DemocracyEnglandFranceItalySocialismSocialist PartyStrike

Page The New Laternational, November 1, 1917, The Arrests and Trials Sept. 5, simultaneously through hearing of Speed, Parenti and McEvoy, became favorably known for his hand great many friends all over the country. out the country, federal raida were. Yawyer Royce said: lice of the Everett cases, is chief Coun What the outcome of the trials will made on headquarters and The in affiliated with sel. Olio Christensen, who aided Judge be, none can tell in advance. Some be halle, in the alleged search for evidence the union movements of Italy, France, Hilton in the defense Joe Hill, is lieve, that, having Lilled the lumberof German rold. Twenty three days England and Russia. And the commis first assistant. John Matían will be so men and miners strikes, the authori. after a grand jury, returned 166 indict sioner may be certain that the pro cond assistant, with record yet to ties will remain content with this achievements against 166 members, on grounds ceedings of this courtroom will be make. They announce that they will be ment and let the We down easy.
of Seditious conspiracy. 20 German reported to these organizations and ready to go to trial on the first of Others believe that the will be gold. having been discovered and will also reach the Council of Work Januáry next.
outlawed. Haywood, in his bulletins to wholesale arrests began. Up to the men and Soldier Delegates in Petro general Defense Committee has also the membership. following the raide on present time, 82 have been arrested. grad There are matters of public been organized, with headquarters at Sept. 5, hints at such a possibility being They are: Chicago, George Andreychine, policy which the government 1001 Madison St. Chicago, IL. This on the program.
Richard Brazier, Ralph Chaplin, Edward should be informed.
defense committee urges the organiza. Another glance at the above list will tion of local defense committed by labor believe economic, social and But whether freed or outlawed the Hamilton, Clyde Hough, William Haywood, Vladimir Lossieff, Bert Lorton, show cities and states that are the strongorganizations when and wherever porholds of huge industrial trusts. Seattle, Herbert Mahler, Paul Pika. Charles sible. Local defense committes have a political tendencies, at home and abroad Plahn und Chas. Rothfiser; Waukeegan Spokane, Tacoma, Portland, Belling ready been formed at Boston, Omaha, in their favor. So they calmly face the in Australia and Russia, are working John Pancuer: Rockford, Harrison. in the state of Washington, stand Chicago, Seattle, Spokane. Haight and Fred Nelson. Springfield for the lumber trust: Duluth, for the Cleveland, New York City, and other future, convinced of their irrespresJoe Usapiet; Low Angeles, Angeleo Vin steel trust; Bulte and Salt Lake City. large points. The New York sibility, now more than ever before.
for the copper trusts; Tulss, Muskogec Defense Conference meets every Sunday Like the Socialists, their belief in the cent Azuara, James Elliat, Chas Mcand Enid, for the oil trusts; San Jose, afternoon at o clock at 74 St. Mart tides of evolutionary fates moving Whirt and Glen Roberts: Duluth, Charles fruit trusts; Minneapolis and St. PaulPlace it is very successful, raising towards the ends, makes them un Jacoboos and Fred Jacokola: Minnea metal. machinery and agricultural trusts. almost 1, 000 in a very short time. If daunted and unafraid of the outcome.
polis, Sigfried Sternberg. Carl Salteen, etc. In all these cities and states the the desire to help the federal Dan Buckley, Forredo Edwards, Ted W. conducted strikes against the prisoners that exists in New York is Here hoping that their beliefs are well founded, as, indeed, they seem to Frazier, Ragner Johnson and Chas, trusts (who are reaping untold profits general, they will be found to have a bel Lambert; San Francisco, Ceo. Speed from the war) for more wages and less and lugi Parenti; San Jose, Peter Mchours. The assert that back Items of the Evoy: Stockton, Wm. Weuh: Bemidjin of their prosecution these interests most Archie Sinclair; St. Paul, Pete Dailey: likely may be found.
The W. is more sinned against Lawyer Royce is right. The authorities Portland, Chas. Bennett, Peter Green, than winning. Instead of committing 10. charge the with 10, 000 crimes final glance at the above list will Alton Soper and Beyer; New show a wide diversity of occupations and 000 crimes, 10, 000 crimes are committed in order that they may be able ko prove York City. Elizabeth Curley Flyan, skill. fruit pickers, harvest hands, ;R. against it. The. never lynched one, at least. Aurturo Giovannitti, Carlo Tresca and construction workers, metal and coal capitalist. But the capitalists lynched Joha Balduzzi: Buffalo, Manuel Rey: miners, prailroad workers (operating Frank Little. The w. never de THOSE SABOTAGING SLEUTHS.
Huron, Alexander Cournos; Detroit, division. textile workern transport ported mine owners and deprived them Arthur Christ and Otto Justh; Philaof all rights. But the copper captialists workers (longshoremen, sailors, fireWe would hate to accuse the sleuths delphia, Edward Doree, Walter men, etc. auto builders, machinery conat Bisbee, deported 1, 200 Neff and Joseph Ertor: Scranton, structors, and others too numerous to amid deeds that shamed the Prussian of the bureaucracy of the terrible crime of. uabotage, but the evidence is all Joe Graber, Albert Prashner and specify. wide range of ability, in deportations in Belgium. The Salvatore Zumpano; Pittsburgh, Harri organizing, oratory, editing, poetry.
never terrorized thousands of innocent against them. They seized the effects of son George and Jack Law; Denver, historical research, etc. is also included men and women. But the commercial the. in Seattle and dumped the cluba, citizen s, and other leagues, did whole worke, death musks, waste paper.
Meyer Friedkin; Boston, Roy Far in the list. In fact, the brain, the ning: Salt Lake City, Giltner. brawo all the aspirations of the work hundreds, in Washington, Oregon, etc.
due stampe, blanket rolla, membership that, and worse, to by the recorda, spittoons, literature, laundry, Cham MacKinnon, Fred. Ritter ers are represented in the above list.
and Grover Perry: Spokane, So are all schools of politico economic The ten thousand crimes typewriters, adding machines, and reme eral paraphernalia into big miving Vans are merely a stop thief cry to hide Humphrey, Wm. Moran, James Rowan thought quite a few of the imprisoned the ten thousand crimes of ilaw and without any regard for order. This conand Don Sheridan: Seattle, Harry being graduates of the Socialist Labor glomeration was taken to the police state Lloyd and Ju. McDonald; Belling: Party and the Socialist Party Haywood tion and unloaded in a way that raised ham, Walker Smith: Tacoma, having, at one time, been a member la the Frisco federal cases against it up more than ever. Then it was piled Doran; Raymond, Jus. Thompson; of the national executive committee of back into the vaas helter stelter and members Speed, McEvoy and carted to the Federal building, where Cleveland, Geo. Hardy and Jus. the latter.
Slovick: Youngstowa, Daive Ingar. The answer to the seditious Parenti, there are some curious features the stirring up process was repeated. La Akron, Samuel Scarlett: Butte, Peter conspiracy charge is very simple. They about the complaint sworn to by Special cach case there were scores of police Kerkonnen; Providence, Francis Miller; hold the greed of the war profiteers Agent Rathbun. It is charged that the and sleuths accompanying the moving Paterson, John Avila: Tulsn, Arthur responsible for the obstruction. These defendants had conspired to violate all vans to see that the terrible W.
Boose: Muskoges, Munson; Enid profiteers refused to listen to even of the statutes of the United States condid not swoop down with their German Walter Reeder: Jacksonville, Stanley governmental suggestions of concessions.
Clark; and Wm. Courland, place The also point to the fact cerning the conduct of the war and rifles and regaia possession of the case pidont. The entire proces seemed to be of resident not given in reporte. Dorce, that the of has done and in particularly the Acts of Congress of May designed to make the job last for the 18th and June 15th, but the date of investigators. The ladustrial Worker.
Low, Neff, Giovannitte, Flynn, Extor: doing the very things thatthey are charg and Tresca are out on bail.
ed with doing. They want to know why the alleged conspiracy is given us May it is not prosecuted as they are? Is it 15th, three days before the passage of PILLORYING GOMPERS. glance at the above list will convince one that it is throughly inter and then go after the of with the policy to first convict the one, and twenty eight days before the In a second letter to Samuel Gompers, pational. Despite the newspaper attempto the precedent in hand?
pusage of the other of the laws menJames Maurer, president of the Penn to make the W. out to be largely tioned. Conspiracy to violate laws not yet sylvania State Federation of Labor It looks us if the of feared Austro Hungarian, one will be impressed such result. Washington news der enacted is certainly new sort of crime again demande a reply to the question in the above, by the large number of patches report it u preparing to have and one to be committed only by the whether certain activities the Alliance Americas sames, like Hamilton, Chap lawyers at the trials to note for Labor and Democracy, of which lin, Hough, Haywood, Edwarda, Speed, the issues raised. The despatches read.
Gompers is the President have been George, olc. He will also be impressed in part, as follows:In the face of the nation wide attack financed wholly or in part by the widely by the Scandinavian, Swedish, Finnish, The American Federation of Labor on the W. Chus. Moyer makes recognized enemies of labor with whom Russian, Mexican, Spanish, Italian, Irish, officials how fear attempt to in brief, by the relatively few Tuetonic himself ridiculous when be calls the you (Gompers) have lately been appear destroy the right to strike during the ing on the platform och mer as Ethe names. The LW. are truly The tool of the employers. That Root and Governor Burnquist, asked ladustrial Workers of the World, with a. The I, are preparing to defend Moyer is allowed at liberty mould in you and ask you now, wbo paid the or membership of all nationalities and with their members well. An able legal staff dicate that the charge can more reason penses of the special train from New international ramifications, la the Frisco u been secured Geo. Vandervoer, who sbly be made against him.
York to Minneapolis, the rent of balls etc.