CapitalismCommunismCommunist ManifestoDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorking Class

Page Two THE NEW SRNATIONAL Saturday, May 5, 1917.
out break of war inevitable. For wazo htherland. Either claw much of The Class Struggle Kautsky loves to quote from Cland harmony is the fundamental factor the continuation of politics by our social life poth in peace and war.
Conscientious Objectors During War means. And the imperialis phenol) Esther the International must remain in England: capitalist ruke, through competit chip of ruins after the war or its reser building of armaments, has made pelection will take place on the basis of the. By ROSA LUXEMBURG lusory, for it has placed us reptiless struggle from which took its rise TWENTY thousand Englishmen have worst oppresors, and now that Belgium under military dictatorship and the first place. It will not reappear by. made their protest against corpul la lavaded am about to be compelled to (Before the could fish this article, Rone guided by entirely new principles. After thereby made war permanent. tinypic at the playing over of the old tones sory military service in the past half year, defend her. Eve Germans of Luxemburg was wet to price were sentence for mati ditaria gitatio It war has actually begun the great question Therefore our revised economic which hypnotised the world before Ang by claiming exemption based on consci any aliens who are white men are pro reared in the International, magine Marie for each proletariat is: Victory or de pretation of history leads to die Only by definitely recognizing and entious objections. The majority of them ferred to as have been buleted from Rosa feat? 01. u un Austro Harxis ex. Our new revisioni as und between awning our own weaknesses and fait accepted ahernative service, many were one labor exchange to another.
wpressed by the center upon the appearance plains, nation, like any other organism, devil and the Either the class uw since August 4, by giving up the tac finally exempted for some other reason, la view of these circumstances, and also of the first loot. must preserve its existence, la plain le persists in war as the chief Introduced since that time, can and about five thousand thrown into jail. the fact that have a moral objection to CHE German Social Democracy language this means: The proletariat has dition of the proletariat and the devin the rebuilding of the International. The majority of the conscientious ob all war, would sacrifice my rights handed in its political resignation og not one fundamental principle as spien ration of class harmony by Socialisted the first step in this direction is usinjectors are workers and a great sumber rather than fight.
tific Socialism heretolore maintained her is a crime painst the working station for the ending of the war and the of them are SocialisteThe anti con There is no doubt that extensive art August 4, 1914. On the ume day the Socialist International collapsed. Alattwo, one for peace and another for war. or carrying on the class strugde innering of peace on the Lasis of the come scription propaganda has been carried on ing before the different courts and the tempts to deny this fact or to conceal la time of peace, we are to suppone, the of peace is a crime against the than interests of the international prole with such vigor and conviction, that the courage of conviction shown by great te merely serve to perpetuate the condi workers are to take cognizance of the of the nation and the security Duriat reneral temper gradually has improved number of Socialists will bear results, class struggle within the nation and of The brutal oarges against the objectors if not at coce, then, in the near future.
tions which brought it about.
has caused so much protest, as to stop This collapse is without a paralled in international solidarity in relation to some of the most ferocious manifesta history. Socialism or Imperialism this other countries; in time of war, on the other hand, class solidarity becomes the The International tions is the alternative which summed up the On the Firing Line No Conscription Groups dominant feature of internal affairs and In the earlier period Afty objectors political life of the various labor parties the struggle against the workers of other Movement Against Capitalism were forcibly transported to the war zone of the world during the past decade. In countries dominates the proletarian view in France and after again relasing miliESIDES of the Socialist parties and Germany especially it has formed the of foreign relations. To the great histary orders were court martialed and The Industrial Workers of the basis of countless programs, discussions toric appeal of the Communist Manifesto. In spite of the suppression and THERE is strike of 500 workers in condemned to death Strong protests in World, campaign against militarisan and publications. One of the chiel purand conscription le being carried on by railroad shops at Hagerstown, Md, England, however, changed these senpores of the Social Democracy has been is added an important amendment and tion of news and an abundance of is New York ten penal servitude. which the correct formulation of thought and Workers of all lande unite in peace and that in Russia the revolution is permaya, editorially: Any serious attempt Others were beate and tortured by million the American Union Against Militaria sentiment with regard to this alternative, cut one another throats in warr but relentlessly getting the upper ht. cripple or paralyze the industry of the tary authorities in so called special and the Emergency Peace Federation art With the outbreak of the war the word Today. Down with the Russians and Agrarian revolts are spreading, Cwtry in the interest of some minor rooms and denied trial. Gradually, well known.
became fesh; the alternative changed French tomorrow. We are brothers some sections the peasanty is or groups of its workers will however, there developed a more syste special organization for the purpose from historical tendency to a political ar dividing the land and taking power mese general resentment and damage matic treatment, combined of course with of resisting conscription is the No Com situation. Face to face with this al This convenient theory introduces an The Council of Workmen and reputation of union labor. We special offenses and ill treatment, differ scription Fellowship, with a platform ternative us a fact the Social Democracy.
ing according to local authorities and follows: We believe that all man are which had been the first to recognize it entirely novel revision of the economic Delerates is virtually giving tool worry about mour reputation. local conditions. The system works out brothers, that liberty of conscience in a fundamental parpone ol true democracy and bring it to the consciousness of the interpretation of history. Proletarian ordre to the Provisional Govern tactics before the outbreak of war and and this revolutionary pressure her STRIKE is developing in the Lumber as follows: working clan, struck its sails and with after mast be based on exactly opposite pelled the government officially Trust district of Montana where comThe conscientious objector) is and that the highest service to our counImperialism. Never before, since there principles. This presupposes that social care gainst conquest and one one plete tie up is expected Indians from turned over to the military authorities to end our fellowmen calle to uphold parties, has there existed party which, fundamentally diferent in war from other Relation workers upon their part the W. have enthusiastic tiled and sentenced to imprisonment to and must resist say compulsory renerally for 112 days in civil prison service ia actual war.
after hilty years of uninterrupted growth the economic interpretation of history ple energetically, relying upon their. During this period the Central Tribunal The Couscription Alliance is atter the attainment of a preeminent par Mars etablished it, all history in the hic power and not upset prospective prin Tus bakers in Chicago, out on strike lie and it found so, he is offered a pledge: We are unalterably opposed to decides whether the objector is een simile organimation, with the following sition of power, has thus by its own act to mentary.
within twenty four hours wiped itself of the new revision, we must add except Assembly that is soon to convene mine compelling the mayor to kriously ternative krvice of cational impor. war and we affirm the duty of the indider federal. The bosses the map under the so called Home Office to follow the dictates of his own The apologists for this act, Kaatst in times of war. Now human devel register the decision now being made an able to supply kew than ten per cent scheme. If he refuses to accept this, he conscience; therefort we can Sccept among them, maintain that the whole opment has been periodically marked by the struggle. And it is precisely is out of the normal demand, according to new wan. Therefore, according to this new revolutionary activity that the hope to report. The union bakers, who are is sentenced to longer term in prison, any military or other compulsory service, which is in conflict with these ideala.
duty of Socialists in time of war is Russia lies.
theory, social development has gone on and so on.
erilding for more wages and better comremain silent. Socialism, they my in efsccording to the following formula: Gilbert Canaan, who claimed to have These organisations do not carry on fect, is a power for peace, not against period of class Aracela, marked by class Party not only supports the Governanda are granted.
The great majority of the school sert they will stay out until been for many years a conscientious ob a actual propaganda, but enroll u. But there is a logic ot gwrats none holidarity and conflicts within the but takes a active part in its orraine jectur to the whole state of modern soport persons who are willing to sign the can elude. The moment Socialines Cented tions: then period of national solidarity tice. The Socialind opposition by tal colume of the objector against vw, was made out of sctive naderningerne ciety and therefore was a conscientious, pledge to opport war they became the stern und international conflict and old sciedler koppie al events perion Phone Selimitely Patology that have decided Nere prt Collwerend: The tank ander in the uppeldical and medication is thet of the World Patrick Labor unioniste het die continued Suede har mere end the Oleh pod who were there from the moment of the signing of treaty ition. And Apple spalang Laptriali con General Secretary The 12h entitat trenger le land in Socialist itation in order to help mini of peace, they are restored. This is not cinta nise the horrors of war, and the Socialist evidently. progress by means of racce deron and Merrheim were the Frente de cuentless groups pledged to oppose con tional Brotherhood. One of the judges de la the Zimmererald Conference. Both resource and it is beſt to the hotellistest on dojected the one being ta ligion, based upon belief in Interne have signed this pledge In the Bronx, New York, an At party leaders who spend their time in the sive catastrophes. it is rather progres delegates. They denounced the mica scription when it comes. Already new called this political. Bet the majority Military Training Parents Association press red on the platform securing super by means of series of somersaulta. So word or civil truce, without how there from many quarters reportathe organiza ugreed that: Though the objections are has been formed with beadquarters a port for the government and suppressing ciety develope, we use to support, like breaking completely with the social portion of Anti Conscription Langues. The rather based apost moral than aporte crery effort at criticism of these are iceberg Boating de warm current: triots In addition to these organizations there Dok merely maintaining silence. They its lower portion is mehed away, it turns are supporting the war a heartily us any over, and continues this process indefin represented by Blanc, Raffin Dupree and lace or towa in much leaguer.
Ip Kienthal, the French opposition r, the young people of their own city, vila conscientious objections, which, how. in larte number of local proepe Conservative or Centrist. When and itely Bricon. They were the first to you ever, did not keep our comrade out of pledged to refuse military service in any where was there ever was which could jail, because he refused to do alternative form, Now all the known facts of human his painst the war credite, although ther, Is its headquarter notes Solidarity service.
exhibits similar spectack?
tory fue right counter to this new motives were not based on the principle mys: Al clans conscious members of Where and when was the disregard of theord. They show that there is secer of an uncompromising fight against the the are conscientiously opposed tematized by decisions of the Central Lately the proceedings have been sy Revolution. al constitutional rights accepted with wary and dialectic relation between the imperialistie rovernment under e ci spilling the life blood of hurgan beings. Tribunal, as follows: such submissiveness? Where wu there class struggle and war. The class srup cumstances.
ever such glorification by as opposition ple developer into war hd wir developeAs matter of fact, this Zimmer, Quakers and Friendly Societies, but be entirely. Although this is clearly against somis painst it. You are wrong. not for religious reasons, as are the. Absolute exemptio lo ruled out and that it will never be because rea.
party of the strictest censorship of the into the class struggle, and thus their walder and Kienthed group shhongcause we believe that the interests and the spirit of the law.
press? Never before did a political party sential unity is pruved. It was in the writing sharp articles ainst the leader welfare of the working class in all counGentlemen. Utopia is the most terrible sacrifice its all to cause against which medieval cities, in the war of the Rees of the centre group. Longuet and Premier tries are identical. While we are betteriy It is detied that men who are op pires and executed king and torn reality on earth. It has destroyed emits last drop of blood. The mighty or tion, in the French Revolution, in the resolution at the last Christmas Comerement of Germany, we are againg prepared to take buman life mader certain Utopis is nonsense when it is the mere duwe temples and obliterated rode panization of the Social Democracy, ita American Rebellion, in the Paris Comprese in favor of an International Corsaaghtering and maiming the workers of circumstances, are s at all much praised discipline, pare the best mune, and in the Russian uprising in ference through the. crystal faring of dreamer or a philo It is declared that young pepl sopher; but it is more potent than a proof of themselves in the fact that four 1905. And now in 1917, in Russia, Bureas and to modify the policy of the ben ne sufering imprisonment, death exemption should be refused, because carthquake when it becomes the sun millions of human beings allowed them pain. civil peace, but not to give up their and best of all kinds in the class war. hiberate and settled. Membership in their views cannot be regarded us de lie horison of the people. Nor has selves to be hitched to the war chariot at the command of a handful of parliame leaves not one stope of the Marxien docMoreover, theoretically this new ideas support in defense of the country. which we are waging for social and is Socialist organization is in ital considable march. But where he reason reason any power against its usarrest Only a hundred rotes were cast ordustrial justice.
tarians. The half century of preparation trine on another. Il Mare supposes, favor of the resolution of Loriot and ered evidence of conscientious ob pow! For three long year it has been on the part of the Socialist party comes neither war nor the class struggle falls Brison, and even this resolution bases in BRANCH BROOKLYN of the LA jection to military service.
to fruition now in this war. All our edu. from heaven, bat both arise from deep Action ainst defense upon the fact that adopted resolution to answer questions dad, this great reactionary. this Against these ruling although not enemy of all change this servant of obedient and effective servants of the im disappear periodically unless their causes light delensive war, as long as it does in New York State as follows: cation of the music make them now social economic cases, then they cannot the French Government cannot claim to do and 11 of the military census form binting for the local judges, the No. Com all indolence, this sind hero perialist state Mars, Engeland Lar also go up in vapor. Now the proletarian not offer definite peace proposals and are scription Fellowship carries na intensive ism. You yourselves have sain and talle, Liebknecht. Bebel and Singer class struggle is a necessary aspect of the bitration propaganda. It certainly required suffered it on a altar al rouring runs Question 50: Do you claim exemption dacity to demand that young people shall to propitiate the Dream, when you trained the German proletariat in order wage system. But during war the wage from military service to be answered hill and be killed, and at the same time broke down in the dykes of restraint that Hindenburg might lead it.
aysem does not tend to disappear. THE Young People International or with. Yes.
deny them judgment because of being and Booded the world with this bcean Our official theorists are not without the contrary, the aspects of which give March (Na 1) takes an uncompromising too young!
o molten lan Latt stay dead now an explanation of this phenomenon rise to the struggle of the claws become and firm stand throughout its columns. This resolution was also presented at they are perfectly willing to explain the copecially prominent. Speculation, the painst delensive ware. An open better the boronet rating the Socialist Socialists to their International concept has to come true the drama en son The chiel by the for the Dream is really to slight disagreement between their actions founding of accompanies to carry on is published to protest against the inscried by an overwhelming vote. It Alle argued: am. Socialist and that has survived the ne and has now Party of Local King County of today and their words of yesterday war industries, military dictatorshiptivity of the Zimmerwald Internatione rent to all the branches of the So hold il vincerity that the life and perencircled the world in the will of tion of. the Their apology is that although the so there influences tend to increase the class Committee in Bern, concerning the eastcil Denisocracy has concerned itself much differences during time of war. And like pulsion from the party of nembers of the best should be done time nonality of every non lo sacred, nad that its mad and merry arabend. Joy and cialist Party of Now York. and with the question as to what should be done to prevent war it has never com not ruspended on the contrary, with the Sweden The letter directs itsell per raising the Conscientious Objectors there is something of divinity every victory to Folly. Let get out the human being respective of the nation, apo and ſingles of the fool. Let should be done after the beginning of coveres uber Celem dictatorship it, there maade the rejection of all war cred ca torna Loy our hag rem oest straight to the windle to be the belongs to the count betray not have to to the end the worin cachim in brotherhood of all meTo nation of hostilities. Ready to do everybody the case of the class struggle are mul French and German Socialists, but do The old red shall be losted in wurmurder.
the Abeurd. Let enshrine Folly.
bidding this theory aware that the tiplied, strengthened, during war how can not actually oppone military credits to When the monks that are thin shall Partie darly striking and Interesting the great mother of the New, the present practice of our party to the their inevitable reelt be supposed to continue the mobilization of the Swiss thin for this country, be the following are turgid breasted nurse of Genius, the most beautiful harmony with our pet out of existence! Conversely, wins are army.
When the names that were treaty in ment!
pklwife of Freedom and Revolution. theories. The delightfully adaptable at the present time reuk of the com Is the low of March 11 of the Left Ini Negre, bora la Jamaica My. De la Carmagnolet Vior do theory to likerio rody and willing petition of various capitalist groups and Wing Dully de Tribune (Holland. we parents were rent la bondage to Jumala ou de coment justify the present partion of Interne Wthe censity for capitalist expansion find us article on the Propaganda Lago Tus patriotik fervor and ideation of They were torn from their home. My Gentt. se, Her Majesty the Mode tional Socialin enferme les post. Now, these two force are not operative of America by Comrade Kollomtay. the American citie la immesserable and country le divided up wong the Euro Enocking the door. You need not The International treated only the queenly while the canon are booming; they Shelves wary of the principles beyond reproach. As soon General peus power, who in turn have oppressed ret ad opera this time Just tion of the prevention of war. But now, are active le pesce well, and it is prour Manifesto and calle the Longue the Jodre arrived in this country the price and trained over my fellowme. The oil and may, for the caly thing you war les lact, rad, it turns out, after dimly les tens of peace that they intuence centre of opposition which was developing of French lagt went up about Afty per Allies Great Britain, Portugal. are going to wave now, Gentlemen, de the outbreak of ww Socialiste en burile in such a way to make the out in the Socialist Party.
and Belgium, here bees among the your soult