BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalismViolenceWorking ClassWorld War

Page The New Internabonal, November 1, 1917.
war. Lamari followed this up on Seper nearly every essential of Left Wins Defense Fund ship.
revolutions arise. These events are not blazoned to the world until they break. tember 12 with a letter the client Socialism.
looue in formidable activity, but they features of which follow: The London Times holda out the alone are of supreme importance. The You know the opinion expressed by prospect of an impending civil war, German proletariat is preparing to act. our comrades in the Chamber against and thus describes the situation. The General Defense Committee of And the temper of this arising more a third winter of war. Our party must the through Haywood. There arists at the present moment has issued the following appeal: ment in Germany is gauged in the minor. honorably and determinedly keep to its ity Socialists. In Dresden number of. given Word. Because of their direct ina revolutionary inovement in this country Do not think that the world war for them were imprisoned for distributing fluence upon the populace, the local which has gathered considerable momenleaflets urging the workers to strike and roveraments are surely mighty polit tum; it has long passed the stage of democracy waged only in the trenches of Europe. Far from the thunder of the próclaiming the Social Revolution. The ical weapon. Those that we have wou mere talk, and has realized itself in Independent Social Democratic Party is by our votes must serves through a formidable action. There has been no runs the greatest battles, the most im months 180 120, 000 members in good fore the winter there must be praca treets, no destruction of viable property, Capital and organized Labor. Liberty increasing in strength having some united acts of protest to victory. Bo attack on the Throne, no rioting in the portant to Labor are being fought in standing, as compared with 200. 000 for. This is the policy about which there but changes have been already brought and Democracy. find highest exprer the majority. And while the independent must be unswerving party unity. The about which are thwarting the efforts of sion in, and are best represented by, party increases in strength, the majority means of accomplishing this are in my the government to conduct the war.
Unionism in Industry, and Unioniam is decreases. part of the Left Wing opinion two. 1) To bring about the It is a ferment working within the area on trial!
Socialists in Germany are in the Inde immediate dismissal of Socialist officials of British organized labor, claiming for For years past the wolves of Wall pendent Socialist Party. stiffening it in numbers, by means of universel and the proletariat self direction and en Street and Commercial Clubs have shown and imposing a revolutionary, attitude equal political agitation, in order that joyment of the whole produce of is. Lebor no quarter inchustrial unrest upon it in accordance with events; while your carrying on of your offices shall dustry.
was mirrored by larger and larger considerable number of Left Wing not contribute to the continuation of the The Workman Council, recently strikes. They have raised private armies Socialists refused to join the new party, war, which can bring no solution for organized and representing 1, 000, 000 of gunmen, laughed at lawysubverted and are locally carrying on an inten certain problems and is merely multi organized British workers, has a program all government and spread) network sive revolutionary propaganda.
płying the economic and moral depri which contains these three provisions: of protected villainy from coast to Still less is known of what is going Nations of all the nations. 2) by hand Expropriation of private landowners coast. They have conspired with author, on in France, but the little is significant ing in your resignation and that of your and capitalists. No compensation beyond ity in strike after strike. At bloody, in itself and significant in relation to entire common council upon a siten ample provision against individual hard.
monuments to greed stand the names of the French characteristic of acting im signal.
Cripple Creek, Homestead, Coeun pulsively en masse, clear and sharp. The These actions were discussed in parliD Alene. Holy Grove. Lawrence, Patergovernment has been adopting more and ament, action being urged against the Ownership by the State; manageson, Ludlow, Mesaba, Everett, Bisbee, more stringent measures against the traitor, Lazzari was cited before the ment by the workers; instead of the Butte and the Mooney Frame up.
pacifists. The Bolo Pacha episode has authorities, but the government dared present capitalistic methods of produc In November, 1916, men representbeen used for all it is worth to dis not prosecute him, and Lazzari is still tion. This shall be applied immediately ing Eight Billion Dollars of Corporate credit the advocates of peace. Thousands, at liberty carrying on the propaganda.
to the case of mines, railways, shipping.
Wealth organized at New York City and upon thousands of agitators against. The Italian Socialist Party, which ship building and engineering, electric openly announced purpose to crush war have been imprisoned, but still the since the beginning has taken splendid light and power.
organized Labor. They selected the agitation increases in scope and intensity stand against the war, is being driven Abolition of the House of Lords. Industrial Workers of the World. the Left Wing papers are continually sup into even more aggressive and revolu Substitution for it of a chamber based first organization to concentrate upon.
pressed, and our comrades imprisoned. tronary tactics. The Left Wing group is on the representation, not of geograph Since then the has been But all to no avail. Herve in La developing increasing action and de ical areas, but of occupations, industrial, subjected to most unbelievable and in Victoire. declares that he receives let manding more decided revolutionary professional, and domestic: labor and human, illegal violence. We have tent from soldiers in the trenches tactics. In Florence and Naples the professional bodies thus becoming a thousands of affidavits for proof. Strikasking him why they shouldn make a Socialists instructed their delegates to constituent part of the country govera ers have been deported into deserts and revolution in France as they did in oppose the tactics of the party leaders ment.
left to die. Frank Little was murdered at Russia. The sentiment against war was at the Socialist Convention, and insist This is a thorough program. and Butte. Hundreds of union mea thrown strongest in France in the years pre upon more aggressive action. Caroti ceding 1914, and it is stronger to day. is touring the country to arouse revolu the workers. It is largely, though not indicates the deep revolutionary spirit of into sickening Bull pens, sarved, beaten and shot. The climax is reached It matters not that Guesde and Thomas tionary sentiment, the tour being organare with the government; it matters ized by the Young People Socialist fully, in accord with the new Mass by the present indictment at Chicago of Action and our own Industrial Unionism.
166 officers, members and sympathizers not that the minority captained by group, which in Italy us elsewhere is Jean Longuet is not suficiently aggres intensely revolutionary. It may be inter the war leaders to modify their stand in And this revolutionary spirit is forcing of the Industrial Workers of the World On charges of Conspiracy. The lies of sive. There is a powerful Left Wingesting to mention that last Christmas the order to save their prestige. It was this German Gold spread broadcast by the group: and then the proletariat of France headquarters of the Young People in has magnificent habit of thrusting Rome was raided by the police, revolu derson to get out of the cabinet, and revolutionary spirit that compelled Hen serpent preus were proven false. The present charges will prove false. Yet, eside its leaders in crisis, taking things tionary leaflets seized and destroyed, it is thns spirit which will lame up in reLabor Right to Organize is at Stake.
into its own hands, and making a revolu. and the active members imprisoned. But volt as it did in Russia. Today it is the W: tomorrow tion. It is coming!
the government failed to suppress their it will be the of The la Italy the situation is apparently activity.
All of which indicates that what the charges against the W. ure still further developed. The news of the It is our firm conviction based upon war began and the Russian revolution industrial in character and can be Italian disasters at the front appeared the facts and the situation, that accelerated, the workers in all eations turned against say labor union.
simultaneously with the revelation of revolution will soon break in Italy. And are organizing to complete. The condi. Capital counts upon clouding the widespread revolutionary activity. Riots then will come the end!
tions of Imperialism and war inevitably broke loose during the summer in Turin issue with cries of Treason. and The situation in England is less dir Renerate mass action and revolution. accentuating the petty differences be and other cities, and there were clashes tinct, perhape, but more promising these Slowly but surely, the forces of the tween labor group. If Freedom of with the troope in which a large number in any oter nation. The reason why the proletariat are gathering for the great Labor if the Right to. Organize the of people were killed. It is rumored that world is still largely unaware of the struggle with capitalism. And the revolu Right to strike, means anything to you there is an agitation in the army for the real temper of the English proletariat is tion when it comes will be an inter forget these petty differences and aid organization of Soldier Councils us in that the movement there is strictly generate mase action and revolution.
thoue men and women now in jai whose Russia. According to the New Yorkis mass movement. According to the Loro international aspirations of our intrepid lives prove their faith to Labor in mo Evening Post there in a profound doa Times, it is without acknowledge comrades in Russia. Not in a day, not and deed. They are willing to spend.
stirring of the masses, hastened by lack od leaders. The leaders of the past are in a month but it is coming!
their lives in prison and leave their of food, coal and oil and general war talking voluby, and create a wrong in Very significant it is that everywhere bones beneath its walls rather than see?
wearinen preson; they either dicker about the Lett Wing Socialiste are the most the dearest rights of Labor lost to you.
The opposition to the war is open, cabinets, support the war, or indulge AGERTENSIVE against the war. Significant. Defense is now organized and asks and the government dares not in sickly propaganda of bourgeois noreover, is the fact that wherever the your help. Send funds to the moder drastic measures at wppression. General Pacifisan. The revolutionary movement workers ansert themselves in revolution. signed. Receipts will be forwarded and Secretary Lazzari, of the Italian Social developing considerably among the ary action, they adopt the principles and itemized statement rendered at clove of artist Party, recently issued circular to organized workers, and among them tactics of the Left Wing Socialists. It trials. It is a fight for Life and Liberty.
Socialist officiale and municipal locale organized; it is sober but determined in our day, comrades, and there is great Act now.
to refuse payment of certain government and it is mapping out a program of work ahead! Our principles and tactica Address: Wu. Haywood, 1001 tase, and in this way strike against the revolutionary action that squares with are in these times the determinaat factor. Madison, Chicago,