CapitalismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismSpainStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

NEW Deroted to Waken at the the Cause World, Uwite!
of the INTERNATIONAL Loft Wing. World Socialista OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SCAST, PROPAGANDA LEAGUE NEW YORK, SATT MAY 8, 1917 Vol. No. 8 cents. Copy tiun than in declaring your willingness they found serviceable and perfect!
Our Action Against 10 support mass actiun if others Fools, fools! They are going to keep The Seizure of (who the devil are those others if not on, yea, but they are going to turn Conscription we. will be kind enough to start some.
about and look behind their shoulders Trotzky thing. Our opposition to cunscription for the target.
voiced at these meetings, small or All around you old systems are By RUTGERS large. should be uncompromising.
crumbling and new orders are arising. By CHARLES LOUIS should be a part of our fight against But you don see. New forces are bursting into being. New weapons. THE physical power of Carism wu Teisil Paintcom certe in favore militarism, and against Imperialism.
New understanding. New tools of de dethroned in Russia, but its spirit It is true that the police have al.
of unyielding opposition to all struction. But you don see. Hecause kems to have survived and reigns ready prevented some of the Socialist proposed legislation for military or in.
you have a few jails you think you are preme in the British government dustrial conscription and for the supe meetings, but this should not discoursale. You have forgotten that children Leon Trotzky, the Russian revolution port of all mass movements in oppo meetings since: we should try every all you (nther districts have held romp where the Bastille sted and ary exile, kelt New York City recently sition to conscription.
that the Czar babbles his posary in the with a party of eight to return to Russia.
district, every hall, every street cur.
tower of Peter and Paul. Hecause you the provisional prermment at Petro If we do not wish to stop at mere ner: we can change our subject, if only still have lumber for a few Kaffolds frad his compelled, by the Socialists, to words, we must organize action ac. Het our spirit, and if we are driven by you think your tranquillity is assured. issue a general amnesty, and ask all ailes cordance with this resolution.
force out of every corner, we will have idiots! Not all the spindles of hell are to return to their country. Trotzky First of all, we must encourage and would help greatly to show the workers accomplished at least something. This enough to spin nouses for the number answered the call. But at Halifax the support all strikes during wat, particu the kind of Jemorracy and freedom less traitors and reliels you have to military minions of the British porer larly in important industries, such as hang. Because you are forcing every ment siad Trotzky and his party. de transportation and mining. This will they will ask why this is a fight against they are supposed to go to war for, and man to drop the hammer and shoukler prived them of their prekessions, and innot only help to keep the workers from the gun, you feel amply putrued and prisoned them in a detention camp at foreign autocracy.
starvation and enslavement, but it will afeguarded. our fools! But what Amherst.
at the same time be the most efficient And even when driven from the last about Hunger that calls like a weary The action is outrageous, and work weapon against the reaction of cut hall, even when denied the right to hold beggar at the cold and silent homes of than that, it is stupid. Here is a mante Kcription. The capitalist government street corner meetings, we need not those men, and throws the table off turning to the country of his birth upon seeks to make each struggle on the give up the fight. We can print and the table, and jerks up women and old the explicit peneral request of that economic held a political issue. In fact, distribute leaflets, and we tm come men from their knees and whispers country government; his passport was we have had in New York a strike of together in streets and squares for wrath and disobedience in their ears? vised by the Russian Coard is this city: truckmen, who asked that new ar propaganda and protest until dispersed Know you not the onipotent magic and then an ally of that country, light ruagement made by their masters, and by the police. if the hundred thouIN EUROPE of this wondrous alchemist, who, when ing for civilization and democracy.
NERICAT to their disadvantars, should be re sand Socialists, together with their six NOWA potatoes rise to the cents a pond fuses to allow the mu to proceed pealed. This was merely to economic hundred thousand voters and that can transubstantiate every ounce of his journey, and adds inek lanjury by Mel conflict and the bosses were the part of organized labor that did not To Wow them into ton of balestite? Have imprisoning him and separating from pror, but still the workers were surrender to its apleiters, organise you not learned fross the past the ter. his wife and children told to drop the strike account of whole for a prove the rible abala af starvation which we The infamy not be Now me every small bad to the propose other new mroepen le power rane, od lewe will be lor KY reduced to werſdomIf he does not, the ruling class before them? Can nou have wheel Canada and Irlande Kat And They can be turned around. They were may depend on the relationary comes into serious condict with the No doubt, one of the topics at such By ARTURO POVANNITTI poing to be turned around ia Dark Russis will act, wless the Bridal port organisation of the Capitalist State and as intensifed clan Kruggle will be informal gatherings would be the te Russia, had it beea necessary. And, Bent racceeds in suppressing wow of the fusal to be conscripted. We may be HER frightful shrieks of joy a wound. When people whisper and Centkmen, these rotatory motions are curga which practice, by the way.
the result. Gompert, u faithful ser vant of Capitalism and traitor to his assured that many will refuse, as was agony amidst the crashing fugue bok around, beware, for it bodes it to characteristic of all sorts of cannon, it to peculiarly adepe of thundering gume. Histury is lying hose who speak very loud and look class, grasped the situation exactly done in England, where several thouregardless of geographical positions again on her childbed and again the darn. An air of madness blows from Why Joes Great Britain fear Trotsky when he declared his willingness to und conscientious obejctors are still in and climatic influences. You had bet and his party of revolutionary Socialista?
whole world attends her tremendous th East; kings feel suddenly wier.
ter think and beware!
prevent any and all strikes during war, jail. But it would be more effective it accouchement. Fur the third timed et amoners get suddenly intonated.
The answer is simple. The revolutionary Se her is Russia akone because he knows that any wrious thore prepared to refuse would get in since the resurrection of lens she lod stops yawning and louks inter.
Spain is forces of Russia ane clarifying their sims.
Atrike under the circumstances may de touch with each other, could organise going to bring forth the Insiblesdi Spring is everywhere, and suppressed another general strike mething with rebelliwe. They have and organising their power. They are velop into political strike, into gen. in certain way to carry their action the Gigantesque, the Terrible. Everywhere is the other youth of the eral conflict between the two classes. and their sacrifices in one and the same majority. The provisional government there. Every year they suppres one, in pro war, the Working Class is against direction.
keventy yean, every life of man, Hd the Revolution.
every twelve month they have a new harrows the earth and wins mas Our task lies not so much in an effort It is coming, it is coming. Who is une to suppress. Some day there will labor has already compelled the provi ther. The pecific tendency of Russian This concerted action should start kind. 1776 1848 1917. Mark the blind in the eyes and in the soul to start or to proclaim reneral strike, with the taking of the military censue, dates the pods have selected them that cannot see it advancing, fierce and be no one to suppress striksand ninesional government to declare officially winners in the great handicap of kindcharleking and irresistible with the Sweden starved men with crary glares few days after Milwykov had made a de teen millions to suppresse king. In ainst conquest and sanexation only lieve; our task is to support any tend with the registration for the prospect ency towards strikes. which under prer issued by Governor Whitman of ive conscription. Among the questions and peoples. The first was the Adlerch and with the axe? Is there any vent: the second the crow ifixion; the one to deal to the mighty detonations under the towers of their monarch. In pealistic objectives! It is the fear of in their eyes hailed to the Republic mand for Constantinople and other in ent conditions and when waged veNew York, there are two which enable third will be the Resurrectrin. It is tal of this immense ap xalypse who cancompromisingly. may develop into Greece the war that was dammed at there revolutionary forces that induces us at least to make some form of pro. The anguries are real: the omene not hear the same song waſted acting more general movements.
the borders is going to burst within the provisional government to hold of test; and no doubt other registration propitious; the signs are all here, the the trenches by the cannen om te, by The English miners, will contain similar questions Mme then: war and famine and the deadly gas, by the breath of fire! In Ireland priests preach the resur redder and mudder and more glorious, the elections for a Constituent Assembly.
metal work. Question 80 asks: Do you claim ex wanity and dread of the to mistow. Is mankind to be terly destroyed and reaction and youths and maidene cultiu de revolutionary.
in which the majority might very possibly en, did strike during the war inainst emption from military service!
Every smell something burning in there no living weed of thought and love is to the orders of their capitalist govern body should answer Yes The so perfidious spring winds and it is not rerminate in its ruins and debris! Are neves of men that were hanged and vale red bowens of passion over the Great Britain feant these forces and ment, and they pined reselts cialist Propaganda League of Brook only the dead gray of last year. De ideala, held ore acred then life, to be shot In Italy, in Germany, in Austria, their action spainst the war and conquest.
ware of the Ides of March: eschew the dnged bike carrion ne the red The goverament actually had to in adopted at the Borough Meeting of breaking thawi and the prickly wens of core; and the wouls of one thousand Day to returning acclaimed and in France, throughout the world May Trotsky is a thorough and uncompromis ing revolutionist, and he must therefore plore the workers to stop their fiche Local Kings County of the Socialist Aprils if you are not the one who million men to be polluted violated waited, the Red Esster of martyred be kept out of Russia!
the country www stake Labor lead Party to answer question 11, asking going to plow and to sw. But if you raped with Herlauntleted handa humankind. Beware!
The bope of Russis lies precisely in the en had to be rushed to the danger why you claim exemption, with: Be are, rejoice, for you shall reap trich Botight and hold like challele and 800et, and once more succeeded in foot. No matter what other reasons you may harvest of proud heads when the reawares, without any one nising a voice And in America! Because two hun programme of nen of the character of Jalies come again with the kythe. or without that voice being heard?
dred sleek and fat men in frocks and Trotaky. Their programme declare for ing the workers into webmission. But here for exemption, knot of all stake smell sain the torchlight of the And If not men, is not lide at least top hats have declared that univers real revolution and Social Republic It shows the power of the workers and Tribunal Revolutionaire, luminy, will poing to protest ainst Death?
butchery is the supreme avocation of And unlew ucceeds, we shall me their opportunities.
that you are conscientious objector.
This may give us an opportunity to get aling. plurting late at night, in the manhood of the land, think you repetition of Germany experience the The Russian revolution started with public hearing on our objections us in daughter of the sun. well the protset, thunder with anger, has been that they who plywed and built will compromise of Capitalism with autocracy turn back from their meck and joyful woimet the Wishing Class and for wu partial strikes, combined with street England, and to make propeada and smudgy pitch rainbowing down the st heart. greater one will soon take tasks and whet culasse for the throats and conquest demonstrations, gradually growing muster our forces. And because the tics of papel Rome: the Devil, blood place. And what form do you think of their brothers at your BLA? Think Protest and st! Release Trotsky for into more general man actions, and the census most likely will include all the and red shirted fighting the body father, it will take, Olords, master, American workers should take to heart inhabitants of the United Sute up to in the holier rame of freedom. smetrelen? Will they supplicate to things you that America can really become the revolution in Russia!
Russia now that Russia has become the lessons of recent history, years of age, the grown up people charcoal salt peter in the moon and potentates? Will they petition The St. Louis resolution demands will have the opportunity to join their tains of Silesia; the dog taten of the pertlements! Will they pray to gode? America! And in it possible to go back rapport al man act against cor protest with that of the younger ren Black Forest mixing a new incence for Pool, foolel For three years you have when breed and peace and love and. The Janus of Capital scription. But this cannot mean that ention. There is no ne itating on the the thuribles of Liberty. smell som taught people to talk and demand the dawa lie forward on the highroad of progress? Never. Someone with IMALSM woede worde med we have to wait until some mysterious registration form what these comaci thing milky and rich and warm, some things through the muzzle of the fun.
meedo soldier, money and wat general action against conscription entios objections are, because this will thing qui ut comme Tomew, and Foolet you have changed the jar pom Nor Someone will showt.
le no longer the blood of plebem. ithe tribune into the explosion of the Enough a few daya Perhape total Without words to come their falls from heaven. general action mot riven publicity and may cause your demption to be rejected without not in pensate biding dry fox and shrapnel and the torpedo you have then they will be thousand. Then in all real interest, wo madera has to develop out of water local actions, as soon as conditions become my further hearing lavorable. Our frut duty to top We may expect different kinds of liquid. wee women braleting themsemea hile, the very right to do with lng thing that do not wine and is not their daily bread, the sacrednese olay will become millions. Then they wer would be posible. The silent Betten the whole population the nano Hollweg become eloquent, the ele here serve de retorno consciention abjections religione but lato benessed when the open to the real pead no longer in peace and more earth. It will be the hurricane The quest Lloyd George becomes dictator, and conscription de la districtes over manitarian non resistance advocates loet long. strance home to being and cooperation, but as their mother typhoon. The ceralarche The Return Woodrow Wilson adde speeches and redom the country Gastnosting bosether and close comacion workers. Each charted in the churches the athen need to die for these things while wetion. The Second Advent of Moun Lations for home consumption to his notes en in wereld cometry to arrange group will be release own arranean best of the Antichrist, then te Doe ons means their readiness to HA. And now The Pollagenesis. The Revolution! for sport for demonstration is combination It is part of our task to tear od the more towards the repport of sing and action with the heating and you will lead in the effort to the public hear together everywhere they no longer unlearn all you taught them and to the dome soporic or the agitator, you must expose the real force behind speak alood. They whiaper sad loox card all you forced them to try and my. You gay that to harmleu utopia the wordt hor.
railroed workers and they well as the forn