BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist ManifestoDemocracyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

M THE INTERNATIONALIST Saturday, January 6, 1917 is the only big nation without state Trensurer shall bo countersigned by DANGER AHEAD management of railways, and this is the National Secretary.
the reason why the railway magnates LEFT WING JABS Members in Good Stunding.
shows willingness to capitulate to Only members in good standing Note. The artiolo that follows was promise ono jot of our revolutionary railways. What an amazing lack of the workers on the issue of stato may serve on the National Committeo written by Comrade Eugeno Debs What Is What Isn election. But nobody knows as well or vote on branch affairs or national principles; and if we do, we shall be insight in a paper of a Socialist national Soclalist Review. UNICIPAL markets, municipal as the shouters that the hooray is referenda. Members in good standal visited with the contempt we deserve party to see in this change of attimost prophetlo in its forecast and as by all real Socialists, who will scorn to tude of the capitalists a victory for a warning to the get votes folks.
gas, municipal ico boxes, none made for the ears of the ignorant. ing are those who are fully paid up of these things, nor all of The Socialist Propuganda League of to date.
Its reprinting at this time Is Justi remain in a party professing to be a labor! It is the beginning of a cer them combined, is Socialism.
America, as representative of the Charters.
fied Editor.
revolutionary party of the working Itain and crushing defeat unless the the Government railroads, government militant internationalists of Charters shall be issued to branch class while employing the crooked workers themselves decide to act be telecraph, government lighthouses, world, serves notice on that bunch organizations free of chargo.
uTo my mind the working class and disreputable methods of ward fore it is too late.
character and the revolutionary in, heeling politicians to attain their none of these is Socialism.
that their exultant yelp will soon be Amendments.
tegrity of the Socialist party are of State capitalism is the highest we will have Socialism only when changed to a cry of distress. Van Alterations or amendments to this ends.
first importance. All the votes of the people would do no good. it our cialist any more than a menu is a and Monopoly is about to organize and Rent, Interest and Profit have been Irish martyr! Go put sufferson Voting for Socialism is not so. a new feudal class of knights of money the machine, is socialized; only when Shades of Jim Connolly, Socialist vote of the members.
form of capitalism, the form in which the modern tool for producing wealth, quished? Not we! Socialism dead? constitution shall be by a referendum party ceased to be a revolutionary meal.
party, or came to be only incidentbrutalize their slaves. What has be abolished; only when private appro the sun! Not by counting noses can Socialist Lament ally so, while yielding more and more drilled, equipped and the place to sew years nomenats it not our duty. Jends; and the ending of robbery, the only by what is swelling in the hearts Socialism must be organized, come of our conceptions of only a priation of wealth produced socially you measure this movement, but Readers of The Internationalist will to the pressure to modify the print begin is in the industries where the then, to oppose this state ownership, abolition of the instruments of rob. and being understanded in the brnins te interested in the following mourn ciples and program of the party for workers are employed. Their cconow that our cnemies seem anxious bery, and the socialization of the of the people your people and all ful outburst from Comrade ME.
the sake of swelling the vote and nomic power has got to be devel to help us along!
Simons. Notice how nicely it conhastening the day of its expected tri oped through eficient organizution, machinery of industry depends upon of us.
firms the things suid by the Socialist umph.
No, most ussuredly not.
the intelligent action of the workers The ruth is that we have not could be developed, would but renet ship, notwithstanding the changed or their political power, even if it We are advoentes of state owner themselves.
Propaganda League before the de. Speaking of Patriotism luge. Well, Simons, old man, cheer few members who regard vote set upon them, thwart their plans, blust attitude of our enemies. It is not The smug and sanctimonious pat up! Let us work for Socialism to tho These Be Your Patriots riots for profit cannot understand why last ditch. Read the lumentation of makter by what method the votes their hopes, and all but destroy them. even a disadvantage that our de Such organization to be effective mands, as such, prove to be in the VERY corrupt office seeker, every the countries of Europe do not im. One reason for the decline (ol foreners who come here from all Socialist: may be secured, and this leads them to hold out inducoments and make must expressed in terms of indus line of capitalist development. But corrupt oflice holler, conseionce lacking money mediately become patriots too, and the party vote) is surrested by the representations which are not at all trial unidyism. Each industry must when two ask the same thing it is not rubber, every cornerer and monopo. join in the national service to the fact that three days after election compatible with the stern and un te organized in its entirety, embrac always and necessarily the same It is beyond their power the Socialist press and national heudcompromising principles of a revolu ing all the workers, and all working thing they ask. State ownership and list of the people food for profit, Mazuma.
tionary purty. They seek to make together in the interest of all, in the the stato under the absolutistic con every pious apologist for thert and of understanding that some of these quarters was still claiming 1, 200, 000 may have convictions votes. Everyone who had access to the Sociulist propaganda so attrac true spirit of solidarity, thus laying trol of Big Interests is the absolute will do anything but get off labor about life, may have risen from the the news reports knew before the detive eliminating whatever may give the foundation and developing the reverse of state ownership under the back, and every low down politician swamps of selfishness and death, may cision had been made between Wilthat it serves as a bait for votes within the old, from which it is evolv Our demand for state ownership in the way of progress, every one or of justice and seen the slowly rising yote had dropped. There was a time offense to bourgeois sensibilities superstructure of the new system democratic control of the workers who contrives to put legal obstacles have hud a lookout from the hilltops son and Hughes that the Socialist rather than as a means of education, ing, and systematically fitting the therefore, is more than worthless un. them dubs himself a patriot. and sun of human brotherhood. Weary when the Socialist party tried to eduand votes thus secured do not prop workers, step by step, to assume en less supplemented by democratic or if you have an opinion different from of eringing to brutal power in the cate its followers, rather than fake erly belong to us and do injustice to tire control of the productive forces canization in mass action. In fact theirs, every one of them will sny countries from which they come election returns. There was a time our party 28 well as to those who when the hour strikes for the impendany demand of any importance in the that you are a traitor to the country. where hope has died and manhood is when the party was not so eager to cast thom.
ing organic change.
imperialistic period of capitalism is crushed, they find themselves in a sell its soul for votes. There is also disposition on the Without such economic organiza without effect, unless it is conquered Workers Must Do it state of society that (though showing For nearly 20 years have been part of some to join hands with reno. tion and the economic power with and protected and controlled by the betterment in minor respects) trents a close observer of our participation tionary trade unionists in local emer which it is clothes, and without the organized power of the workers in a THIS was said by the radical them with bigotry, contempt, violence in Socialist campaigns.
gencies and in certain temporary industrial co operative training, dis militant mass action.
Wendell Phillips: No reform, and massacres in the industrial field, last four years have had many disDuring the situations to efl ect some specific cipline and officiency which are its moral or intellectual, ever came and where the rupkest crimes com cussions on campaign tactics. Not purpose, which may or may not be corollaries, the fruit of any political from the upper class of society. Each mitted against labor are passed over once have heard the old familiar in harmony with our revolutionary victories the workers may achieve Socialist Brahmins and all came from the protest of the with fruitless inquiries or excused as question: Is this right? Is this martyr and victim. The emancipation the sort of treatment they deserve. in accord with the principles of Soprogram. No possible good can come will turn to ashes on the lips.
from any kind of political alliance. With the workers efficiently or YT IS not our expectation, nor our of the working people must be by Why should anybody wonder that the cinlism But over and over have express or implied, with trude unions canized industrially, bound together hope, that the members of the the working people themselves foreners are not suddenly trans heard: Will this catch the Poles?
or the leaders of trade unions who by the common tie of their enlight Socialist party will rush en masse Phillips lives in the heart of the formed into national patriots. Will that land the Germans? or are opposed to Socialism and only ened self interest, they will just as to join the Socialist Propaganda working people, while the upper Will the other scare the little taxturn to it for use in some reactionary naturally and inevitably express their League of America. Any such mass class still say their prayers and take policy.
payer? Once upon a time almost economic solidarity in political terms action as that we would regard as the toll.
CONSTITUTION of the every Socialist speech ended with Not for all the votes of the and cast a united vote for the party a calamity. We want Socialists in the American Federation of Labor and of their class as the forces of nature League just as fast as Socialists Common Poverty Socialist Propaganda League Don vote for our candidates unless you agree with Socialism! Then of America its labor dividing and corruption express obedience to the laws of understand the League purposes IS a fact worthy of notice that our vote grew. Now we practice exbreeding craft unions should we com gravitation.
and respond unreservedly to its call.
the system which results in comBut we do expect the distributio ame.
pediency and our vote declines our Munifesto and of The Inter people also produces common poverty mon property for some of the With sorrow that comes with the The name of this organization nationalist to be followed with the for the rest of the people. That is shall be The Socialist Propaganda destruction of one dearest ideal, say that in many a city the Socialist SOCIALISM opposition of the more or less intel the sort of democracy We have. And League of America.
lectual lights of the majority who until the workers get over their brain Object organization is today little more than regard themselves as the custodians The declares emphatic an organized appetite for office a 80LAINALS rent revolution engmxreuss demanding State Capitul cialist thought and Socialiste de parte by the colors of roubery and of the party and the censors of so a manner incapable of being over ally and will work uncompromisingly cialist Tammany exploiting the do izer of conditions, of methods ism to further its own interests.
of the reasons why we did not send repression, they will continue to be for industrial revolution to establish of u little cirele of perfectly Körfest and of thought. We live in a And this is by no means merely the Manifesto to Milwaukee to be the victims of common poverty im. Industrial democracy by the mass me but perfectly incompetent and selfish period of intense developments and a temporary war measure must keep pace in our minds, let we who read European capitalist papers conviction of the uselessness of such makes producers poor and parasites the workers is imperative and, there. have collected the names of papers revised and rubber stamped was posed upon them by the system that tion of the working class. It also de politicians, who stili porsist in think lay behind on our action Only a few years ago for most of all over the world already plan for change is written all over it. Most fore, works to bring about that unity, nearly 50 people who have filled the us and not more than a couple of a more intimate relation between in of the majority lights are opposed dozen years ago for practically all dustry and government, and no doubt to change. When they regardless of all barriers, territorial highest unpaid positions in our party, favorit, About Platforms who have been candidates for office of us, the government ownership of the greatest share of the world mar things get all muddled up: witness THE national campaign of 1912 Membership.
when election was hopeless writers, industries was one of the most essen ket and world power will go to those Simons somewhat timid pro we had a platform that was All class conscious working men and and women who gave up what the speakers, organizers the type of men tempting to tions. Under the growing influence italism.
after the labor party of England.
of the workers one industry after an But we need not go to Europe. One (See Call, Dec. 17. could be stolen and incorporated purpose and program of this League lives to what they believed to be one other was to be wrested from private of our own capitalist papers hus We readily admit that changes pro ready made into the platform of an and will sever their connection with furcht worth fighting, and all these to capitalist parties or organizations day are leaving the movement in the So the new society would be built iea, and all of our financial papers without reference to particular ends, get votes. Four years later, in the wetunting the capitalist system of in others are refusing to work within within the old. To some of our advocate more efficiency in this line are changes that should be opposed campaign or last year, we did a dustry, are eligible to membership, the organization.
friends this was about the limit of The most surprising fact in this con But a stolid opposition to ull change better. The majority stuck to the old Pive or more shall constitute a local their vision. To the workers this nection is that the railway capitalists because it is change and because it Lumber pile. Not only that, but into group or branch of the League. There he continues to am sure that the state socinlism had to be supplemented themselves are no longer seriously may shock or alarm somebody, that is set votex there was included in the shall be members at large, affiliated Socialists of this country como to by parliamentury action, so as to get opposed to state ownership of the nothing more nor less than a de document the two bewing stonishing with the national oflice, of those re know the truth they will push the the state industries under democratic railroads. Railway capital means thronement of reason. It would not proposal (the swallowing of it did siding where no local organization well meaning politicians to one sido control. But to the more revolution Big Interests, it means the Money surprise us if a lot of reasons were not astonish the majority) that exists.
ary characters at that time it was Trust, the highest and most devel. dethroned among certain folk who certain measure of industrial activity Organization.
and work out a movement which will evident that the process of demo oped form of capitalism. Try and will think they are thinking about and control (for profit. should re There shall be local Branches and lean labor.
be the political expression of Amercratizing state management would imagine the true significance of the the Manifesto, when in reality they main with individual!
a National Committee of seven. The The foregoing lamentation, faithful not be an entirely poncenble process. chief representatives of these rail are merely the victims certain nerNational Committee shall be elected When the working classes would be way interests actually threatening to vous reactions.
The European Spectacle by a general membership vote. The admitted, was printed in the New in its narration of facts it must be near to getting a majority in parlia leave the railways to the government Now it is quite clear to us that in TN THE European war you have a National Committee shall be charged Republic Then Simons took another ment it was foreseen that resistance if the latter should care to interfere the days that are coming we shall colossal evidence of the certain with carrying out the decisions of shot in the Call, where he proposes a from the ruling class might be ex in any way that would affect the in have use for a distinguishing and in result of national patriotisins. the League, supervise its affairs and political movement similar to the pected, and the shock we would re terests of capital!
offensive name for our opponents of the victims of it tearing at each oth shall serve for one year or until their labor party of England. We presume ceive from this resistance compelled Now don be absurd enough to be the kind we have in mind. Upon roers thronts and shooting lead into successors are elected.
that is intended to show how thoran ultimate effort on our part to over lieve, as the Call did, that this is flection we have decided to confer each others bodies. Not for freedom. All acts of general importance shalloughly tired he is of expedieney.
come it.
a result of the increased power of the upon them the quite dignified title nor culture, nor civilization, but for be decided by referendum vote.
Therefore, we had not only to in workers, that the railway interests, of Socialist Party Brahmins. the continued domination of the polit.
crease our votes, but it was also nec the Morgans, etc. are backing down Brahmin is the name of the high ical and economic overhend groups PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION The propaganda of the League shall essary to develop our power and our under threat of the railway workers. est Flindu caste. They consider concerned in maintaining tyranny be carried on by the publication of a WILL ABOLISH CLASSS organization for the ultimate over. It is a fátse policy to advance the il themselves custodians of all the high based on economie servitude of the weekly paper, The Internationalist. Political power, property so called throw of the capitulist scovernment. Tusion that the so called eight hour er culture of India and are special producers of wealth. Work work wned and controlled by the organizsa is merely the organized power of one class for oppressing another. If the sult from an attempt of the siling of fact it was a defent. Morgan and fine literary taste, and so forth for the Socialist Propaganda League meetings and agitation among the the bourgeoisie is compelled by force class to resist the natural develop his friends are more powerful than And they oppose all change in the of America and The International working class.
ment of our increasing parliamen. ever and will continue so as long as constitution of things related to their Brotherhod.
There shall be a Press Committee of circumstances, to organize itself as tary influence, it was but logical that railroad workers entrust their in privileges.
of five or more who shall be elected a class, if, by means of a revolution, the workers would be on the defen terests in the hands of leaders such The Brahmins, then, are those who it makes itself the ruling class, and, Does This Hit You? by the National Committee.
sive and stand for the ermattungs as they now have. But their con oppose all change, except perhaps EMBERS of the militia of the National Secretary and National old conditions of production, then it as such, sweeps away by force the strategy of Kautsky and others. ception of state capitalism has that of jumping from the frying pan entire country now know the Treasurer.
Everything had to be sacrificed to changed. They realize that it is into the fire, and advocate letting itwill, along with these conditions, have keeps the existing organizations in necessary for their interests as alone. All right, go to it, Brahmins! soldier puts upon their services. Leon tional Treasurer shall be elected by existence of class antagonisms, and value that the professional National Secretary and a Na swept away the conditions for the ary attack of the capitalist class, in They know that this is indispensable Stand pat, muddle things up, or quit urd Wood, professional soldier, and the National Committed from their or classes generally, and will thereby if the guards sent to the bor unless removed for eause.
In class.
out. And this attack was expected that it is necessary to successfully puganda League of America.
der had been engaged in a fight with Referendum.
either against the right to organize carry on a future war, and they see In place of the old bourgeois 30trained troops a general carnage referendum may be initiated by ciety, with its classes and class anor against general suffrage. Even that it is the most efficient way to Make Converts Every Day would have been the result. He says: three (3) per cent of the member tagonisms, we shall have an associathe world war found the leaders con crush future labor revolts. State cerned foremost about the en railways mean them, as state railWe will make converts day by day: The guardsmen, would never have ship of the League, irrespective of tion, in which the free development of cuch is the condition for the free ance of their formal organizations.
ways mean in German, that a strike we will grow strong by calmness and know what hit them! That ought location.
Now look how completely this con is a crime and organization only al moderation; we will grow strong by to hit you boys in the memorizing development of all.
The national dues for membership. Communist Manifesto.
ception has been overthrown by facts: lowed under state control, with the the violence and injustice of our ad section of your bruin pans.
Not only must we recognize that our military forces and the military versaries. And, unless truth be a in the League shall te five (5) cents Vanquished? Not We!
a month, 60 cents a year, to be paid All communications for the editor, ideas about political democracy have to enslave and, if necessary, kill the mockery and justice a hollow lie, we to be revised, and that capturing workers.
will be in the majority after a while, TERE has been quite a lot of directly or through branch officers to the secretary of the League, or The Internationalist, should bo addressed government by increasing our votes This is the reason why the Rock and then the revolution which we will ially in certain quarters in Members at large shall pay is rather ridiculous since the influ feller National City Bank in one accomplish will be none the less rad.
ten Box 23, Roxbury Sta. Boston, Mass.
Make checks and money orders payence of parliaments has been gruduar of its recent pamphlets gives statis cal from being the result of pacific New England, over the big setback (10) cents a month.
in reduced but we actuully see our tics showing that the United States measures. Abraham Lincoln (1866. for Socialism in the recent national Checks drawn by the National able to Louis Velleman, treasurer.
or racial. the hope of delivering a final knock to compete with Europe; they know being silly and join the Socialist Pro. general of the army, has given it out own body. They shall serve one year have abolished its owt) supremacy as