labor peace might flaps, money etc. were confiscated and of the United States, etc.
by Big Interests. And the responsibility prove failure.
the efforts of several months organiza The charge is based directly on mem for this rigantic blood ord falls on the bership of the that these Governments, together with the treachIt is reported that many labor unions tion completely destroyed.
Not one single bomb or weapon no people have received cards of member, erous social patriots. The workers and (read leaders of labor unions) have also ship and had voted in meeting of the revoutionary socialists have no parte accepted the povernment any document pointing towarde relaindustrial tions with German Headquarters was. paid dues and distributed in this war. The most active among theme councils, but that there is conderable discovered but nevertheless the office literature and subscribe to certain prin pay behind prison for their faith towards opposition from the more radical ele was completely robbed ciples which interfere with the succe of international solidarity and their fervorments in the labor movement.
the military and naval forces and ob for peace. To fight the class struggle for New conflicts in the class war throw TROTZKY AND LENIN.
struct recruting and enlistment. Funds the speedy end of the war, is the first the shadows before, and the days of to be sent to the Fresco Workers Liber: and most holy duty of the revolutionary la an open letter id the Kerensky the old craft union leaders belong to ation League, 85. Third St. San Fran Proletariat.
ministers, published in the Pravda Corthe pasts Industrial organization and respondence. 15, a statement is made ciscu. Cal.
The number of Conscientious ob definite shape and character.
state capitalism gradually take a more by Leon Trotzky in relation to the re At. Congress of labor unions in jectors in Holland, who have preferred vole in Petrograd on July 16th and 19th.
Petrograd, July 19th and 20th, resolu 10 ro to jail rather than to submit, has tion was passed unanimously by two increased to over one hundred and fifty.
Trotzky shows that the demonstration The French Majority Socialits refued developed spontaneously and was not hundred and fifty delegates from differle may be interesting to learn that to support the new cabinet of which ent parts of Russia, voicing an indignant considered opportune by the slander even general in the Holland army Painleve was the head. Their opposition leaders. After the advices of Zinovjet.
of the counter revolutioniston against pleads for exemption, partly on purely largely concentrated against the foreign Kamjenew and Trotzky had remained military grounds. He claims that not only minister Ribot. The latter now has been without effect and the demonstration worthy leaders in the labor movement, alternative service connected with mili dropped and the Socialist Majority in actually took place, it was strongly sup such Lenin, Trotzky. Zinovief, tary service should be organized, but Kumjenel, etc. The Congress consider France once more will line up beh nd purted. however, also by those who th an attack on the entire working writes: It may be expected and it is the Government. But the intense feel. ng originally were not in favor of the action.
sens ble that in general Conscientious of scontent among the workers and class and its organizations. similiar Trotzky further declares: My pris Chjectors for principle sake, will refuse soldiers is rapidly growing.
protest was adopted at the general meetciples are the same as those of Lenin.
this kind of service. It cannot be ap ing of the executives of the Councils of Zinovief and Kamjenew and have proved to treat such men as criminals in Workingmen and Soldiers of all Russia always publicly defended those prin court martial and to put them in jail.
on July 23rd.
An Austrian regiment consisting main ciples in my paper Wperod and in It is our duty to end this evil, which. ly of Serbians from Bosnio, deserted. all my speeches. The fact that do not is the object of the Russan Bol mobilizat on, by some special ruling, has become actual on account of the unit to the Rumanians. Only through belong to the Pravda and the organizasheviki to overthrow the Government of the most brutal discipline and wholeanletion of the Bolsheviki dew not reak the Bourgeoisie and the reformists, to murder can the Austrian army be kept from differepets politics, but in conclude proletarian peace through cities of Switzerland tied up the street early days of the war, that whole the parties in the past, but hame hout Food demonstrations in different large together. It will be remembered in the caused by circumstances which divided European proletarian Revolution. i: car traffc for several hours.
regiments had to be court martialed at present mary meaning.
For some time there was a rumor that and in some instances every third man Trotzky then challenges the govern Liebknecht was in a dying condition, Kerensky in his final address to the shot.
ment as follows: What have here which was denied by the social patriotic Moscow Congress said: The Russian stated thows clearly that there is no semi governtmental paper Vorwarts. provisional) Government does not re most wnbelievable example of tego The rermen Left Wing paper Kampia met having called this conference rorizing the civilian population is report logical reason whatever to omit me in the warrant to arrest Zinovief, Lenin (Struggle) answers. for although it has not secured practical ed in the Vienna Arbeiterzeitung of and Kamjenew, which arrest is only the The povernment organ on order results, it has given an opportunity to August 16. 1917: result of counter revolutionary des from above. tries to create the impresi all Ruwan citizens to my openly what trial for high treason resulted in potism.
sion that Liebknecht is feeling alright in they have on their minds. And that is six death sentences and ninety one prison and is properly treated. The essential for the State.
year of hard labor, mostly for boys. The continues its activities Vorwarts knows perfectly well that this Better than all crticism these words of ind. pirls from high school between undaunted by the destruction of their in a lie. Unfortunately. Liebknecht is by Kerensky himself show the complete fifteen and seventeen, the only crime, records and the lows of typewriter, no meani feeling well. It is true that failure of the counter revolutionary Mor being the distribution from hand to adding machines, mailing lists and he is not all us was reported, but if his cow Conference.
hand and by mouth of a resolution office equipment. New members wers torturers are not yet so far, this is due without even the intention of actuully even recured while the raides were in to the iron constitution of Liebknecht. One of the most interesting moves influencing politics. Each boy or pirl progress. Th most widely known meer and the power of his will. The intention in England is the preparation of capital who read the resolution and passed it beri and officials, practically all the to get rid of him, no doubt, aists, top to meet the labor situation after the to a friend was sentenced to death. leaders have been taken to jail, and the food ven to him is not only totally war.
There most revolting achievements of the W. halls an open and insufficient, but inferior in every respert. The English Government officially justice were stopped by the amnesty business continues as wel, wen better It was comrade Ruhle who recently adopted the June report of the Special after the death of the old emperor, but than usual. Such is the characteristic shouted in the Reichstag: They Committee, previously commented upon the sentences will form lasting con. of max action in Rumia, us in the sarve Liebknecht. If thing develop in these note. Concurrently with the tribution to the picture of our Imperial United States and most action in the according to the will of the Germu Announcement of this decision, the ene istie civilization only force for victory.