CapitalismDemocracyEngelsEnglandGermanyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

Saturday, January 6, 1917 THE INTERNATIONALIST AS TO OUR PAPER The Internationalist Published by the Socialist Propaganda League of America HIS, the initial and trial number of The Internationalist, is sent forth to the Socialists and working class Alfred Edwards aras Editor of the country in response to a hurry up call received Press Committee: since the 29th of November from more than a dozen states and Rutgers Howard Gibbs three Canadian provinces. The insistent demand of Left Wing socialists for action beginning with the new year, the need for Williams Rosin wide spread distribution of the Manifesto of the Socialist Zarterian Propaganda League of America, and the urgency for quick Subscription One year, 00; Six action in securing a subscription list at the earliest time posmonths, 50 cents; Three months, sible, these considerations combine to speed up the venture and 25 cents.
induce us to issue the paper sooner than a month ago was Bundle Rates 10 copies one year to intended.
one address, 50; orders for bunIn doing this we are putting into the hands of the comdles of a single issue, any number, rades the means by which they can do practical work in mak.
One cent cach, delivered free.
ing known the purposes of the League and extending its influence. With the paper in evidence, the canvass for subOllice2107 Washington St. Boston, Scribers will be helped and the organizational work promoted.
Mass. Mail address Box 23, RoxWe confidently expect that every Socialist who realizes conbury, Mass ditions and is not closing his eyes to faets will forthwith get on the job of mailing subscriptions for The Internationalist.
BOSTON, JAN. 6, 1917 That is the near end job, necessary to the development we are looking for. The year subscription is 00; six months, 50 cents; three months, 25 cents. Send short time subs if you பரப பப படற 01 must; them long time ones if you can. Send orders with money to Box 23, Roxbury Sta. Boston, Mass.
GENERAL OFFICE Comrades, it is up to you. We are fully aware of the INFORMATION imperfections in this number; but come along with your suggestions and criticisms. Above all get the subs and we ll all The office of The Internationalist is get there together. The continuous publication of the paper at 2107 Washington St. Boston, weekly depends upon revolutionary Socialists, upon those who Mass.
want the Revolution so much that they have to work for it.
The mail address is Box 23, Rox bury Str. Boston, Mass. To this And we ll bank on their ability and enersy to make good. The address all correspondence for the next issue of the paper will go to press as soon as your reLeague and the paper should be sent.
sponse with subscribers meets the situation.
The following comrades wil serve And remember this: We are just beginning the fight!
as the National Committee until their successors are chosen: Simon Ber gis, Mitzgerald, Francis Mullen, Perry, Louis Velleman, John Williams, Zartarian.
Slaves! Reach Out Your Hands!
The committee has chosen as secreOpen Your Mouths! Eat!
tary Fitzgerald and for assistant secretary Alfred Edwards (who is serving as oflice editor. and for By FRANK BOHN. ist despises you, everybody despises treasurer Louis Velleman. To the last (For The Internationalist. you, because you despise yourself. If named all checks and money orders, UR American capitalists have, you come home next Saturday night covering subscriptions, contributions so far, made 25, 000, 000, 000 without an increase in pay your wife to sustaining fund, or donations, out of the war. Of this over 4, 000. and your children ought to lock the should be made payable.
000, 000 have been secured through door on you.
direct trade with Europe. The re Now the dny and now the hour mainder they have made through the Stiffen up your backs. Stir your slugWhat Can Do?
enormous rise of prices at home. Il gish blood. Reach out your hands CAN almost hear the Left you, you great mass of American and take. Open your mouths. Eat!
Wingers throughout the working people, were industrially orUnited States asking the ganized today you could get almost CRAFT UNIONISM question What can do? Indeed any wages you would demand. The NOT REVOLUTIONARY we do not have to listen very hard, exporting capitalists loan money to The unions have not made any for the letters coming every day are the European nations at from to revolutionary attack upon the existaudible with a demand from those per cent. In marketing the bonds ing system and the proletarianism who have passed the stage of pas they reduce the price to the borrow which is to destroy it obviously does sive expectation, and want to know ers from to per cent below par. not proceed from them. Their poliwhat is to be done. They see the Of course they send not a dollar to tical and even their economic action dawn of a new period for Socialism Europe. The money they loan is is vitiated by the recognition of their dorixe to share in the work of spent hory try America: Phoy. get itfcrafts as a property. They makes thói preparation for it. of primary Im. back directly by making, very often, fight against the capitalist enemy in portance, then, is the organizational a hundred per cent profit. Never, in terms of that property, and thus in effort we are to make. In respect to the history of the world, was there terms of the present system. As if organization, anything submitted in such easy graft not a half or a quar it were possible to upset a system in this number of The Internationalist ter of the chance. But measured by terms of the legal and political is to be regarded as operative only the food and clothing it will buy, your notions on which that system actually until such time as the members of the wages are lower than before the war itself depends! Austin Lewis.
Lengue by their mass action, in con began.
vention or through the referendum, Stretch out your hands, you slug GET THEM BOTH FOR THE YEAR shall change it. The constitution gards, and get some of this graft. you have The Internationalist printed elsewhere is put forth by the Tons of millions of you don get food (weekly) and The International SoNational Committee with that under enough to keep flesh on your miser cialist Review (monthly) come to your standing; it is a trial document, made able bones. There has just been built, address for the year, you will miss as short and is free from technical on a single fashionable street of New nothing worth knowing about the ities as possible. Look it over, consid York City, eighteen apartment houses Left Wing movement in the United er it carefully and decide whether its for the upper middle class. These States and the development of the form and its contents will, in your eighteen apartment houses include at Socialist Propaganda League of Amjudgment, be equal to the require least six hundred luxurious apart erica. The Review is the one pubments likely to arise in the League monts, each renting from 1500 to Lication that has stood four square development. 4000 a year. The upper middle class, to all the suggestions and influences Note that it excludes from our the corporation lawyers, the middle of compromise during the years that scheme the old state organizations, men who corner and gamble in food, are behind us. We have arranged state secretaries and state commit they are all getting THEIRS. Now with the publishers to offer both The tees. Every branch or group of the for God sake, you wago slaves, put Internationalist and the International League will be related to the General up some sort of light and get YOURS. Social Review at the clubbing (as the constitution says the Na This nation is lousy with money. rate of 60. No commissions will be tional. Office. There, we didn in new rich multimillionaire came into allowed on this clubbing offer. Send tend starting a revision of the docu: New York from a munitions town in check or money order for 50 and ment right now; but why not? And Pennsylvania some time ago and be both publications will be sent to your again why? Why should we say na gan to drop his coin up and down address for a year.
tional committee, or national sec Broadway. He brought in his friends retary, or national trensurer. by the carlond and spent his money THE OPEN FORUM Why should we not, in an organization on them. His tips to waiters were It is intended that The Internationof internationalists say genera: FIFTY DOLLAR BILLS. Did you alist shall have as one of its features arid general trensurer? But let Nobody else is going to help you. Socialist who has something of valud these matters be left with the gen. You ve got to help yourselves. Don and interest to say shall be excluded.
eral membership when the body is wait until next year. Got a bunch We want all questions of reni imready to act.
of live men together in the place portance discussed freely. PersonalWhat we really started out to say where you work and get busy. Find ities must be omitted, except when under the caption Whnt can do? out how much profits the corporation they sorve to aid the cause and elucis this: First, set together five per you work for paid out in interest on idate principles. Letters must be brief sons in your community who, unre its bonds, in profits on its stock and and none should exceed five hundred servedly endorse the League and or in new equipmont last year. Then so words. Writers must sign their own ganize a local assembly or branch.
all of you to your boss with one hand names The decision as to what is Second, if you endorse the League in your pocket and the other stretched valuable and interesting will be mado but do not know of others, join as a toward the money drawer and say by the Press Committee. The Open Member at largo affiliated directly that you want more. Stand around Porum may be expected in next with the general office.
in the shop and don do a tap till you number of the paper. Editor.
Third, send your order for sub get more. You ve got the drop on cards of The Internationalist, now the boss. Three years ago there Unpaid Labor Is Surplus Value printed and ready to forward the were not enough jobs to go round. The appropriations of unpaid labor sume duy your order is received.
Now there are not enough slaves to is the basis of the capitalist mode of Preliminary to taking ac. All the jobs.
production and of the exploitation or tion read the constitution of the If under the conditions which we the worker that occurs under it; even Lengue in another part of the popor. have described you don have butter if the capitalist buys the labor power on your baked potatoes then you of his laborer at its full value as Isn it refreshing to you to know don deserve butter. You deserve a commodity on the market, ho yot exthat the railroads of the country, pinch of salt. If you have to plug tracts moro value fro mit than ho after several months of denying their up a hole in your shou with a piece paid for; and in the ultimate analys ability to pay more wages to rail of an old shirt it is because you think sis this surplus valuo forms those road workers, have made during the with your feet. Strike and got a 20 sums of value from which are heaped year 11 net income of 1, 098, 000, 000 per cent increase in wages and then up the constantly incrensing masses One billion and ninety eight millions next month strike again and get an of capital in the hands of the posof dollars profit for the year! of other 20 per cent. It can be done. It souuing classes. Thus the genesis of course it makes your patriotie is being done. Let everybody do it capitalist production and the producbreast swell with pride when you everywhere in every shop and depart tion of capital are both explained.
think about it.
ment store and laundry. The capital. Frederick Engels.
Reaction and Revolutionary Ideals. italist industry the possessing class approThree The years immediately behind us priates increasing wealth while the producing Section are marked by inaction and re mass can not, with the wages received, proaction in the Socialist party. vide for themselves and their dependents true revolutionary spirit and action has the necessaries of life. Therefore, we urge never been less in evidence among party the workers, in America and all other leaders than during the period of the war. countries, to organize in their respective inBut before that calamity befel us we were dustries in such manner as to ensure for subjected to a flood of reformistic phrase themselves material reduction in their mongering, muddling municipalism, boring working time, a corresponding increase in trade unions from within, captivating the their share of the social wealth, the exAmerican Federation of Labor, cramming pansion of their class power, in order that the capitalist moral code down the necks of they become efficient workers for the final revolutionists to get middle class votes, in overthrow of capitalism and the organization stead of staying on our own job with a con of a co operative commonwealth. Finally, sistent propaganda for revolutionary ideals. we adopt and recommend: The four years of reformistic preaching and Instead of a form of labor orpreparation for chronicling the rise of ganization on the economic field that socialist votes to millions in 1916 have Conserves the interests of capitalist exproven abortive, while almost none of the ploiters and of industrial democracy, rosey predictions of political leaders have INDUSTRIAL UNIONISM, e. MASS materialized. Still, with a strange fatuity, ORGANIZATION AND ACTION ON they cling to old forms and discredited THE INDUSTRIAL FIELD.
methods, blind to the fact: First, That the Inatead of pure and simple organization we have is not adapted to de lectioneering for getting yotes, and velope political power and the principal funcbentgeois parliamentary reform. REtion of the Socialist movement is to particiCOGNITION OF PARLIAMENTARY pate in the class struggle in such a way, that ACTION AS PART OF THE GENthe workers are educated to realize that their ERAL MASS ACTION, IN WHICH industrial power must back up a political or ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES SUPgeneral class fight, in which the masses are PORT THIS ACTION BY ADVOCATto gain such a degree of organization and ING FREE SPEECH AND THE RIGHT understanding, that they can disorganize TO ORGANIZE AND BY ACTING AS the political supremacy of capitalism and SPOKESMEN OF THE WORKING substitute the organization of the working CLASS, UNDER THE CONTROL OF class, by the exercise of their own influence THE WORKING CLASS ORGANIZAon uncompromising Socialist principles. Is it TION, AGAINST THE PLUTOCRATIC not high time for a thorough reorganization GOVERNMENT AND CAPITALIST of the party?
Our Socialist parties still fix their hopes SENTATIVES.
on winning seats in congresses and parliaInstead of a divided struggle of ments, although the real and fixed location of the workers on the industrial and poligovernment has been transferred to money tical fields, co operation leading to UNexchanges and banking institutions of the DIVIDED MASS ACTION ON BOTH, TO ADVANCE REVOLUTIONARY money kings. Sacrificing principles of international brotherhood, they are fighting PRINCIPLES BY EDUCATION, AND in wars, not for the solidarity and independMANIFESTING AS AN ORGANIZED ence of the workers of all nations, but for EXPRESSION OF WORKING CLASS the aggrandizement of their respective naSOLIDARITY FOR THE ULTIMATE tional capitals.
Failing to give support to the mass action Instead of surrendering to imof the workers on the industrial field, as perialism, THE DEVELOPMENT OF evinced at Lawrence, McKees Rocks, the ALL OUR POWERS TO OPPOSE MILIMesaba Range, and elsewhere in the United TARISM, OFFENSIVE OR DEFENSIVE, AND PROMOTE THE INTERStates, and similarly in Germany, England and Belgium, the reformers have also calle BORHOOD NATIONAL OF legality to the revolutionary sentiment on the political By mass action we mean: Action field.
by the workers in collective organization Must Change With the Times or Perish.
for protest and demand on both the Section What, then, can be the duty of economic and political fields, for exerFour present day Socialists, except to recising the power of the strike, opposing cognize the collapse of the old and anti strike legislation, refusing miliresolutely set to work building the new tary service to maintain capitalism, alongside the industrial evolution and comholding public meetings and demonstraplying with the requirements of the modern tions, and opposing all capitalist class and intensified class struggle? It is high time means of repressing the rise of infor Socialists to abolish obsolete tactics, dustrial democracy. In mass actio nwe abandon middle class ideals, put away the see the only means for the development will o the wisps of reform, and proclaim a of a new form of organized democracy working class program conforming with and in which the rank and file will control.
equal to the demands of industrial and com The Socialist Propaganda League mercial development. The times change; we of America endorses the position of the must change with them or perish.
Left Wing Socialists of Europe and The new aggressive policy of the capitalpledges itself to work in harmony with ist class, which we call imperialism, has for them for the upbuilding of the Third its primary object the appropriation of a International, and in the United States bigger share of the general surplus values. for reorganization of the Socialist Party Under the operation of this feature of capof this country.
Fraternally submitted SOCIALIST PROPAGANDA LEAGUE OF AMERICA Fitzgerald, Secretary Second Edition Revised. Edwards, Asst. Sec y.
Office: 2107 Washington St. Boston, Mass. Jan. 1, 1917.
Roxbury Sta. Box 28. I hereby agree to contribute the sum of. per month for. months to sustain The Internationalist during the period of its establishment. Find first payment enclosed.
For the amount enclosed. please send me. sub cards for The Internationalist as follows: Yearly. Six months.
One year, 00; Six months 50 cents.
Name Street No. O, Stato THE MATERIALIST CONCEPTION OF HISTORY The materialist conception of history starts from the proposition that the production of the means to sup.
port human life and, next to procluetion, the exchange of things produced, is the basis of all social structure; that in every society that has appeared in history, the manner in which wealth is distributed and society divided into classes or orders is dependent upon what is produced, how it is produced, and how the products are exchanged. Proin this point of view the final cause of all social changes and political revolutions are to bo sought, not in men brains, not in mon better insight into éternal truth and justice, but in changes in the mode of production and exchange.
They are to be sought not in the philosophy, but in the economics of each particular epock. Frederick.
Por the amount enclosed. please send me. copies of the Manifesto, printed in soparato form Name Street No.