CapitalismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyNational LiberationRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

INTERNATIONAL AG NEW www dreve, 11. 50 oders le bundles.
Saturday, June 2, 1917 the new INTERNATIONAL Page Third. The Negro and Conscription natin was depend me won the for the protection of neutral rights, Le Panama Canas, to be that canal mine It is diferent with Man Action. This THE NEW Ax interesting feature of the conscrip: wealth it had stored was bue uzum ita se considered itself wale from delenie practice contributes an important ides, Black after the Sussex pledge by tier Finally, we mum develop and main if we interpret rightly.
tion issue in Congress was the opposition productive capacity.
of certain southern politicians to conExactly; wealth is syml, por me many.
Only month or two before the sever Mated with our policy of domestic pretain a consistent foreign policy, coordi Man Action means more revolutionary. Published Rvery Two Wooke by action against Imperialism, ainst war, DE SOCIALIST PROPAGANDA LEAGLE Kription because it would confer equal ductive capacity a fact that ing of diplomatic relations will Get paredness. The inevitable development against Capitalism. But, apart from this all other factors ity and power upon the Negro! They do When the was bruke out, it. many, this porernant instituted what of American farm, feld, mine, industry, program, ilan Action is indefinite It OF ARENCA not object to the Negro shelling his da virtually peace campaign to the finance, demands sey markets, new blood for democracy, but they fear the freely predicted that its curs. WILLEM, frentary is indefinite that is to say, incomplete President historie phrase peace with rields for our enterprise, our invent because it does not enphasize the ultiNegro might turn around and demand he run in six months, or Irss.
democracy for himself. Democracy is out victory. And then und then Germents, our products To hold open mate revolutionary mission of unionism Socialist, whose economice NP QUINA. Mehloe many resumed her ruthless submarine these fields is the main task of modern It is indefinite because in Europe it is all right for the Belgians and Serbian have taught him better, inl the same illusion. The finan. ampaign, menaced the profits of Ameri diplomacy. We are used to calling it ased primarily to fight the conservation and others abroad, but, of course, it is ca Capitalim, and this country declared dollar diplomacy. We must have done of the Socialist movement. When rebels YARIMAN the argument ran, will stop the unshinkable that the Segro should be RIN ITCW Rin. ru war. with the vacillations which the last few given the democracy supposedly granted the wealth of the belligerents in Germany wrre Mass Action upon the The American people has never years have seen. We must never again party, they mean more agresive action Selber Ort. SI. ethe, by the Republic and the Sixteenth rapidly consumed, and this drain.
anted to do these thing to shed veeta, Three che, cete induce our investors, industrials and and not a comprehensive program of ro Bende ler sepies e peer bined to protect the profits of its traders to finis Central and South volution Amendment. Imagine, the Negro migly wealth will induce exhapniin.
compel the whites to give up the gentle compel peace.
fpoliatori, Americas fields and then shandon them Sungle et y beber, 14 But six months passed, and the port of lynching!. Ind isn lynching deles ered free Mass Action, precisely as does Indus The ben who love liberty everywhere in whatever, fate bandit meramente characteristic of the honor and chivalry year, and now three years. MINE trial nionism, urges the extension of hre bring the torturerh imprisoned choose to pat uma them. Mexico is a Meyer. of the South? But will it is a war for only does the war go on, but a Socialist activity to conscious and aggrerin Germany and Austria, Italy and landmark, and will long serve as a warathe belligerents increases its ro.
democracy! Don forget tlut!
France, in Great Britain and the Uniteding to us. The country must demand a sive action on the economic held. This equips more men, spends more States. If these powernments are fight foreign policy that endures, no matter the working class and warm its idealism activity stimulates the Independence of This proporarily is issued an Fraud of National Liberation and new nations are drawn in. awke. Net rally effectite from ing for lilerty, why deprive its people what may be the fate of political partiet. into acres The war would be over to day if it Ix the news recently awared the fulof their liberty? ive are fighting fix pinda requires a tvekly. This paper tal action. It puts a bone depended upon the accumulated on hberty! The other fight for liberty is a These are the things that will make kuwing highly significant item: be issued om tenct as soon as Tour into the parliamentary struggle and con the future of America seurt. Policies financial support makes it possible. GH. congress of the Swedish pwitical of the belligerents; but it does not: i: Irault like these look to an extension of Amer pels it to become revolutionary. The scriptions! Order. bundle! Cow party, representing a majority of Fin depends in an economic sense upantir Tribute to the sustaining fund! our land wealthiest and mount influential is industrial resources and its were liberty, and not againse it. This war Work wems empty and only action has sphere of influence in the world. fight against Capitalism becomes an actproductive capacity of a nation, upan kems great but it must be action for They guard our safety and our growth.
ive mass fight, not merely an electoral CUNR and Paper Need You!
a Tut their enforcement can res upon and parliamentary debate.
But Industrial Unionism res much war against liberty. It is trampling nothing except our own strength. Eren favoring a complete, wparation of the financial transaction such as a lan. uma the people to crushing derme if Germany is defeated in thit war, we further it became the whole Socialist not a transaction in wealth, This is reactionary muwe instigated based upon the productivity of a Mooney Again in Danger racy. It is imposing the burden of an cannot hope to ride into a great future in The Morner case again comes forth by the industrial and fraxial aristocracy edious tyranny to day, and for the the triumphant war chariots of others the Working Class, organised and unor of Finland. The wprkers and peasants of the workers.
tion is a lien upon the future la future.
Others will guard their own interests anized; it sees in the immediate econo in e quently denunce the pretensions of the ruling clase of this country to be have nothing to gain and everything The war is empty, its consequences mic Hrupples of the workers prepara With those interests, particularly the fighting for democracy and civilization. lose by wperating theinselves from rem Grant a government control of the horrible, and only our action for liberty interests of England, Germany and tion for the revolutionary strike that will Shitet hierdie is ked to fight lutionary Russia. The pimple of Fin Juction, and it could fight pract And international emancipatinan is great. Japan, our industrial and commercial overthro Capitalism; and it organised future will inevitably be in rivalry. per the Working Class in a way that provides Slooney and hie wife and others are and for their arist tacy against the immediate peace, lies in the activity.
the balance of power, of potential strike the means of assuming control of society, the revolutionary Working Class, u!
lanqui ining in jail, in imminent peril of revolution. Imagine the rivalry im ing force, will depend that halmce of builds its organization the structure incitement to war should Russia be split ticularly in Russia and Germany.
America Preparing influence and opportunity which will that will function as the administration being hanged. In spite of the expon Will the fiction that wealth itseli of the pist to frame up the defendants into half a dozen nation! There are mean peace and justice between us and of the ser society.
the Grand Jury esmerated Oxman, and situations in which the phrase national power become apparent to the mass. The reactivary interests in America our great rivals aming the world lead. Karl Khutsky, in an article in the le liberation hides the ime reactirmary the people! The Working Class is the are using the war as a means of preers. The mailed fist of military powerternational Socialist Review, April, 1901, Marney is again in danger. The conand infamous meivel. The task of the great productive factor in nation: paring their forces for a peretein in the is behind the relvet glove of diplomacy. said: piracy against the liberty and lives of our comrades in hraren and unafrai. foples of Russia is to fight for a den The Working Class is dominant, e the producti.
Pat where the mailed fists are of equal The trades unions. will constitute and mine the limit to secure a eu cratic forlerated reguldies prelimt nomically: all the wealth of the wor. being mapped out. The events that comprehensive plan of action is rire. the velvet gloves are not drawn the most energetic factors in surmountvietinn. The organised Szcialist anul mary to the Scialis Rerruti ing the prescat mode of production and would shrivel into nothing. war wou. thrung faster and fauer up us may lab mrements must mme on the Exactly! And this is a war for civill. they will be pillars on which the edifice re cu. Act immediately. else it may le ceas and Capitalism. collapue, if ti be rightly imerpreted only by relating ration and democracy! The hypocrisy of the Socialist commonwealth will be Working Class used its economi in late!
thern to this fundamental fot: Ameri of it all is vile.
erected Courage!
dominance in its own revolutionary ce Impriali u preparing is wil What does it all mean? War, and But trades unions are not working for Democracy and Civilisation!
THE claws of the reactinn are wiring interests and against the interests of Honomic and political forces for aggression, and conquest. Economie the revolution; they are working a The New York Globe, an ardent en is prey. While their lips make the its masteri. action in the days to come. And this and political expansion, and its inevi caste for a place in the governing system thusias five the war, canme stomach motion of freedom and demcracy, the The Great War brorcht along withstial menace is graver than the im. uable reign of terror.
of the nation making for State Sociosome things. In a recent issue it says: Actions of their claws are deeming the it the collape of Socialiniate menace involved in the triumph One point alone will express the spirit. lise, and not the Social Revolution Nor. In the presence of ten thousand freedom and democracy that existed Le organized movement; but it reaction of the whole programme. America lo does the structure of the trades unions fore the war.
to build railroads through Mexico to the admit of their assuming possession and onstrated, in new way and erriplads the great menace of the future will spectatne a welf enfessed Sacro murPanama Canal Bot Mexico. derer, chained to tree. was yesterday They cannot do it! They cannot ally, that the Working Clase holds the armed and spressive American management of concentrated industry.
marted to death in Temessee. Women crush our spirit, they cannot mai wain future of the world in the hollow oferialien, backed up by the tremetye independent nation, and in Industrial Unionism alone provides the ryhether their tyranny. Their stress shall be hand. the war of the United Berikut sebe, Apulares Hoteles bathrog and woked mot notre ALE works naglasio boritiesThey incl.
you the below button the of women are place fighting the time when The burocoure would be to this isn emphastante prothere probably has been no more shock prise a woman? thousand deinte dain events may be widerstood and viidrettity of Mexico pram of Mass Action; nor does it project inz as than this. Because one man themselves to the cause me can The nel fruition of life is to death bestelligently. Conscription, for Germany violated Belgium.
Oh yes, cituens; this is an unselfish organization. Moreover, Max Action crush a women! They build new jails! things we have neid we wished eple, was not at all necessary for became beast. committed a vile crime.
ten thousand citizens reaked beac like They can never build enough. And it There are times when workshop war. But the cornerstone of an war for democracy and civilization!
without definite industrial organimation vengeance on him. That the man.
they do, it won matter anyway. They, and only action mom grat. Skuge demperialistic policy to day lo uniaround which to coalesce, has a tendency crime we mnom dnes me make the shall be opened, and their inmates again to come. Preeldeut oodrugi tirti military service, and the purpose to disintegrate, to be taken awares. It hask in the light of the sun and free pon.
crime of the mine whit mee defens conscription is to krustom our Industrial Unionism is strategically strong, bet tactically rul ible dom. Even the Bawille was compelled THESE are lofty settimenta. Todas jeople to the idea of universal service and Mass Action berable. Industrial Unionism would rat Rilly Sunday yederdar told hie con to give up its victims.
action slote is great, but to be great It is a more in the campaign to develop ly around itself the mass actions of the pregatina that the American Indian with Curage! must have a great purpose.
mighty militariam that shall hold the. and them bie tomahawk and waiping knife was a The terror can never seed. Xt It to habit of the President to inmajority resolution declaration on dustrial. mowisu integrates Nude Bentleman oppared with the Presian even in Russia did it forced. And the dulge in lofty sentiments, but their Today, America has two great tasks conscription is making Man Action an tion.
nidier. Cu Prusian sragery throughnut the world. It will prevail!
spirit of the Rusian Revolution their des interpretation wally dispela the lofti before it, according to the New York issue in the Socialist movement of this Accordingly, Mass Action and Indus Na, in editorial on American Pot country. And it is fortunate that just trial nionis are not antagonistic: they farther than half Tennessee!
ne arrint of the lynching ay We into this fight with care in expression of gross capitalist interes kies. One lato riccessfully meet the at this juncture, the Russian Revolution are supplementary.
We are not blind. Our eyes are open. new and reveals them as the ideologie Negro che in the pure, unhalancer hy our hearts and a song upon our lips.
in this same Memorial Day address emergency of this war. The other is to has provided the movement with vivid Industrial Unionism, alone and in it the excitement, caught up an American the President said: formulate a broad policy for the future, demonstration of the meaning and power well, is compelled to abstain from action They may imprison, and they may flag a the lay of the Mames died out. kill. What matters it? Life is not life which we have now entered as Amer. mergwy. forts. This is pre Ja one sense the great struggle in policy into thich we must pour mes of Man Action and. waring it whore his head, shouted: if used in the service of death. Death is The central feature of Mass Action until the future, or to indulge in small We re all thmesh here, hoy! Let poin it the reded by the statement that no great lies in its emphasis on the action of the action. On the whole, it may preach, but the German.
sweet if he comes in the cause of life and of American honor and American rights, thing can happen in the world, after this Working Class independent of the partie as yet cannot always act. Through the Win Pre Ident Wilsnnw write a freedom war, which will not affects and our mentary machine. It means the action of practice of Mass Action, however, the mite to the mernment and citirens of still more precinos. Courage! They. struccle of men who love liberty every real purposes animating America in the organized, as man groupe fighting forRruggles of the Working Clas, orto Life is precious to us. But freedom is but it something even greater than iti interest. frank acowalioke me the workers themselves organized and revolutionist may participate in all the that. It Tennessee holding them to strict or countability for this nutrage? Oh, vet, dare mehry shall not. where, and in this cause America will purpose. nised and unorganised. We to them the Vermonly is to fight fnr democracy show herrell greater than ever. The most significant feature of the Working Class depende primarily upon with program of immediate action, and and civilization in Europe!
American honor! We are jealous of Moti editorial is is analysis of the its own action and power, and not upon. Industrial Unionise without the prac Out with the Traitors!
Wealth and Productivity the honor of the American people, but it things weded to make America pre parliamentary machines or represente tice of Man Action may be doomed to tivet. It means, moreover, true appre propaganda slone: Mass Action without THE expulsion of 21. Simom and all the discussion of the war is precisely, the forces that engineered pered. The policy of making America ready ciation of the historic fact that the emanW. Gaylord fram membership in the higher strategy and such bigh this war that sufly this hout. The conthe theory and practice of Industrial grew of the nited States has refused to include, first of all, the principle of cipation of the Working Clawe must be Unionis neither builds for the future Socialist Party should be the begianing falutin matter military, the one fact the task of the Working Clan itselt.
redress to Colombia, and thereby ap waiverial military service. This means that sticks out is that the life of a of campaign to throw out all the It was the Man Action of the Russian por develope the marimum power of the proletariat.
imitore. These two men were particu nation, including its military power, proved the stiems placed upon Americher all the male youth of the land.
can honor by the brutal and illegal pou reaching a specifieds, nineteen people that drove on the revolution, lies in its work shope. The mobilizaThe two must fase: our movement larly infamous in their actions. They tion of Theodore Roosevelt in taking of twenty yeart will be required to transformed it from clique revolt to wrote a letter to Senator Hunting, asking tion of the strictly military forces de must accept the practice of Was Action the Canal Zone. Today, the poveru pend one year preparing themselves to social aprising Behind the declaration May our European comrades fuse their the government to take action against the pends upon the mobilization of inder of the Council of Workomen and Sol Mass Action with the theory and practice ment of the United States la trampling defend their country.
perty for circulating the majority it and the whole civil population. upon the rights of wall nation in the Second, we need nary that is mee diers Delegates stands the power of the port on the war. They acted u spies of the greater the industrial power of of Industrial Unionis, the vilest sort, and they seem to take nation, the greater its military power. this American honor. Carribbeans and Central America Ired to move in the world. We have two workers, the power of their action real exponed const lines, connected by more that makes rood the declarations pride in their vile behavior. They made. The military weakness of Italy, Aus The reneral theory of Mo Action is denunciation and committed treason tria and Rani, contributing factors For two and a half year, according the wind bere vulnerable link the one, the concrete application and empha It is an encouraging fact that in difagainst their Socialig principles. We aside, is the result of relative industrial cannot blame holding pria inefficiency: the military strength of Belgium destroyed Serbia and Reempire that we tali America moothieditionIt to limportant, accordingly pl Young People organisations et erty was in danger. Germany raped! Third, the policy of the new world wideler according to different conferent European countries the memberi ciples different from one we are in Germany, France and Great Britain is devastated Palend; for two and clude the creation of a freat merchant that we do not accept us Action with among the most active in opposing the sist upon charger lecency. The is the result of industrial strength.
Nowy Nir, the Socialist daily in Bodrgeois economiete bere stressed half year France was bleeding to death meria We shall have the done of our considering the historical condition war. In Sweden, the leader of the the war foreign trade with which no. of its Europens origin, and adapt it to Young People even went to jal for their New York coined phrase these facts. Some of them going defend liberty? Not Apparently he cared the nation foreign trade wil. com our particular needs and revolutionary conviction that apely ses menand that. The recent party convention in Stockhot map of the finger what happened. part. Our se and the rest social and strength of nation lies not in its We did not do this with Syndicalisen holm practically decided to expel there Informe to the liberty that they now claim to behind the demands of the nation At with them all! And wealth, but in its productio aperity being menaced by Germany. merol and it proved more of an Injury than a young revolutionary Socialists. It paneed do the traitors that ulk which means in the bone and sinew For two and half year the role Fourth, our policy of preparednem, benefit Syndicalian contributed nothing resolution Inviting the disrupters try to hide the bodecency of its Working Class Gantt, an interest of American Capitation and one include the coordination and de of value that was not implicit in Ladus either to withdraw their former criticism Jule. The Socialist party must dficiency expert and shrewd ob povernment to protect the commervelopment of our transportation system tot Unionis, except Sabotare And of the Party or withdraw from the Party.
yol non and women devoted to server of thing Industrial, says: cial interests, to cota profits out of the. The American railroed met net mot even lan this we did not relare Sabotare The Social Patriots will everywhere 100 Wolution, not prowling place for Soon after the breaking out of the blood and wory of Europe. It refused top at the Mexican border. It must to our own conditions and ladustrial de control of the Noking vessel of the and intellectual degenerates. ww was recognized that the life of a to affliate with the European neutrale stretch down through Medion to the velopment Second International ti.
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