Page Two THE NEW INTERNATIONAL Saturday, June 16, 1917 THE CLASH AFTER THE WAR. Confusion and The International. Compromise By ANTON PANNEKOEK Movement To the proktariat this state socialism than the robbery of the working populaWe hier om langere den meget opon the Highest deny of the periodice pentru prese crisis of meant or net va Fation of its sole tion of all classes in the interest of the The General Committee of Lobo the masses of the workers in this counWhat, after they have longhe and bled burden of life. Notwithstanding this, it of one kind or another Had the per curselves in full harmony with the com recretary of Ilindenburg: We declare try, and to really all sincere radicals and sion. But even when peace has been eoffwnents of militarism and war under clared, his wraakte is not finishel For five imperialium, shall the workers tents of the letter of General Hindenito hanner of Social Revolution; but the the effery of the waremmin. Sew turn, to lie hungry upon the stret? Social Democracy will not oppone this true patriotism, they would, when the But this crinis direct Dutcome of the plan but will lend its heartiest port state needed the money to carry on a war burg (in which demanded so strikes to. must be met.
during war. Strikes be light. Their lack of insight and tourage. When the soldiers retum to their war and shall not the government har. Their old ideals make them the prisoners in their intereses, have placed a portionsvoided under present conditions. The billion for the war; of this new system of national exploita of their wer profits at the disponiof the malety of the country is of the first ior: nians to siktrack the issue, and comes new mivery anul ww want, are quently they receit the influerne of our prianing at them. Awful haven fpw hure billions to its debt, in order to narion. Nak haring done this, shall they tance. Irreponsible peo party in the conference and in the thert.
ile suffering that war has loreight, in kuink it crustule olien slely through Fisch before the war every propoul to have the right to demand tribute for at ple have tried with only very slight re ing to rero. Their real for slaydation we tevent the hot of the pureskrtariam this critical particolare all hang shall we say identike me consumers ly new methopedico future times from the population? Of was so great that they furyor every suk to call rikos in munition factories is still wore in tinks of prae. In war heralde wa Zeginning of wrial that accrue from Hate bonla are, to further their political interest.
thing ahmut the dass struggle and so in which dracrved our heartiest rape wcially considered the most wake. We request that you submit this letter to cialism and do e realize their hudie time there whers are needed the bunur kiturinn amus. to serve on ito ng nerke their. will through the urt Serialism is morbund for me To be sure, wah arguments will lionel manship between the strength, always tend to repudiate this tribute, to revolutionary, socialice government will General Hindenburg.
Rus and ugly wand eren. is to skrifice, their fun will, the Nainly shown by the latful clankors of yirit of the army is an important facts betrarly as effective der recedy the might of the proletariat. In the per This is where the defense of our the New York (alt. They lost their iken warfare. ney. therefore, becames, Itell, in forcing the bourgeoise and the conception of socialism and state in annul all national debts. Conditions are country leads to.
tity Skialias by liecoming mete crea. wwlany consideration, suservient to government to take heel But they will lucrire hart been hopelessly confused sh that only this measure, the end tures of the crowd and intagine they the ain of the war: aid and anistance maintain their old principle that is in the minds of our sucial Democracy: man of throne sale los can THE minority Socialists in France are.
have xtel the part of here Jlatcriam are granted with anscustumed liberality. peacelul, capitalist state of society every in the future, this party with face the save the nation from the threatening organising their forces. The Committee furahat opus.
The working clam suffer it is lutcherehe must take care of himell. The male kialist plans for the increased en financial ditacle. It is me to be a for the Defense of International SocialIt may be highly farsitule that finally lwert there at tume kast maintain a sayur will take the form of op klaveriant of the working class, with perted that capitalist governments will im. of which Languet, Deguise. Goude a new Progressive Party will yoring certain livelihol.
charitable gifts, enervating paperise neither mental weapons nor a clearly de tulist interests are beily. The more with which supported by the Journal ap from the Council of the People, and That ceases with the cuming of peace tanker humiliating. com litione emada: timed attitude it be the duty of the proletariat to raise Peuple, organised congren to which the yunsors of this murenicat once more wil lander and attack the softarial stand the workers are no longer neckla perhaps the sacrifice of important right In view of this, the workers met To the revolutieafy wing of the this cry ainst every wtempt to burdon both factions of the minority were in cialis murenent beking the duty to of our party. They then will be able waliers; they are no longer comrzle them with new taxes for the payment of vited with the main purpose of discuning delenikre of the fatherland, herur mand murity of exime for the to mislead the workers of this cuuntry arike the fire flow these new and war debts. Together with the complice instructions for delegates to Stockholm.
for years to conie, taking advantage of the more they become beats of lar eyhad a right. This is the confrous shackles upon the proletarianahon of all awr propi, this measure wit the lat that this nuvement was fathered km. dijests of exphilation. In them towary demand to be sure, one that effect the very foundations of capital The fight againt Steve Surialism will make it possible, to avert the most awful bring in its wake a radical clarification consequences of this war, from the mu The minority Party in Holland (the by our own leaders. They have rendered hwk for work, if they are lmgry.
Can the mennt, however. decided of the people participate in wonderful service to our Hovenient an! Bleu chat tre refuse to cikisikrite justification, of ideas concerning the relations between the proletariat and the new imperialism.
he International Congress at Stock.
When the proletariat, during and after im, unless the leaders of the revole to our cause, ined: but what kind of a After the war has signal, the whole demand is rond long the million wervice is this! The proverbial bear la industrial unory of the country must am write that constitute It will inte in period of new, practical the war, resumes its political struggle, chary Left Wing in Germany and cuntlict. As the new, inyerialistic Hate must hare a dear cut program of action tended to render kerrice to his good man again le fradjustel condition work armies. This demand unites the are and more unmistakalay asumes the. The struggle for cialism is always have been releasel.
Austria. Liebknecht, Adler and others ter, the traveler, by throwing a Hone ut wthat sinuilar to the crisis at the begin liate problem of existence of the My that alighted on the latter forepuise of oppressor and exploiter the proclam ruggle for the momentary interIntariat will see in the nation its greatest of the proletariat. The methode head, tvert it stanhed his master heal. ning of the war will reth. At that time paketarian with the aim and printing the milizatum, in site of the vast of retinary wkcialism. For it Our klers apparently are following numbers that were drafted into anlitary mouline to singly rive expresan enerny, akainst whom it must fight be the means danged in this streek (England) exprewed sympathy with the the labor convention held in Leeds fure all others, by means of my action temnine its revolutionary character of Russian revolution and endurned the ho the example of this bear.
service, followed by a terrike perind this lemand. If it is to be realise And the Kautsky tradition that we mud course, a part of the ski demands retain courand on accuting of this, although the until inluery hail adjusted it the me that the paketariat cand preserve the site in order to weit for their importance in the ke program of mand for an immediate peace. The. we of whirt lasted he the force and indemnities de wur uns pares will be practically action, as, for instance, the fight for full congrew showed bitter spirit of oppo we must realize the danger in which the well to war feliciun and war orta tolmar.
democracy in the pation, and the fight wition ainst the English Grernment party can be placed by stupid leadership. hegan to come in. After the the The rank and file of the party must pull situation will be exactly nyersed; the third cause of coming pression kivenne meaning a new increasing at home. The brutal imprisonment of pain militarism. But both will be For the ruling close there in anul and its suppression of any and all liberty themselves together, rather up strength auntry met fruen war wie and ww confit will come to the work and proceed to carrying into practice the to prace porolotin. But this crisis wa ay of the diffaruky. Kaprolat prevalence of mate socialien will weld strike leaders and the fact that eventy ing care out of the war. The nation program of ation propumed by the ma be much more severe. In the fut of a material that has been deute of Hurye will emerge from this bar in lu trial exploitation and military enslavement together with political opprer without any form of trial, was most four were in jail already for a long time jority of the Emergency Convention. We case, the wht market with its hundredfedt al mandents, bet the burdened with cornwel dette. War sion into one reactiorary whole must realize once and for all that it is demand we prolaction was reden om cumekerne, for husband kun has followed wat kan, until the dangerous to trust leaders. If you want by the nation by the amg with its uni.
eo. phatically criticised. and buurt. They will markets of the belligerent nation. Trewed by Lily Line The most important result of this conto lepo internet to proper dimens and ideal para form requiremenee to place of the mand more effective proper ament already to more than two bunRet the chain ference in hist. Lu dela must rigidly control them, the more We woning Commercio san.
tood Waliom, National como the and des broma Se bom Wwe Hondare.
Nyhete Marow he tenta de The pattern.
only beury to pay the interes tal the sheer physical strain was.
sheshe movement will be ret hack for had Millions from which to pay his letes, stated in a retinal abecht way, into mulher where can we taing new taxes lo the terrac. It seemed so it were in year.
Billime taied by thiruite lunes of rvice Were in most auch ein parliament, in quite of civil peace. plaw stranke. mad, nightmare world, where Italy fully discussed measures to be taken Tue bates congress of labor wions in It is your duty now to repaliate their ar lund Small wonder that every to retain the workers in their mar fighting cas, on the tax quekion. erything was reversed: instead of during the period of readjustment after. and at variu. ce with the catablished prin the whole business of war crasem, pro military clinciyline, for the protestinal to the shoulders of the other: yet they pura berdies and suppurating Wuusula dented unemployment will follow the de wame of them hideously rere and mobilisation of the armies!
on the question of pulitical trading and tranh this presents the greates difi canization of industry and trade under the the greater, and she the leter washed werks of men with arms. The disturbances and strikes in differ expresied by our recent party convention meet the varied ckemunde und private bay. The experiences gained from the contenere bestaquentie of who shall return. like decayed peaton und other entangling alliances. You should culties national control, have inyreel the works make known to the lalor world that they of Sale Serialism favorably women and legs swang up on apparatus that ent parts of Spaje continue to develop The old markets are one. Sex mar.
were not representing your views and Bourgeois niinda The advantages of the social demuxta! Consequently resembled withing much as the It has been reported under date of June 1, kets be foul, rw connections et heals there, but were acting individ. tablished. An fhie takes time.
form, contmiked produtim, wet cheri With the exception of bugical social im id ficture racks of the Inquisie that in Barcelona soldiers participated in uals. Only a class conscious labor more ment will be able to cope with the monperent.
erated their resolutions against indirect and smells were the natural and for several officers of high rank.
sets of militarism and conscription by biverent countries canner at once be re The mutinywistant of the large taxation, and insist that the burden of mal order of things for days lynas waping a relentless fight on capitalism. Suneda pon that wlojat we need for dustrial branches couli le haght, nr be borne by the promising classes nanacated. The sight of raw mangled THE Hrasilian Federation of Labor There is no short cut to our victory. The former collection de bienes han comediante ily. Into national ownership. The cool entirely they are righe, where they Acthy, the brod maturated linen, the businead o manifesto denouncing the fights that are facing ts must be taken be done without diffaulty with the distintain the the waves cannot bear teacher angrents wound, the defense of the Fatherlands long as and will create bitter antagonism on the up and must be carried on oo clear and addled bunkens that ad led taxation nervous sraia al bandaging freshly clay rule exists: We will never com definite class linek Take the manage industrial field, as surely as they will war industry.
avald red The question of enghry nemt for si the Mandard of living of amputated Humpe, and the creams operate with thone whore principles have the working claw even more than before the dressing hour simply born pechoed humanity to nothing and who ment of the party in your own hands, kave their mark even in the world of culture and frience. Each country will returning oldier to weld be able Pet they forget that the sandard of liv. barded the maccustomed enses and have beled civilization. It is high time elect representatives from your own milst, and wurk out more perfect constrive to become industrially independent for the bourgruise. The danger than heretofore. Let the old leaders ronto the necessity, and prikken profits have given call for work, breal. Doistance, color which he worker in one position the stomach. When confessed this The demonstration and protest strike Council of the parke for food that speljalide tutun to beta trial de veterys there the avented by drafting them in the demand and to win from the capitalist to the ward sargnom he laughed.
ment, hare encouraged thens in nestering diately into the war immeries, and the working class, cum win a higher pune healthy nature wypaint diese When condict with police forces, which charged should have no in a truly tionary Socialist Movement. We hope foreign markets. The outlook for the madually, a condition in private the where loves on the political field, was at the Front, at the commence the crowd, killing and wounding.
wonment of the war, at one of the bare doren.
that our party as a whole will have nort. Robination of industrial conditions in try become more wel, dicen tened taxation, what the industrial field, this but prove its repitals, used to retire and gat ing up do with it. However, we cherish the belligerent countries are anything from military service.
Other Antares right arise liticed weakness and ineffectiveness regular matervals. It was awful, for paint high lood prices developed with reneral demonstration in Norway one belief, and that is this that the days best promining.
so doebe there will be periode of one from where for the time place pot Where since August, 1914, the social de had nothing to work with. But cat bloody incidenta, bundreds of those Council of Workmen and Soldiers on the tivity. The terrible sovepes of interest the exclusion of all willen Every parislikes and kissed its feet, it to weak then mobilise you. Imitate the wing sande participating. in Resmi Then there will be wa end to material, likewise, for time, will poverament organization of protection to the parte de sucnation, that he med by the bed at youngster who had revolutionary character and developed DEMONSTRATIONS La Bohemia were of militarian and conscription, capitaline courage production Enormous arred AN technical and organizational imponohet me prired to receive, us reward key off and is dying cangrene. Inte revolto in prostnicz Malrict, Out tion and the emancipation of the proto time, decrease prochaction in plied. It would do away with the probleme teile for its proletariat Their remote Con Con mirus. li pow. It pes the General Secretary of the Bohemias tariat of the world.
hand But this cannot beating hem of unemployment intrance. Wippen we are ridiculous and therefore pre better, he replied simply. And be ww National Committee in Paris state of prosperity. thietly because the could be regulated for paint this pour enthe opposition to their own action dead up to his wrist already! He was It is well known fact that veneral destruction of capital tell has been so erful employer labor ani moc le port we werting camu. dend men and he knew it, and he dientes among the soldiers in the held rest Everest le the powerhouse if they were permanente en la intended an actions. Active ople here that knew that he knew li sad the wis hour day and other reformat THE workers conquered me recuperative power of the varring it be generally controle de chat online increased dependence on the phone that must be bornir by the pain and and the poet roes better worsen af 180 rubles per months after a it more period of general Industrial depression prenter curtainment of their personalidade There mobilization of spirit for muccessful reveral strike to the influence on the women. Dr. The bourgeoisie will strive to cumulate freedom than was posible der private pool that mean that re shall demand your. here is a report percentage of the lower parts and employment will be the branches of intentry in sy many and with property taxes! Bourgeois represents were over breathed reliel. Never did your la prince was released and met rel, member of the City Council of Bere he was capital by die hoende plantation ownership National ownership in the Nerertheless, when the dressing COMRAR Haglund after serving one curhat illegitimate her the the large files that war will bring to the probar their militarization. Unquestionably. the where were partly right when they main learn to control my were come comed by thousands of fellow worken.
cities of Germany increased from 15 per bariat ruling class lean the day after that is that taxation levied upon a pletety; to listen without a tremor to cont. In 1914 to per cent. 1916, and la the coming years the problem of where witicary dictatorship meters derived from the interest on the the cries of pain, the high. piercing al Socialists in Sweden and organizer Haglund is one of the best known nidithat in the more period the member of employment tube the burning questa porte content and the state of birth money will prevent the sonulation of reported venereal dimens of women in tion, the weightiese problem in the strut we become things of the pace that have to Kream, Onlar Ah, Now of the Young People Langue AA, douceur derir!
Eary therer OA, Lee Din, how with those illustrating the plynical, men for faction, and a furirent wermplarzy forces will present itaell as the most releapitalist to wload them uporabis Subecribe to The New Internationalt werk the end at the present period of the most important demands of the hos bares, and curbing their entire con le now the payment of their debet les of happine treatment amplayer in the shape of magerodua mereka The quality of pene pony to those broken cries was too much six month, 50 cento; one year, 00 for, me Elisabeth Fry, The civilisation.
sociale proletariat It must be raised political opposition Address: 246 Kingsbridge Avenue, pun in the last only, nothing mort Saturday Farming Pow.
The ant blum export to the best prirate praktien bare bime to raise of the un type hare it to: if shricks and cries and Tours, the demonstrations and held u prisoner trol of their activities than we hare head and well sufficient. In the neutral to threaten, when great rehellisis fixed that is determined by hh the newcomer fairly in the pit of for Compers to crud then rece.
New York City,