BourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyImperialismMarxMarxismPrivate PropertyRadekRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

Che Chird International tho forence. Comrado Pannekoek has lowd vrapple with imperialism. This mediate demands, the significance and questions for the working class of all back it up by the whole weight of of it the inajority of the skilled and THE INTERNATIONALIST Saturday, January 6, 191762 ent upon thu great banks whose in the ruling classes and conquer their Anton Pannekoek torests are imporative for the trust stronghold the state.
magnates as well as for landed pro In face of this situation the labor in Uorbote prietors and middle classes. There is bureaucracy filled with awe no possibility for the representatives working class into avoiding actuat of labor to achievo concessions by light, for four a dofoat should imrado. Anton Pannekoek is from his NoteThe following article by Com. PROLETARIAN VICTORY questions of proletarian tactics, the ness. They are not capable of post skillfully playing one group against peril the local labor organizations majuzing, Vorhote. It gives the In great muss struggles, alongside significanco und possibilities of parlia ponement. Even during the war and another. No great political achieve and their funds.
Views hold by. Loft Wing soolalists in Europo and of the Zimmerwald conof which former strugglos and meth menturianism, of muss actions, of after its conclusion they form the ment can be accomplished by labor So the working class is now diods are merely child play, they must Jabor union tucties, reforms and im most important and immedinte vital representatives unless tho masses vided, powerless, despised. Ono part as one of the clearest thinkers in the movement. Editor. struggle for indispensable rights and the future role of organization; also nations.
their vast numbers and their econ organized aristocrats of Inbor goes liberties, for the most urgent re the questions of nationalism, of millomic power.
along with the bureaucratic labor forms, often for mero lifo itself, tarism and colonial policies.
WORKERS CHIEF ENEMY Revolutionary Socialists saw it long leaders. Another part, disgusted and ARE standing in the midst against reaction and the oppression Upon many of these questions the Not merely the important question, ago. They conceived that under the discouraged, falls in dull indifference.
of catastrophe of the of the employing class, against war old Socialisin hud settled answers, which everywhere is the kernel of the rule of imperialism mass action (un Only the third part mostly consistworking class movement, and poverty, can only end with the which had alrendy crystallized into object of struggle, whether and how ceasingly repeated demonstrations, ing of unskilled Jaborers is moved such as it has never experienced in ovorthrow of imperialism and the formulno but with the collapse of the proletariat can emerso, hasten parades, strikes) must be the prin by misery, class instinct and revoluall its history. The collapse of the victory of the proletariat over the the second Internationale even its the end of the war and influence the cipul means of strife of the working tionary sentiment and faces tho sitInternationale due to the world war bourgeoisie. It will at the same time formulao hnve gone by the board. In terms of penco. At the conclusion of clays, if it does not want to be de uation as it really is.
is not simply a surrender of interna be the struggle for Socialism, for the the old rules and ideas of the pre the war the immenso economic shut graded to the level of beasts of bur The aspirations of this third part ional sentiment before the power of emancipation of the protetariat. imperialistic era the proletariat cantering of the world will first be felt den.
are the beginning of the self deliver intensified nationalism. It is at the Therefore with the present world war tind no guides for its actions under in its entirety, when, with the conOur comrades, Anton Pannekoek, ance of the working class.
But even this fighting part of the methods of lighting, of the entiro Socialism.
same time collapso of tactics, of there also duwns a now period for new conditions. Nor can the social dition of general exhaustion, lack of Kurt Radek, Rosa Luxemburg, Henridemocratic parties furnish it with a capital and unemployment industry etto Roland Holst, and dthers did all proletariat does not have a clear unsystem which has been incorporated For the now struggle our spiritual firm foot hold. They have in the must be organized anew, whon the they could to spread this insight derstanding of the nature of imperinto the social democracy and the bearings must be taken anew. Lack creat majority surrendered to im fearful debts of all nations necessi among the masses and establish a ialism nor of the effective means and working class movoment during the of clear socialistic insight was one of porialism; the conscious, active or tate colossal taxes and state social mental understanding which is the methods of fighting it. To bring this last few decades.
the chief cnygos of the weakness of passiver support of war policies by Sin, the militarization of agricultural only possible organization of real understanding and insight that is The knowledge and tho, tactics the proletarlid when the war began the party and labor union, representa fursuits, as the only way out of the fighting masses.
the task of the Socialist Propaganda But such mass action means the be League of America. To performi alism; wero of vient servico to the own tactics, The fight against im sible a simple return to the old pre leb must bo met with or without ginning of the great final battle, La this task the members of the League proletariat, failed in the face of the perialism, tits most recent and most bellum point of view.
theory; but then the lack of theoret. Lutto Vinale, which is a long period must do what Marx told the Comnew imperialistic development. Out powerful form of capitalism, made OUR SPIRITUAL WEAPONS ical insight will entail the most dis of extremely acute class war, where munisty of his time to do: They wardly this was apparent in the in demands upon the highest spiritual This support of imperialism in its astrous errors.
the working class will be defeated must participate in every mass movecreasing impotency of the parliament and material, moral and organin most important and vital phrases There lies the greatest task of our many times until it grows so strong ment and represent in it the future and the labor, urilonmovomont, spirit tional, qualities of the proletariat. It charactorizes these working class or Journal: by discussion and elucidation morally and physically, as to rout of the class movement. r. Rosin.
ually in the substitution of tradition could not succumb to stupid, impotent scanizations, no matter how strongly of these questions it will support the and declamation for clear insight and desperation; but it was not enough they subscribe to the old socialist materinl struggle of the proletariat NOW FIX YOUR ATTENTION HERE. militant tactics, in stultification of that it break out into spontaneous ac solutions and combat the most inti against imperialism. As an organ of tactics and the forms of organizations against the unbearable pres mate effects of imperialism. For in discussion and elucidation it is at the tion, in the transformation of the sure. If these are to lead anywhere this way they come into conflict with same time an organ of battle the We assume that every live Left Wing Socialist in the United States revolutionary theory of Marxism and gain new stages on the climb the necessarily revolutionary aims of publisher and the contributors to the who receives this paper, is equally interested with us in making into a doctrine of passive expecta to power it is necessary that they be the proletariat and are themselves journal have the common will to give the year 1917 memorable in the history of uncompromising Socialism, and holds himself and herself tion, inspired with spiritual clarity in re forced into a dificult crisis of their battle, the same point of view in reready, as a good soldier in the RevolutIMPERIALIST DEVELOPMENT gard to the aims, the possibilities and own. Between those who would gurd to these chief questions of the the meaning of such actions. Theory make of the social democracy a tool practice to be adopted at this time.
tion, to outdo all previous efforts During the period when capitalism must go hand in hand with practice, of imperialism and those who want to First of all the struggle against by building the sub list.
was developing into imperialism, was theory which transforms blind acts to see it a wenpon of revolution no unity imperialism, the chief enemy of the establishing new aims for itself and conscious ones and spreads light over is possible any longer: proletariat. But this struggle is READ WHAT THE BOOSTER SAYS MAKE YOUR RESPONSE was energetically, arming for the the path.
The task of elucidating those prob only made possible by a simultaneous BIG WITH PROMISE FOR THE WHOLE YEAR.
struggle for world supremacy, this tems of offering solutions, of form relentless struggle against all the development of the majority of the THE NEW SOLUTION ulating the proper direction for the elements of the former social demoWHY YOU NEED OUR PAPER Social Democracy remained unob. Material force can only be broken new struggle, falls to those who have cracy, which would bind the prolThere is at present in America no English periodical pubserved. It allowed itself to be fooled by material force. But even theory not allowed themselves to be misled etariat to the chariot of imperialism; lished oftener than once a month that is outspoken in advocacy by, the dream of immediate social re becomes material force when it takes by war conditions and who have held also the open imperialism which has of industrial and political action. Nothing but the veriest of forms and did nothing to increase the hold on the masses. Marx. The fast to internationalism and the class become the mere agent of the bourlip service is given to anything but vote chasing and fawning power of the proleturint to fight germs of this theory, this new spirit struggle. In this their weapon will geoisie, and that social patriotism of upon the dominant labor union leaders by the average periodical against imperialism.
of the Socialist movement in this country.
ual weapon, were already at hand in be Marxism. Marxism, regarded by all shades which would gloss over unHerico the present entustrophe does the spiritual defeat of the former the theoreticians of Socialism as the disputable antagonisms and would clear conception of present tendencies in capitalist sonot mean only that the proletariat practice of imperialism and mass ac method to explain the past and the rob the proletariat of the sharpest ciety is lacking; failing to comprehend the essential facts, they was too weak to prevent the outbreak tion. Now the world war has brought present and in their hands degraded weapons in its struggle against imare in a poor position to teach. strong tendency has set in of war. It means that the methods much new insight and has shaken more and more into a dry doctrine perialism. The reconstitution of the for governmental ownership and control of industry. The cap.
of the era of the second Internation minds out of the sleep of tradition of mechanical fatalism, again is to Third Internationale will only be italists see in this a chance for a more efficient and purposeful ale were not capable of increasing Now is the time to gather together come into its birthright as a theory made possible by an absolute break extension of their power and prolongation of their class dominthe spiritual and material power of everything in the way of new ideas of revolutionary acts. The philos with social patriotism.
ation. We see the majority in control of the Socialist movethe letariat to the necessary ex new solutions, new propositions, to ophers have interpreted the world in With this knowledge we stand upon ment learning nothing from the events that occur with everTent ProRKTP the power of the rul tospect thesis to prove them, to clar a number of differing ways: the real be same ground as the left wing of accelerating speed, and which plainly indicate that reformistic sing classes. Therefore the world war ify them by means of discussion and ncccssity is to alter it. As a live the Zimmerwald Conference. The tactics are of no avail against the juggernaut of Imperialism.
must be a turning point in the his thus to make them of service in the revolutionary method this sort of principles put forth by this group of The tecnique of industry is to be developed beyond anything tory of the working class movement. new struggle.
Marxism again becomes the most international socialists as their aim now obtaining; markets are to be sought and all the means at With the world war we have en An immense number of new ques solid principle, the sharpest spiritual our journal will support by theoretical the disposal of the capitalist class are to be invoked for the tered into a new period of capitalism, tions lie before us. First of all the weapon of Socialism.
work; by the most intenso struggle successful conquest of a constantly shrinking world marketthe period of its intensive extension question of imperialism, its economic There is no more pressing task against social patriotism, by merci relatively speaking as compared to the ability to supply. Comby force over the entire earth, accom roots, its connection with the export than this elucidation of the new less analysis of the errors of the old pulsory military service, greater military appropriations, conpanied by ombittered struggles be of capital, procuring of raw material, problems. For it is a life and death revisionism and the radical socialism scription of labor all will be invoked unless labor is aroused tween nationalities and huge destruc its effect upon politics, government question for the proletariat and to pave the way for the new Interagainst a nationalistic competition for the marketing of labor tion of capital and men; period and bureaucracy, its spiritual power hence for the entire development of nationale. If the proletariat recogsurplus value.
This picture is not overdrawn.
therefore, of the heaviest oppression upon the bourgeoisie. Then those humanity that it should see its way nizes the weaknesses and mistakes of ballot box counting of and suffering for the working classes. questions which relate to the prol clear and bright before leading to the old points of view, the practical noses wil not settle such mighty problems. The marshaling of labor hosts is the imperative duty of the hour. The foreBut the masses are thereby drivenetariat, the causes of their weakness, new heights. And there are no ques. collapse of which it is now suffering to aspiration; they must raise them their psychology and the phenomena tions of the future whose solution from, it will gain the foresight for going reasons are sufficient to justify the launching of The selves if they are not to be com of social imperialism and social. can be postponed until we can once the new struggle and the new Internationalist. We need your help in the enterprise.
pletely submerged.
patriotism. Added to these are the more discuss them in peace and quiet Socialism.
First Your subscription at 00 a year.
Second regular contribution to the Sustainers Fund, and political) with the purpose of im power and significance of the trade either weekly or monthly.
proving the economic, social and pol unions is constantly diminishing alThird donation to the paper.
Self Deliverance of the Masses itical conditions of the workers. By though the absolute numbers of their ourth loan to be repaid in definite amounts at regso doing the labor organizations all membership may be growing.
ular intervals.
over the capitalistic world achieved Secondly: The combination of all Fifth Your enlistment in our bundle brigade to distribute HE last days of the year were selves. No saviour will come from the most remarkable results. important industries in the hands of The Internationalist and insure a big circulation. Whrite Busimarked by chimes of bells heaven nor from the upper classes; Why then did the Second Interna a few all powerful trusts, practically and great jubilation all over no great leader or hero from out of tional fail and collapse?
controlling not only the entire producness Manager for plan and on this.
Sixth Your active support in getting subscribers for the the world. Children and ninnies were their own midst can accomplish their Firstly: Because its legal method tion but also the political government paper.
rejoicing over the birth of a saviour. deliverance.
of action was conducive to overesti of all capitalistic countries, makes it Seventh We want agents to look after definite territory, The working class should know that That is the doctrine of Karl Marx, mation of the importance of the impossible to keep the traditional who will be paid regular and uniform commissions.
it is futile and silly to expect a de the great founder of the science of formally established Inbor organiza sepuration between economic and potWe realize that no individual can respond to our call in liverer from far off heavenly spheres. Socialism, and that was the theory tions and considered mainly or solely itical action. No economic strife of the seven ways, but all can help in some way. Select the way The working class must take its de and practice of the glorious First the interests of the skilled and en the workers can be successful unless to help that you are qualified for, financially or otherwise, and liverance into its own hands. It International.
franchised aristocracy of the working it involves the whole working class Boost With a Will! We are out for 10, 000 subscribers by July puust light for its existence upon pain It remained also the theory of the class, leaving the great mass of un and so turns to political action.
1st. Shall we have them?
of being crushed by economic exploit Second International: The principal skilled laborers to their fate. Thirdly: Under the domination of Make checks and MoneyOrders payable to Louis Velleman, ation and political oppression. part of the programs (preambles) of Secondly: The peaceful and legal financial capital practically all groups Treasurer.
Ever sinco private property ap all existing Socialist and social dem method of action rendered it neces of the possessing classes are dependpeared and human society was sub ocratic parties iş built upon these sary that most of the actual fightdivided in classes, intolerable hard conceptions of Marx. But the prac. ing was not done by the organized the following named pership have compelled the toilers to tice of all great parties of the Second workers themselves, but was left to sons have subscribed for THE INTERNATIONALIST Subscribers rates: 12 mos. 00; mos. 60 cts; fight their oppressors and exploiters. International gradually deviated small groups of labor leaders, par your paper and have paid Box 23, Roxbury Station mos. 26 cts. Ten to one Marx did not invent the classes from this clear conception. liamentary representatives and union for same.
Boston, Mass.
address for year, 50.
nor the class struggle. Ho only in Why? Not because of the will of officers, who day by day doing their vestigated these phenomena in our some leaders, but again as the result petty work in their respective deName.
Address. 12 modern capitalistic society. He re of the economic and historic develop partments, inevitably turned to bumos.
vealed the essence of cupitalism and ment.
reaucrats. They gradually lost sight studied the nature of the combatting In 1871 the great struggle of the of the real goal of the labor move.
classes under that system.
bourgeoisie for political power was ment, viz. the overthrow of the capBut he did not content himself with finished. After 82 years of revolution italistic society, and looked only for his theoretical discoveries; he turned ary wars the consolidation of the immediate practical achievements them into practical action. He not great national states of Central Eu within that society by accommodation only stated Cupital comes out of rope was accomplished and the bour of the labor movement to their re.
unpaid labor, but he also called out: geoisie, e. the personification of spective national capitalisms. Proletarians of all countries unite to capital, became master of these na Thirdly: Neither the bureaucrats overthrow tho capitulistic system oftional states and established its par of the labor movement, who were production. And as he theoretically liamentary form of government as wholly absorbed in their narrow demonstrated that there is and in the most suitable means of taking every day work, nor the organized evitably must be a deadly contrast care of the interests of all groups masses whose action practically conbetween the owning class and the of the upper as well as of the middle sists only in the electioneering of toiling class, a contrast that does not classes.
their leaders, noticed the great depend upon the will of either side So even the working class, or at change of situation accomplished by but dopends upon the historically do least the upper layers of the work the economic and political dovelopveloped conditions of production, he ing class of all Central Europe, got ment of the last two decades.
showed that practically this contrast some political rights and liberties: a What are these changes. can not be removed but by an ir certain amount of freedom of speech, Firstly: The development of the reconcilable strucglo of the proleta preug and coalition. And it was a wiso technic of production constantly inriang against the cupitalista. And policy for the working class to uso creases the number of unokilled this strugglo must be waged by the these rights and liberties by building laborors and badly mixes up the difunited efforts of the workers ther up strong organizations (economic ferent organized trades, so that the Collected by Remittance. T mos.