CapitalismDemocracyEnglandGermanyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorking Class

Warten the World, Unitet Loft Wing Socialista. AT COM only hope of avoiding a reversion to bere control of the investment markets of the negation of democracy, this last edst these circunstall the first time in the OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOCIÁLIST PROPAGANDA LEAGUE Vol. No. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1917 cents. Copy The Conscientious THE MENACE OF CONSCRIPTION Confusion and Objector By LOUIS CFRAINA Compromise By KITGERS The menace of conscription is immes of men from productive saursuits hy we country for filthy hacre. Coral and universal military service that milidiate, and it is ukimate. It marks ganising the reminder the angels and rvice might not produce loyalty tarime cannot and will not develop in this By ROVITCH THE Swialist is a contents obe the beginning of an agressive militarism autor ratically, lai mall produce a sense of duty and country. Militarium is not matter of. On the ground of the daw struggle jector because it is again 0. 11 con in this country, and it is the sign and Hut the military anul cu nik inctors (recipdine that would prevent such die the witt, but of necessity. Imperialism Kience and principales to letray the wyn of new era of appressive ac are not alone determinant. There is Laceful and damaging incident. requires militarism to fight its rivals and ore incincible; Irene Ware Working Class tivity in the annals of American capo waiah, or flitical, fastur of u im. Kritish weekly. John Bull, with to crush its Working Class lost, brense mere no longer Socialista. Liebhucchi.
Knowing that armies in civilized capitalism.
witane: ike suppression of day. Clin of more than one million talist countries are well in the interest of The fon lamental fact that should be In an article in Scribner Magasine and the correios of the Workimilum.
chic, said: the ruling clans gainst the workink Imre in mind is that conscription Conscriptiwa, un knuxrati in itxil. The miner ho refuse to work must Franklin Roomereka denied that uni Sutiahle Party to look around and class, it is our cuiscintig duty to op Hol temporery meas that it intre mure menacing in that it stribe com wriqeed put under military comversal military krrice would develop find out where their recognised spokes pore the strengthening of suth armies. been imposed upon the forme me shume directly at derecracy retallo: iz neck and make so würk at soldiers pay. militarisen: men and leaders Hand on this funda It makes little differetne whether the fup pornes of this war. In a pre and is intended to be to, lucru dhe bar is the way they do things in Get Few of thely fear that this na mental and met vital principle of the army is to be used at home to shut dons liminary means of inyoning universal way and the Working class ey and that is the way we must do tion will ever become militarisic the class struggle. You have now excel workers in their struks again caja military service during times of peace. Inyerialien, out of which was su duy them here.
trend of our civilization is all the other lent opportunity to learn what is their talism, or whether it is used in called: The servile kunions of capitalien have arisis inimical to Jenway and Colind Sir Augustus Fitzgeorge de way. Switserland and Australia are ex. conception fighting militarism and com national wars to strengthen and increas a knitted that come riparam was me at crushedemency wherever and what on that compubory service was amples of progressive democracy sex scriptions by creatinizing the minutes sort the world power of the ruling clw 2o all indispensable for purposes of ever it ran. The autextacy tetapi beg for at this time when the people. cessfully amed against attack.
speeches at the Conference on Democracy the further enslavement of the worl! war, but that it was nectnry to act inferialiem is the determining Ki Lautant Coloael IL. The trend of our civilization may City. The leaders of our party were out of hand.
and Peace recently held in New York proletariat tinder the iron heel of munkra tom the people to the idea universal fator of the time. This new attacy Max.
industrial and financial feudalism. Being military service. Even before the decle is ttan. forming guerment: Teangamis brutally frank in his apprecis have been all the other way in the pex among the organisers of this new expres Internationalist, the suffering of fore ration of war against Germany there inge indu iry, and re aligning the risk of comcription as a means of crush but it is no longer wo today. The or sumption that there is some beherentsion of indignation on the recent mani eign workers appeal as krongly to my vikent newyepet canteien for temi classes in society. It mutkiss the mions: festations of capitalist class rule miliconscience as those of my fellow citizens aniversal military wervice, that foued its new era, and impones new method of the abuse of personal freedom has superiority of vine in America that will or fellow residents. And being con tarism and conscription, and they had fruition in the Chamberlain bil fut the struggle for the uverthrow of capitaliana ched its climax in this country. Trade prevent the duplication of the evila of universal service in chillish or insincere. ample opportunity to show their nettle.
vinced that the ruling Jasses will not give military training of 100, 000 men a year They spoke vociferowly and expressed up their hom srip upon present wciety for a period of six months during prese direkenwuracy, and its surtilainen on meinerilling our existence, and boy The needs of imperialism are the same the lo realizing the one they have to yield And even this was denounced on inte antibo liberal fathevulent cherspection action mot of our national soul hans er here, its evile universal Thecito their remaritione verbeely in this father tin (me remedy and one alone can stupid. Suite tion of and Australie ing. Their speeches can be mine. tie state.
is not an imperial ROW with those made by other radical strengthening of the ruling class is about Militarism, and whatever they may This being the lenckicy and the need bdicate this state of towanial Law 48 care il istic nation, and cannot harbor dreams of democrats who for years conscientiously dimstrous as the weakening of the verval service means militan m, lo slow imperialism uses war to establish this proletariat. This is all the more true in lutely pretary to the ruling clau weder forky firmly and permanently. They have not been a brutally Irak conquest; and en the democratic cits have been voting for food men Roosevel. Wilson and you is period of modern imperialism the conditions of inperialistic capitais. Acainst the remanes of democract that in the United States, but the repeatedly against the Working Cond had any significant differences? Do they tamil daie eine wirur iwged wimplacably we Wreciter since we planiralie tus proclaim my principles for which they www. the them ongantion of poetety, and the ground to respect that they may not have proletariat.
Whether conscription may develop any principles all as the representa nation serples of capi the mower of imperialison, of the individual and his conscience: In Germany only growing general ple is military power, actual related social forces and stivity for its purposes.
tal. The driving force behind thi trug of the way in which war draws upon all great social inne requiring great militaris can be determined only by. action, consideration of the fundamental facts of tives of the most thoroughpoing oppor tunists of the modern school?
Nainst the formidable and well organ tol. The hiwory of recent yran to. Accordingly. the fire and most importhe fight against conscriptive is futile economic and political development in The Conference on Democracy and ised military machinery, and even Lieb plete with events in which the armed tant mavunotar in to crippide demors becked up by the preciation of this country.
power planation was used to secure ray, to withdraw the marre civil rights wcial and economic conditions that knecht, convinced that his martyrdom at The United States is comically and peace lasted two days, and was wound up by a frantic mass meeting with an audi present could not lead to such a mase its capitalism concessions and the righe prevailing during peace. And comcrip fuche it forth. And the lack of appre financially the most powerful nation in tion to the effative means of putting ence of about 10. 000 person. Merens movement including the schliers, sub preference to a cumpeting national rival through the Tractionary program e of this fart is reponsible for the world. Its potential forces of Hilquit, Lee, Berger, all of them wiedert mitted and accepted the fight inside of of the revolutionary majority report of But in the diplomatic struggles to pro ph of the abeurdity in the no conscripsion are tremendous, and when loosed in all their fury will precipitate a aprece the Emergency Convention of the Som the army. In Russia, revolutionary work wete financial intereses, circum cances vinden vangarn for enteription waged on the category of absurdity in the ardented catastrophe. American capitalismen cialist Party u Se. Louis, were the most ens mater the army in order to keep up arise where the threat of armed power by the press of the capitalist chemy. Bra frent that conceivaion is against the in inherently and inhaitely brata! is a compicsoms and active ones in the banch, and develop the revolutionary spirit fails in its purpose, and an actual strug fore the art hecane Low, the New York and tradition of the American tions in Central and South America are under these circumstances most effective series of events that led up to the EuroTribww wid: Make The sbourdity lies in the fact violation of all bw and all decency rate at this conference the principles set in preventing soldiers from being used It (the volunteer system) discrimi canpon folder in the interest of Rur threat succeeded; at another moment, the afected, and makes harder the gorerer en and new conditions are here, rofar the rights of the Working Claw worked out a new platform which was pran war. At one moment, the German mates in favor of the slackers and the di band traditions exist no longer; the country is one of the best democratic, in the kind happened. The conference sian and British imperialism.
French and British threat socceeded; and la the United States those who wish then came the moment when the vast (My italics. maut task of beeping wdorhome produce new ideals and traditions, are concerned. Nowhere else than in the endorsed by our shining lights. Is the to stick to the interests of the Working economic and Snancial interests involved. Who are the diaffected but the rebda fars the domin kusia of the Car wasLudlow mer majority declaration of the convention The day when America and this must do all their power to pre acte perpetrated; nowhere else is the in their view not good enough to be pro trw the creation of military system, word.
interests of capita were put to the artåtrument of the and the prigle who refuse to fight in could boost of its democracy, new machine proletariat more harassed posed to any assembly of radial men and necessary for the ruling dans to destroy was they did not wil and cannot produce forever. The conditions of internal and oppretted. And yechings are med as the expression of the sand of whatever rights were helt at home, to War to day is such a coloral proposis by? The American people expressed pansione conto de los hermano the frontier other manifestation of the unter disregard de conscious workers in America!
protect their war profits and to secure tion, that it cannot be waped on the vot their emhuim for the war by rowing ched the Pacific const. And when of law and the rights of people In all their speeches not word about the future world power and world exploita unteer system. Unlike the war of the moutand the government by me conditions card, America brand organised, the president has more power, about the principle of case struggle The povertiment is more autocratically sims and ideals of our dan, not a word tion. That is why the cominacious. past, war to day is. wer of Nople, of cunscription will them by the kuire a larger economic vision, to jector works for the repeal of the con valying and depending on the con scruff of the neck and compol this real out the economic interests than any other porerament or ruker ele. Our old friend, the people, was on the scription law socially, and individually kription of the whole national life for fight in. war for democracy!
rayhout the world, and to participate where. All this, coqsidered in relation stage again, and our headen evidently claims exemption from military service. purposes of war. The will of the people, Conscription makes easier the pon the ruggles of imperialism. These to the new conditions of imperialisa, are think it will accomplish wonder wit To prevent the building up of militar. their activity and industrial capacity: ernment task of keeping order to of the Philippines was followed menacing, indication of what is to come aves from imperialism and conscrip is now that all ordinary means of pr their enthusiasm and idealiom, must al home. Faxctly! By means of conscrip the imposition of an economic and The declaration of war against Gertion test and demonstration have failed wd be conscripted, organized and drilled to, tion the diffected and the rebels moslitical yoke upon the peoples of Com many sonbooned all these potential forter Council of the People was organised since reneral mass movement with back up the soldiers in the hell Nar by be drafted into the army immediately, fal America and the Caribbenne. Akar of reaction and autocracy. Freedom of which is expected to conduct was wrelenKrikes to bear pressure upon the govern alone are men conscripted for actual milie by being simply called to the colors pour ith this came the end of that period of speech and semblare was suppressed ing fight with the people and for the ment did not develop the conscientious tary hrvico the men, women and chit under military lw. By mean of complendid isolation, when America ww conscription was imposed upon the poor rights of the people. The mission of Sjector refuses as an individual to be dren behind the bring line must be com kription the civil rights of the individual mackered sufficient unto Itsell. The ple brutally and without their consent, the the Socialist Party even its existence conscripted. This is so purely individ. scripted for various tasks, which, while are abrogated, and the brutality of milit fomeentration of industry, the rise of pho president vitually bludgeoning Congres we completely ignored; the activities mal action, however, since thousands apparently nooredlitary, and yet indio. try law becomes rampase. The world furacy, the financial expansion abroad into passing the bow. And the reign of the delegates and their utterance show upon thousands of America citisens pensable to maintain large armies at the most be made ale for democracy De decay of the militant middle class and terror grows instead of sbating, that our party bol no consequence la have registered 29 conscientious ob front The conscriptionist propaganda made independent farmer all these facts pro Under these circumstances, the devel, this fight at all. In their view, jector It is this circunstance that makes was there reactionary motivee clear. But one puced decay of the democratic ideal opment of militarian is Inevitable. The Seppone they did not to la what mensure this will be effective, today much more intensive, much more motive ww mot cuphasized that comes and tradicion: Fractually. subely. bet president program colle for incompen down the propery the political comporten depende largely upon the sombers destructive, and much more reactionary scription may wo wote to abrogate the seminare more the best. And today, the ably the largest way the workers the home of the Working Champions whole volved, but even is powerful protest then in the past right to strike. will weaken the laperialistic forces Conscription is equally a military and and strengthen the tendencies toward an economic measure Military, to com la England, where conscription de the world the fact that American comporably the largest any in the world. ca militari and war! Did our leaders not come like thief in the night be spitaline has come olupe, discarded Its Militarism is rampant and will become ask them to do this or did they think importante. since revolutionary period may be indiferent er nesten hy het beste o sostike licentary one emphasized that one with all its economic and military power, try light, and fight karnesively. pore if they did? The probability in proletarian revolution. This is the more pel men to fight in cause to which they was preceded by terrike struggle, this bemocratie tradition, med to prepared mapremenilom the people of this common would be considered a bad taste on their secure the secemary material promptly reaction.
ndio autocracy, lo dispute repreacy Frentest danger to this revolution comes and without much trouble to make food from the Americas moncy king.
Major General Sir Alfred Tuber the world with way trail. nged slong revolutionary socialist line remainder of this sondescript crowd This feeling although social and po vital factors where huge armies are con the montages of podien at the front aid strew on compulsory military TT. Semperialises dominant in America The old Amerta in dess new America and thought that anything of this kind litical in ius origin, has become so deeply cerned. Economic, to organise the lo les mans of breaking stribe. The strikers poined their ende, and la democratke traditions and of the perialien und militariam Socialism. preposterone romme, they pred tegral part of our thoughts and feelingsrest Industrial requirements of modern reportation, which not the main boole concession ha conscription is fight winst The Socialist Party had here slendid that to betray these principles is waingt warfare, ora, munitions and food, hoeven can watch out, the stain of show It the development that were the capitalism, with the Social Revolution opportunity to make trell popular with our conscience and our well respect and to offset the wichdrawal of millions on the road res perfect to ready to betray kitaime of the advocates of conscription of whipate objectie Cla Tooted our counclence, och utdustrid life of. mation to meet the with them on everlasting als on their mocracy, accept that may be pres the and proletarian democracy. Our te bly rould put