BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismTrotskyWorking Class

MBER 1917 Pria, SC The International Revolution Sweeps Onward HE eunuchs of Socialison, who are The cratic peace. The working clau distrusts Kerensky is determined upon a vigor jected by the Bolsheviki and by the prostrated before the shrine of any kind of peace agreed upon by the ous war under conditions that inevitably Left Wing Socialists everywhere: the votes of protest. or backing up their governments of the ruling dlaw. The mean imperialistic peace. At the recent claw struggle, the struggle against all Governments in waging an infamous war working class has learned from three democratic congress, which the Bol bourgeois imperialistic governments and ol conquest, or else sitting fatal stically in year of immemorial agony that the sheviki justly rejected as not representa for the Social Revolution, is aloon the the library mumbling the war will bring governments are not worthy of trust, tive and counter revolutionary, Keren straight and sure way to proletarian Socialism. these eunuchs are retting peace. The mission of Skobeleff was up shock after shock these days by the perently the last maneuvre of the cor revolutionary events precipitated by GREAT NEWS FRON RUSSLAI servative revolutionists in the Council proletariat awakening to consciousness of Solbiers and Workiea: everywhere of strength and using its own As we go to press, the first reports come of the successful Bolsheviki the Bolsheviki are becoming ascendant, power us its action against the war. revolution in Petrograd. The Kerensky government is overthrown. in Petrograd, in Moscow, Odder, The impending revolution is sweeping The Bolsheviki have organized a new government, with Nikolai Lenine and elsewhere. The Russian revolution is irresistibly onward, drawing new pations as Premier and Leon Trotzky. Minister of Foreign Affair.
determined upon revolutionary action, within its vorta. The ground is being At this moment, it is appareat that the new revolutionary government and in cleaving firmly to the principles cut from beneath the feet of the social will bave to fight te maintain itself. Civil war may be necessary. and tactics of revolutiooary Socialize.
patriots, while the opposition of the moderate Socialists in being stiffened The Russians are prepared to bring about us immediate reneral ponce The news from Germany and Freso by the mot ordre of the worken by means of the revolutionary action of the proletariat in all the belliger is less complete because trends there have not come to a bead, and because at nations. Will the Socialists of these nations act in the same contempttired of the carnage and tired of being ible, cowardly manner as minority of conservative Socialists in Russia of the rigid censorship. But what we do mislead by their treacherous representaknow is full of promise.
are acting and refuse to co operate with the real revolutionary forces?
tives In Russia, the revolution is preparing And there cowardly Socialsts be to allowed to betray the International The national solidarity of Germany Revolution?
to dispute the final control of events is definitely broken. The Germua people with the half way revolutionists and the are no longer immovable in their hp reactionary forces lined up behind the parent determination to see me imperial that they are instruments of oppression sky made an appeal for the revival of istici war through to the finish. Bethprovisional povernment of the would be and deceit. The workers everywhere are the patriotic spirit shown during the mann Hollwey was forced out a Chiar dictator Kerensky. In Germany and France, the rumblings of the Russian developing a determination to make their days of the July offensive, offen cellor, and the militaristic sunaikin, own peace in their own way; it isn sive undertaken under pressure of the Michaelis, has now equally been forced revolution are stirring the enthusiasm peace alone that they want, but condi government of American Capitalism. The and action of the proletariat: while in to po. The fraudulent pence resolution tions which shall make peace secure and social patriotic Kerensky is rapidly rush. adopted by the Reichstag some months Italy and England, the working class, ing to defeat.
is on the verge of actual revolt against oppression impossible. And they are ago, and which the Independent Social The Central Executive Committee of ists voted against has been exposed as the ruling clasi. Discontent is seething learning that this can be secured only the All Rusia Councils of Soldiers and an instrument of imperialistic projects.
in Austria Hungary, and the aspirations through revolutionary action, by the of the intrepid Fritz Adler may soon overthrow of Capitalism.
Workmen has adopted a series of peace The ousting of Michaelis comes upon find expression in revolutionary action.
Diplomats are preparing to dicker, terms very interesting and important, the heels of the revelation of an in The proletariat is everywhere finding but the workers are preparing to act.
specifying concretely the romaning of portant mutiny in the Germaa Nary. itself. It is everywhere coming back to And here are the facts in the car. no indemnities and DO Annexations and the news of an attempt to organize Council of Wortmea and Soldiers on Erst. principles to its own needs and just a few of the facts that censorship and which includes a necessary demand instincts, and its owa form of activity and isolation allow to secure: for disarmament and the neutralization the Russian model Minister of the Navy in des action. Everywhere, the revolu The revolution in Russia in preparing of the Paoun Canal. The Central Exe von Capelle attempt to smash the indo tionary spirit sweepo obward, now flam for the final struggle to crect a dictator cutive Committee, which still places more peodent Socialists through this mutiny ing into local revolts, now temporarily ship of the proletariats. The Petrograd emphasis on words them on dood, resulted in a humiliating fiasco: the supprewed only 20 flame ip again Council of Soldiers and Workmen, delegated Skobeleff to present these government was afraid to press the issue. The most significant thing about stronger than ever. The governments of through its president Leon Trotzky, has peace terms to the coming Conference the ruling well to cajole the coming issued a declaration of war against the of the Allier at Paris. But Jules Can this mutiny is not its occurence, but the revolution by juggling with cabinets and provisional government. They are de bon, of the French Ministry of Foreign fact that the government was compelled to reveal it in order to make attempt by making concesions in words that termined to lodge all power in the hande Affairs, declared that the Allied Goven ment will absolutely refuse to consent a destroying the revolutionary opponi are mpty of meaning: do they imagine of the proletariat, and use this power that revolutions are thus easily cajoled? to secure a revolutionary peace. They to Skobeleffs taking part in the tion. And more significant than all we the dismal failure of the government.
Don they realize that the revolution is are preparing for the struggle for civil deliberations. The robuft will wiffen not against cabinets and words, but war if necessary; and they are equally the revolutionary moderates, and dispel All there occurrence are simply the against the infamous system of things prepared. Lania and Trotzky have alillesions. Not through diplomatic froth on the surface of rente. Beneath of which all the people at we are the repeatedly declared for a revolutionary methoch, and certainly not through it all are the meal events, the arter victime. war against Germany of any other national imperialistic conferencuating of the workers and their endeavors The povernments are trying another power that might refuse to abide by Paris or Stockolo, muy revolutiosary to take thing into their own bandi form of cajolery by pratiling of dema revolutionary peach peace be assured. These tactics are role in out of this action of the man that