BourgeoisieDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySpainStrikeSyndicalismWorking ClassWorld War

Page Two THE NEW INTERNATIONAL Saturday, July 21, 1917 COMMODITYI CONSEQUENCES The New Party The International in Germany By AUSTIN LEWIS Movement Cheyen ALOR is a commodity. In fair day work has been the sugan. nheir teeth and the dividends of the Only by combination to rise waren taken in favor of une imprumisingly peace tim se larm ubjection to and in the last half century. millions of SPECIAL Coorention of the Swise manufacturing firms bear wipes to the lo realize the value of the commodity Socialist Party aftined its adrejating defensive wars peneral statement of rekenless opposition Hoyers and their eum Arungly Mreets of our cities behind banners in dealing with mache implacably we of labor be to preserved that the barrible herence to the principles of Zamenerwald against the Majority Party does mi wphold it as the ornet kne of the sy bearing this significant device. They Winate things us commodities, reaction after the will not drag and Kienthal. decided in favor of nuake a big impressie afker you have tem. The modern er skepends updare made it perfectly obvious that the cureLecte into the abyw from which it he New International, excluding the sun The carcity of commudities incident with difficulty extricated itself. The this fact, and it is a fat. all sentimental modity position was pud muugh for tried hard way in that party as hung vociferation to the comtrary not with them, and that at they slied was a free power the sur places the industrial Sl. very economic position of labor. cial Putrios. Resulutive to arrange mass meetings of munition wwkers, to a possible, and have been thrown out The fat that tanisation market and the right of all dealers in cummercial expluiters where they can discuss the possibility of a strike in kain your will. relentless opp samling whole in dependent upon the acting of wt suid making great prurille Organized labor in this respect.
of lalu dink ukr the prori organize for their own benefit.
tin spain, the wennent lacks fune nition, factories in cooperative with getical misfortune is their pad for.
comrades in other countries, was los. hnig as you will it explain by what mies of the surman Art means. So far there is little chitule that am ne nieans this fighat has to le carried on As for the moral effect which is after with 86 painst 113 votes. resolution Nine, They draw inordinate pefit from the workers capable of organizatiun, at Even the Majurity arty we molity as diese under the Ad.
al much more important in the lone condemning the defense of the father.
kast, there has been little tendency the public misery. Even the sum whith rur that does not belong to this die land us against the principles of later, they advance in the form of bunds are againy war cred and the Center and in to victory inter the cmmodity quarre with the community cumept. excellent investments and lend eure cussion.
sational Socialism, was passed by 222 gnap dinl alwutely thing to my conception of lalu. pwer, as many of their own position and that of their against 77 votes, Platten spoke in lavor, narage the wrike ment and the labor leaders have claimed the Occasionally, of course, humanity has trankenked the condity kept children. They are in the happy punitie Muller and Greulich spainst the main Ichy it into a mere general class actie merely an linisin that the enforce The human heart has refused to bear The two nuain argunknt. given fra ment of the law against lalne organiza: the pain of combatis inter whicho un paded whether they will of me. They that everything they werh must turn to united party at this mon are as tions would be practically impossible, as THE labor conference in Leeds (Eng.
Lenin on the Russian regulated laine faire plunged large. The renderinary Left Wing indeed mo le the case, in view of the ladies of helpless workers, and the policrominent took the only gical wep of pruit by the war unlew the fut.
land) showed a remarkable change in Revolution the minds of the English workers under 14 huge in mate an events numbers viduting the diffxulty of lician has kgiJated for the perpetuatia anticating all pofits in excess of anerthe influence of the Russian Revolution.
di rica to greater afwerkers promrutinn and the politial effects of the race, as they kilale wet the white beluce the war. Put Lenin wrote iketter to his swirror of immediate peace on the editions ETEK his departure for kuria. Not only was the general opinion in fathneigh the new party, because great convictions jueverati foret Piet organisert. crents are me like that, and could an een of the workers who are in At le sitting of the Industrial Ciu iala has the viewed the chachafford to be the reply of the comrack, in which he reaffirme luis of the Russian Council of Solliers and Toonith the del math we will look mission in San Franciscu voc of the wens of the date up the free market wning classes in such a wavure well position that it the Revolution in Kassir Workmen, but growing opposition non the center as their spiritual leader.
leading Federation of Labour official with any market inal, or it has led refusal to advance capital of be Lring republican wernment and This argument may as well he used to was very angry because it was temited me a les insufferemth me the their work allge: for calitalistic potring wernment should we willing carry again the English covernment was erident. Robert Smillie, speaking in any affiliatin with on the man that the of took the cuinindity efforts of the philamlinger and the im has its limits, and they are all ve an imperialistic war, together with fawr of one of the revolution, men tinary Balır, and wwerkwok view of labor. power, and pointed outpatial stateman. net firstly lessiness in interfered with since the inperialistic prennent of Frant twped the English Government as our the fact that under the present ennuliwith anchenbasis that the of the quite berrifying and of the Mate in of readjustment clarity of purpose lacinrw is more hul than fly Niat and England for the competin spokewaken had taken quite the other feleration of New fork that the iwell. The only reply of the one cantingArmenia. Galicia, ac podrisional gwernment, and and Sharpnes of demarcation are most view in the debate in Congress. Super legislative marimento pared for the needed.
went would be confiscatine, that is the ficially, that is true, but in reality in lettin the hell unagamisel. ditin of the capitalise claw and ment and the war her the deling of should also have a right to ride their The me argument is that masa true, for the whole argument of the own dediny. Nucting to ask in tim ofalur hulle albed the fatherland.
Gwernment will ommit hari hari demnhies from Germany fie families of xtion will desckop only under certain Federation expunents texts up a ridic law luring war time. This is wie ven for the wake ni vitney The er Ignin halben schel what walk walmarine wikore was whated down hi trical conditions. As long as the blues and obvious fallacy. They cum Crustam in dialedwally cruel liters madhe Irunned if they his positiyn. suppe the rails with the remarks: Let the ship owner clitions du arise, the radial left tenked that lalur in cumnudity. lutin of any lay lurganized lalo to intime and come wity value Wall Art into fer ww, whith he pay for their victims and rur enemies Wing in brand to remain a rather mall for labor is life. As if life itself cookl in the hi fory of the man wirkel mwele realized.
answers: We wuld offer free are the English ship owners of the e criticising and educating with not be a commodis. muld not be bought Even the capitalista sernes have no all the iavolved in the war on the. ierman sikes.
uurt fair chance for action. As sone, and in the market, and as if it were complatet ans wh pervenian The cmmdity lalu per, she lowing lerace terme: a) Immediate ok.
hrerer, a mass actions develop the innt the glaring and arocium fact of the work experienwe alina during the les hem value during the fret! liverance of all conies of all countrie; KAKOWSKY, the Rumanian Socialist left Wing will become the natural modern social and industrial arrange Har las prired the extensive rather of war. It is destruyed in large quanto b) iminediate deliveranne of all who was lerated from prison by leader anyway, no matter what the form ments that life is just that urt of am than the diminution of wh porentin les and the demand for are on pressed pouple. We wu tant mau demostration in Jany, in which of organization. The form of organimity. Lahor power in life in that it is in the interey of mere efficiency. tantly in reaning We know that all inmediately with the deliverande fall 15. 000 Idiers participated, has been Latino, therefore, inaired of minut inseparable from the perks of the liv.
Fr letter of Wife the urgame! Lloris fully upd if all the con leyte suppressed by the Russians, importance and we might as well juin ing laborer, and just because it is welumed at a meeting of the Russian Lorties are we beled at present to the tries at war and that the demands. We do not drul fra minute that the swamp to get a broader hearing Council of Soldiers and Workmen.
inseparable, with the sake of laburThis arkunkent seems not very power we have coincidently the sale of lity They have the rest tut the apparently insuperable the peace terms would be unacceptable Rakowsky denounced the demands for because if the organization of curry life, upon the same terms as any other mind of the dimmaut class and their margin of unend has been de nly to a monarchical Germany. annexations of the majurity of the so ent forces is not considered very impur. commodity is nokt. the les price that ontinent to the finder etwally Innel and that not of the crimes in Tout also to a repuldican Germany, and cialiv Party in Bulgaria, and larors the lental. pwerty have disappeared not only to Germany, Irent also in the tant, we might as well form a clear cut and my wnically is mil. lut we know establishment of felrative Republic can be had for it in the market a per tutinary unhampered lv given time.
that the tvile wale will have at ng with the powerly. Hut we knur capitalistic wernments of England and of Palkan peoples, as always the thing in my at the end of the war histh al that there has been mattempe in France.
the puisness emanating from every minority Socialists in Calganwell The exclusion of the organizatim of wamp. But the wlw. ke reasoning is will make the ears of Me taler kader the part of the baluring penpale any as by the Socialist Paniel in Serbia And in that case we would be com laboruwer from the operations of the where to realize wp the increase utterly false, because you cannot make lurn. For the pre rnt, however, we are Rumania and Greece.
pelled to wage revolutionary war this sharp distinction between periods in Sherman Act was bornething vastly mure juwitead in denunting true of their own commandity in the laagainst the German Bourgeoisie, but not important than the affirmation of mere which mass movements develop and be market. Wherever the last cut kakro manil loy their it, and that The Americans are certainly not lor ney in that direction has bemene mani.
only against the German Bourgeoisie, untruth, or of something which could they stwold pay their amm lity periuds of relatire calmness. It may be ing right of their busing interests, and perfectly relevant that more revolution only be true far as the operations of meja fe the advantage if the lalu feel the powernments which have wale and we would take up that fight. We are not pacifists, we are ainst their sowassociate has the best part of their Allies may find wat mame day that ary perkids ometimes break out with that particular Act might It was the mwement and the development of mitted in silence to the monet shameless raising of labur from a commodity to ckmental force; this doesnt do away capitalities wery have turned love Imperialistic was waged by capitalists the bargain.
Think of the Ruilliom and ganization with the fact that such periods to a cer.
Hatus u lar as the Act was concerned.
their premalistic and platform pack in for profit. But we always did consider millions whicta France and England have 11 Organized labor cann grasp this, if Our capitalistic cover mits are very pursuit of the unfair tic lalurere in tain extent are the outbreak of accumu.
inopsense that the proletariat should kanted to Husain, practically without is worktimized by the liberal track insistent upon the wapremacy of the law have dared to declare that, lalu brine reject revolutionary want, which may be lated influences gathered during a period tion that it canned commend the wing of supply and demand, which aplica mwlity, they will kemand for labor necessary in the interests of Socialist muritycven without gaining a subito seemingly barren in developments. In foothold in the economic system of the nihcance of the result. muth the equally to the human and nuaterial ek.
a return such as all her commodities certain reilutionary periods the leaderLauin realize that this task would be Empire of the Car. Comes the United mpe for Organized Labne. Make ments of productive and exchange ship may fall automatically to the Left mereive, is price in the market. a Hupendous une and would mean States in the game with a few milliom Wing, but the results of this leadership mistake that the intellectual of organ They will act on their theory to the full.
For labur to constantly submit to this weries of class fights all over the world, and takes hold of the mines and other greatly depend upon the achievement ized czui see it, and have made the leave their employers will, and win but he points out that it is mut our im necessions! They evidently want to air hideen with their ululations that demand for all the cities which hort of povernmental drapooning is Juring the prevines period. Results will be influenced try the selfthe times have maituted themselves, they control kase the full market fatuodis folly. If anyone thinks that the patience, our desire to confront this try out their methods of ladiow. Tutte issue, and the Hesabe range in Rusia, but of the left Winger and by whether. uperior to the law and have won five value, even where they do not make Potkon of other commodities, patriot. As resulting frua the world war dat in dobaful whether the stiri and they are considered reliable, and both of their commodity, labor power, a prition artificial combinative and irrein in notwithstanding, are puing to put before us this dilemma: either Workmen will accepe this new form of these elements are greatly injured by transcending that of other mmmlities ly corner the market. We know that emerge from this war poorer by MacriMacrifice more millions of men in the de democracy, cren at the hands of (luare (1. e. have acquired status. And the all the powernments have been liged facing the economic values of the cum opportunist coalition with middle struction of European civilization, or to FAward Rail practical importance of this life in the ho lake extredinary precaut modities which they control, he is very conquer the pureraments of a civilized Group Socialists The majority of the International einclusion that the path of Iphop in me in fraud and extortinn on the part much mistakes. The entrepreneur may cuuntries for the Socialist Revolutiva.
of the business up and that they send his sons to the war, and submit to Our intrepid Comrades lithientu In be the old fashinned literal path of Group evidently thighs that it can Historic conditions have made the and Friedrich Adlar have been elected the old and www mmfortably dead wcial have had to arrede to woreanalle de taxation, he may prumblingly lavest his hare this within the new. Inde democracy, bert the new path which mande under the preture of conditions. wurplus funds in national securities, but Russians, perhaps for a short period, the honorary members of the Council of pendent Party. Another part and In spite of all their precautions, the war kade in status, call it syndicalium, quilt he will never warrender his claim to the keaders of the revolutionary world pro Soldiers and Workmen We may expert farbally the mont active part is our profits mount in the met horrific fult value of the commodities which he letariat, but Socialism cannot how pre that the liberation of their honrary vinced that under present condition socialisth or what you will lashine, and the perment of Britain. control. To do to would mean his vail in Russia. We can expect unly an members, as well as of other rictims affiliation with the Center in a regular But this by the way; granted that In ure its face, has been blind to ruin; it would imply the speedy terminaagrarian revolution, which will help to the opposition waint Imperiallisen ben party without any half way acceptable labor puwer is commodity and that the 10 war profit taxes to the amount of tion of his economic superiority.
create more favorable conditions for differewt countries, will be made a peke prerum in brund in become failure, laborer is the seller of the commodity. Mixty per cent, which it is www proposed further development of the proletarian term of the Russian Council. The Left even when accepted only as temporary now is the time to insist upun un abidto maine in eighty per cent. In write of Such surrender on the part of labor forces, and may result in menaires for Wing Group with Lenin, well as the measure ing by that doctrine which is to persist on this, however, profits instantly pile is no les ruinous. The rise in the prices the control of production and distribu Left Wing Socialists in Hulland, have This mean regretfal split in the ently preached in the piping times of tp and new millinnaires, minpun. of necessary commodities means antion. already made this demand anndition Left Wing, and developments in Gier peace, when men are only quietly mur for their armgance and extravaganer, Essential reduction in the actual wie The main result of the present Revo for participating in any International many since do not show an increase in dered by means from which the gentle spring out of the chane of the war. Cute unless such wage is raised to meet the lution will have to be the creation of Socialist Congress revolutionary wirit or action. It wa pecifis does not shy. War has raised indity prices are maintained and the new conditions, and how is the wage more favorable conditions for further specific feature of any wamp to the value of the commodity labor market with it be haulked. Even ten standard to be raised except by com revolutionary development, and to live Tus Left Wing group of Socialists in wallow whoever snuggles to keep his power. Why should not the owner of Germany. where the organization is cupe bined efort to raise it! Such effort will Auence the more highly developed Furo France, of which Lorriot is the best bead above the reneral level, and ho that commodity insist upon having the peed to be complete and where the pow.
be met with indignation and vituperative pean countries into action known representative and which ett to be feared that the hope for the future benefit of the increase and the market crnment in credited with an approach to Insult by the dominant dans, and they how rests with reduced number of doing its duty by him in times of prot evenhandelnews in mand of the will pour out on that portion of the When in November, 1914, the Rumian dorues the resolutions adopted Zim.
merwald, decided conference that Alsace Lorrain should be in the way fighters outside of the new porty perity? We are familiar with the reply interest where Holy Stale come in working dan which are takes up the Party demanded: Transformation of the oppressed painst the oppresort, Anneration in the sense proclained froup and there may be any of light in fronted with a citation for higher and proletarian alike, are there the line most violent wrath, in the case of the and for Socialiam, this demand by the Rasdan Council of Soldiers and the decision of the group in Hamburg. wages or when rebuked for the inhomes dustrial capitali ets have taken the built in South Wales minert considered ridiculous by Social Patriots, which not only refused to join the standarde prevalent la industries ar Wolpen.
as well as by those who constitute the combination, but decided that the time ploited under the laisser faire practice. Center. Nowadays even Mind man ww ripe to constitute a new Socialist He washes his hands of all responsibilcon me that this demand was correct COMMITTEE has been formed in organization in which the sconomic and ity, maintain that the matter is one of England dp the initiative of the Indepolitical struggles will have to be fought his; ways that he does not make the le OUR 500. 00 FUND. The changing of the Imperialistic pendent Lapor Party and the British war into chvil war has already started. Socialist Prity, to work for a speedy. one and inseparable. Here to the bor market; holds that workers do dawn of the new hope, of new forme not like for they can leare karo If not, dom at noe! The power and work of the paper depend Good luck to the proletarian Revolution prace on the basis of Zimmerwald.
for the new reale that there to compulsion, that the upoe your rapport.
le Earoper. hur unions will be represented and. The Independent Social Democratie market lopen market and the Brory dollar woh lo apent welualvoly the Party do not constitute antst, weither there is plenty of material current paper. The New International payı rene salary This letter, of which wie publish the Rammy Macdonald has been elected Get rubeeriptioma! Makedouation! Do your bit your came of thought and principle nor al action prices nou esential parts, ww written a Secretary, od leaves talde of its oralation accordance with instruction of group and paper wood you!
The employer has always related of member of the Russian Socy Den Sons of the Russian social democratk groups of the most active dements for upon this commodity mpact of labor.
THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ocpit Party, traveling with Lenin front papers in France have been rappresed, the Morganation of the Sociale and the worker themeet here not 294 Klagebridge Ariane, Now York City Switserland to Petrograd, and was evidently to make the world le for foron un dow otherwis tale day rey for Idopted megan April 4, 1917, one raped the of the us alan gemeente select compete with HAVE YOU CONTRIBUTED TO