INTERNATIONAL Nibed Every Two Weeke The danger is immediate, and it is adute!
mu Cin EDWARD PENAW RITGLAS dre werden les do Le Are Me Yart Saturday, May 5, 1917 THE NEW INTERNATIONAL Pye Three arrested on. preposterous charge of relentlessly. To allow these measures to hopesty. The mean of this resolution they and we will be desperate This. het quite THE NEW disorderly conduct, give six months pas, these conditions to exist, is to put take the action about fifty of role for the markets of the under druk u the proposals of the ad in jail; and, a new trial having been or our neck into the noone with Capital pelle porten who, elter voting one nicht up prww resolution of and South Americ sad Chint before the reconstruction of the House at Com retoveloped non industrial world Central Imperialistic London Times, which are dered. Jager is denied bail us a form of ing the rope.
persecution. There are the victims of Captialism sses the war to promoted their own that imells to ligte haare Is there a word too kerah to character capital with week those meme lande. The representation beind. goographical Tu SOCIALIST PROPAGANDA LEAGLE that other wu, whom we must defend. own class interests. And what is sauce OF AMERICA And this is the war that we must pledge for the poore is sauce for the rander fine this contemptible and treasonable pre predominance which we reek, and must divisions, and insisting wou doctions by our hearts and minds to me in spite of hare on this hemisphere may disrupt trades, industries and cru parin KOWARD, Secretary Whatever nerit the majority ruolo in temporary military Alliance that timate. These measures of reaction and changes and oppression are not for to day alone; they are to have a vitiated by the cover form Lothe mume way Great Britain political expresion of the concentracion LOUIS YRAINA. Weite Expel Meyer London!
tulich looks head and is organizing for adopted and by the spion of the kitty of diference over Chine. Interest clacht capital, set of which erlees lamperial. com M2. Werte London is still a member the future he conditions of war are deberes. The inte voted hot it and then. We must be armed and strong Anda determining development of in C. Rorta for the future.
disgracing socialines and the party pract. Wer does not alter the strugslen de direito de tener en helt ned the chosen the recente les chance the networy prestige The accelerating factors direct consequence of the conditions of repudiated it perialism is the centralization of power Are there the conditions that can make and the decline of Peter Orerer, 31. ka need, Three seche, et takes no action. In a speech in Congress of peace, but emphasizes them.
pour justifying his recent action, he mid: la times of war the proletariat pro ralinge Socialist jetegrity ww perpe are ma incitement to perpetual vir her and the sconomic mity of Capitalischen inde ce bebe, iyo did not vote against the bond lase for pares for peace. Every strike every Ten party is doorned by these act, we are now necesary for this war, will be inen, sad the increasing severity of the the identical measures of autocracy that its merging of interests in State Social Gelevered tre INTL borra the main with the cause of the Allien, Aroused it strength for the days ahead, he has revolutionary minority acts and deemed necesar preparation for struggles of Imperialism for the control of the investment markets of the world.
every form of non combatant aid. This news. We have a particular axenace to be aranize itself definitely and grew There la no hope la Capitalisa for de This collapse of parliamentary control This paper temporarily is issued awry was preceded by voted against the higher best at home or ons have in cui imate nekog se will become a particepe crime decor nocracy. And the democracy of Capital may lead to one of two things. brud avry twork as soon your Doesn Meyer London know that of the the coming seruggles to overthrow Capio on organise and act!
pendo requires a swekly. This paper it to day simple reason, indeed to co day prepared the proletariat for renrades of the revolutionary mien mets the minimum of democracy that may sink will lower in actual power, and may pacify the Working Clan tempo become mere verbal outlets of represeed financial support makes it possible. Go seven billion dollars, the maximum that talism.
rariy, sad that will provide the fitting energy.
mbucriptions! Order bundle! Con may be loaned the Allies is theres billions. conditions for the development of the The suspension of the class struggle tribute the muslaining fund! You This leaves four billion dollars to wages during war is great calamity for the The Safety of Democracy Or, their basis of representation and forces of Capitalisa functions may become transformed and Cause angel Pape Nord You!
war with, and to pay for developing proletariat, yielding aid and comfort unte The world must be made rate for den Bourgeois democracy marked sa up adapted in accord with the new condi menacing American militarism. This is car capitalist enemy. serihicet our wry. President Woodrow Wilson Its historic mission was to destroy leadthe important thing for Capitalism: the immediate and ultimate interest. The procese of war may promote de alism and to allow Capitalism to developments will become le und le respon Dut whichever course is taken partie aid to the Allies incidental. This is May Day, 1917 what Meyed London cowardly or stupidly of living; mortover, it makes difficult the beracy directly providing that the Reing now grown up Capitalism has lit e to the democratic instincts of the WAT symbolizes the awakening of didn vote sphinst. And yet Meyer resumption of uncerressive class strapadow out of democratic im tle need of its past democracy, and has ne.
ture, and Say Day symbolizes the swak. London is still a member of the Socialist ske during peace. It impairs the morale Me bewind is still developing a form of The task that these developments ening of Labor. year ago, two years party!
of the proletariat and dulls its fighting classe et rival economic interests monarchy of Louis XIV. meat war is the consequence of autocracy mach resembling the absolute pone upon the Socialist is obviou. Par 19, one couldn celebrate May Day with spirit. It is the worst menace of war.
liament never way, and will lew to The world can be made me for de day, a means of revolutionary action for any feeling of enthusiasm Labor Aid and Comfort to the Enemy! with the struggle against Capital humed in nations, Serbia and Belgium bag incidental and important factor seemed dead; everywhere reaction was ism mocracy only by the democracy of Sor the proletariat triumphant. But this year, there is a real Parliamentarisas showed itself utterly THE mind reels at the actions of some Tridealism of the war for democracy cialism; and that is the task of the revo1 awakening of Labor. In Russia there of our Socialista M. Simons stig The Great Betrayal the rights of small nations is simply hutionary Working Class of a nations. futile in the Europeas crisis. The matizes as treason the Comention moral Justication for a brutal ece preme utility stached to parliamentarism has been a revolution, and it still is in resolution on the ww. and Allan Tis unique in the annals of solutie imic fact, and the means of inciting process of achieving great things Is Benson jning in the chorus. William ary movements the betrayal of So pople to war.
The Collapse of Parliaments was a strong factor destroying the norile sad tolming the fighting energy Germany the Working Claw is swerting English Walling has whole heartedly cialism by the Socialist party of America.
itselt. Great strikes and demonstrations necepted the bypocritical idealism of the It is harsh characterization, perhaps wing out of democratic impulses pro the past, want of national liberation THE press of the country wewned of the International Socialist movement.
were planned for the First of May, in. Edward Russell that conscription would pass Con Mus bitterty matiriand those who com spite of Vortrartr hysterical injunction to brands as anarchists the Socialist ob but true; and there are not the times for sad the interests ol democracy. But Fress without a raggle. When the op sider parliamentaris creative and dye of national man is past. The position developed real strength, the unic Eren had the Socialists had the the contrary. The revolutionary minor lectors to the war. Frank Bohool all mincing worde.
men in the New York Times proponer! The party had ample opportunity to of 1870 apparently promoted de press denounced Congress and unani will to organise actual opposition to the ity backed up the plans for the strike, and plan for virtually starving the Pooh itself and prepare its action. For cracy in Frusce; actually it did Dot mously agreed that, President Wilso war, what effective media could they thereby inspired and united the forces of pean neutral, Russian Socialist in two for this country had been on the decrepit empire of Louis Napoleon will get conscription if he was it. The leve adopted? Parliament had to co agression against the government. At this country, the social patriotic group.
on the verre of revolution, are trying on the cabal against the traveler war: for two years the prestert dying of its own evils: while the whole problem was pat up to the Presi trol over wents; and the Socialist partie winst the wur credits, which would not France are waiting for an opportunity to London in Congreso molestie maritime bad been roing co: for two years the heart Prossis crushed the boer gros dent as if he were the arbiter ol legisla mentari e con ho messocialiste particom cent opportunity and disgraced himself forces of American Imperialism had been nicularly in the Rhenish province And the President is the arbiter of ler here stopped wu. The who had mo act. The revolts ainst the government and his party. All these men are piring organising and preparing for pression; the Russian Revolution wu sc. com islation. In the days of peace, tremer Initiative, the political movement having Spain have been only temporarily map aid ad comfort to the capitalist enemy and for two years the Socialist party had had the revolt of 1905, and not dous power to lodged in the Executive, always played the dominan rok Presed. Swedish workers demonstrated It is the symptom of corroding dirbres falling or by trad while the dublis ng Italy is en la the party Nationalmar the Congreu havine diht turns for free Anita CHLAND Ah ter Kita hamilestones de Grootik www.
EL SOL maintained compromising opponi press, virtually abandoned the cast ateriais partits perve the end of tacit dictator. And in war, Congres. leading part and not nating in obedience sion to the wu, and is in a physical and The Convention Referendam largely insincere and bourgeois in spirit of the French Revolution; but struggle u peace propeconde red and democracy, during the practically dimppear factorthe ton parliamentary sad bureaucracy. The oral position of great strategic power.
The acts of the Emergency Conven. Its prese suppressed the facts of the mud Argenting the Socialist party in its tion are now before the membership for Socialist situation in Europe. The party coolutionary force. dictatorship centre around the President and then we wertiliary of minor importance ha dictadurship of the progresside the proposed legislation for purposes of maions any vital function conceiving Trention voted down proposal to decision. It is situation in which the leaders either openly or tacitly justified the Working class in Russia to day lodges complete power in his hands compromise with the ruling class in favor radical can find very little comfort.
with no revolutionary mission to per the actions of the European Socialist me ld serve the ends of progress. And The war has shows conclusively that form.
this country, in spite of the triumph of minority report, there are now two team jority, particularly the Socialist, majority build be a womponery dictatorship the parliaments are dead. They may Parliament political portramento the reactice and the apperent moral and butions on the warmthe majority report of Germany. During this period, Victor at the dictatorship created by this function is take fests, they may give bourgeois kestitution, developed by the physical bankruptcy of the party, in spite adopted at the Convention and the pro. Berger carried on a propagando in the dictatorship of all the reactionary Liebenecht the opportunity of using per bourgeois in their fight rainet feudalism, ww report subacquently issued by Milwaukee Leder for war against Mer expressed in the ruling class, liament forum for revolutionary and expressing bour precis requirements of of Gompers the of Mrikes are being organised and the radical the pol delegatn. The issue is clear: ic, and Meyer London Congres that strikes directly at democracy: propaganda; the actual power, the real repremacy. Socials of cour, Camat majority promise of way Day this year is indeed agressive action; whereas the report of try in the event of war. And the party dent and weapon for the future of one man or a small group of men. The struggles we us expression of clans war revolutionary promise! And the mean the socialpatriotic minority tepes the won the whole supinely accepted this to this dictatorship of the ruling class parliaments make notions, but they do inapitalist society ind political action not act.
ing of May is clearl becomes a cry form of action. But roois course of action Adopt the meship was mable to expressionell, became the American measures of war are This holda good lo all the belligerent the proletariat must develop low jority report! And then compel the of the officials control of the press and directly at the freedom of action nations, except Russie. la that country, Sighting expression, les varu al. New Trial for Mooney perty to arressively carry out the machinery of the party.
eral proposals. On the action to tholish de Working Class and at individual the situation is different. The parliament government the revolutionary wnion Two of New York wwwpapers com the National Committee the vote should After the severing of diplomatic a this making the world male for there is a revolutionary aptuk Socialism sees not control of the State.
ment on the astonishing fact that wil be. No la spite of its fault, the Clations with Germany, the party had a fancy ww in France in 1780 and in England, but the destruction of the State. The lions of Americans heard of Mooney for ww preventive mainst the autocracy opportunity to act. It did not fire, the President is acquiring virtually a bundred years before. But parliaments revolutionary union alone in apable of the first time when the cable report against the repeal of Article Iva Section is the declaration of war; but he was largely shorts this making the world wie even in their dotare of the party bureaucrata sobriously party carried on propaganda against power of government, becoming cloewhere are in their conservative are fynamic, creative action.
of the demonstration in Petrograd in Economic an action some docel favor of Mooney. Astonishing! It is the platform ww jammed through in the last 100 Socialiste lines and in cooperation emocracy!
The futility of parliamentary control mace in our tactics u the Socialist mort cription is to compel our youth as this we may lead to misconceptionment becomes more definite and it tatives of labor are suppresedi u much bate. It is futile, and worse. It should officially did not organise program of tht. and the Working Clans to that is temporary phenomenon. It sive; political action becomes as possible. Mooncy is to have a new beyoted down and representative action in the event of we; When such as for. was they did not will and is not. The collape of parliaments, the art Revolutionary mionism develope trial; the conspiracy has been exposed body. And while there actions of done program was proposed, it was either a probt bye to this making the centralization of power in the Executive the imitiative and virility of the proletar But the danger is not past. The business not completely express our policy. weered at or bowled down to the tune o wle for democracy? ww proceeding rapidity for the war. lt maites the proletariat fighting interests of San Francisco are determined they au o least prevent the more com treason Nor did the party organise apologists of Capitalism argue that all that the war has done is to accento force. It organise the proletariat mot to ret Moocy. Workers of America, pleie demoralization of the party.
its forces to resist conscription, and other reactionary measured in tempo ste the development, to blason it to the plane for every day struczles but for the defend your own!
reactionary meamres al mar. This is that after the war democracy will world in kw and revolting way. final strucle painst Capitali. Rere true except the care of minority and the civil rights of peace to Proletarian Preparedness The economic basis of the collapse of bestionary unionism prepares the workers The Other War froups, and of much locals u Local King This is justification that does parliamente lies in the concentration for their historis nision of ending po the state of New York, and presum County, New York. ptify. The war la creating the core capital. The huge economic mits of the litical povernment and stablishing Tu Socialists who would suspend the sbly in other states as well, sinister The policy of passive protest against out of which we want my urine day cannot function property wien co destrial government the administra case streerde in time of are blind capitalist interests are making a vigorated the coming out was le futile. The only cite the testimony of the esceny wrdinated through the national govern tion of things. Revolutionary minium bets to the facts of capitalist married and viciou aslaught upon the labor threat that the ruling class brede in the head. The New York Mah, cement. Ledustry and the state and being finally, we sector for the workers sion. The ruling class does not respond law. They wish to destroy the lew ban threat of resive action during the operica most prettve and commerged into se. More and more the comery immediate reforms through the struggle against labor during war betriers that labor has erected against ratbe war. And if you do not organise your poules of Imperialien, ways to complexity of Industry lepores ww their own efforth, without the action of emphasizes il Leon Trotsky is stidin lewe exploitation forces before the declaration of war, you peol April regulative function upon the cover the State. Is this procese Revolutionary concentration camp in Canada, impris oned by that British povernment which is The forces of the enemy are preparing war. This is ouactly the colowal error with the entente. We trulised administrative control with for the overthrow of State Socialis one hampered in your action during the have to permanent community at bent; and the function become the Unicolon develop itself the man odensine ainst the wions and molt inte betyr viction of the other war Camper Carte bother top by pledging party did not hoed. And part of the apur bondustrial productive capacity may the bound the badministrative power of the Europese movement, which our is over we shall face the future virtually melimited power. Partiamento Imperialism that the social patriot wishes to forget the AF. not to strike The cost of living rises higher and he have had neither the will not the do led ten told over their pro party, expressed in its official, em our storw of loanable capital directs the economic power decides.
beat which the capitalist doesn The war To Bruschen dhe Secler The war sot seply mphasizing was produced its victime in this comestry. bigher, distress becomes more acute, and wire to prepare for actice. Propaganda Lug.
the Where shall we will the cotton this development; lo creating demand Me and women have been arrested for the reneral indications are that worse Then the war came. The Emergency prolea poode, the plannine und for construction of government. The Your Cound Paper Mood You.
exercising their constitutional right of things are to come Are you doing your bit. National Convention met in St. Louis Le bure the stoel und tron which the New York Tribune, le is February Circulate the tre latertored by the people pencembly osemble, and And on top of it all the ruling claw ww radical convention, hergety: the internetis ne today turning out for a 1919. w, expressed in this way the thomsdal Secure becriptions. Our governmental machinery city.
Order bundle veel grievance. Man have been throw the Working class that will discourage crab this radical spirie resolution in the benen of warl Kate and national hot pored to deal Avery meeting to your City should into prison for retning to register to the action. The right to strike my he was adopted declaring usained the war frent industrins have been doubled with row economie problem. be covered by It can be done!
military common. Me lewe been shot rogated through legislation may thanks! But the rescation Hotely the export trade; their wertet brukes down when demend is made Brecho Bros und Brooklyn, New for not keeplicitly obeying the orders Yert, er en www The proki alat must be at there was marvellous and haspectorate copron continue to be found abroad it for aid a regulating bice sconomic betoni day. rende. And over Blade meters of reaction and all the cause dion of wsincerity, el comprometimento su fond lies the entente countries force. It does not know how. compel Your Diet. pet Rated Henry Japer, Socialist of its mderlap light them fearlessly, fear and wentancy, and all downright die pri produce for themselves. Both come fund social etticiency