CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

New Era Dawns for America Working Class OVOOSOL POO O O O O OO O O OO o NEW era dawns in the political struggle of to enlighten and awaken the remaining members unanimously at its Thanksgiving Conference to MUST FACE LIFE REALITIES America working class. In spite of the of the party thru working from within.
send delegates to the Workers Party Convention. This National Convention must issue a program crushing attack of the exploiters from without, and The experiences of the Detroit Convention, in It was, therefore, the WORKERS COUNCIL and manifesto recognizing the realities of the open some divisions of opinion within, the labor move June, proved there was no longer any danger of that began and continually agitated for an open struggle for Communism in the United States. The ment displays its great vitality thru its ability to leaving the membership in the custody of a reform discussion of the question of unity of all revolution party constitution must be drawn in the same re organize its forces in the midst of battle, to pre ist leadership. After the Detroit convention all truly ary elements, including the Communist Party. spirit.
pare for greater and more successful struggles.
Socialist elements left the party.
The American Labor Alliance was formed only The party must accept squarely and without It was in this crisis that the Committee for the This is the meaning of the call issued for the after the WORKERS COUNCIL had begun to mental reservations the spiritual leadership of the creation of the WORKERS PARTY OF AMERThird issued its Withdrawal Statement from the correspond with groups and elements favorable to Third International as expressed in the Theses, ICA, at a convention to be held in New York City; tionary elements thruout the country to:Socialist Party, and sent forth its call to the revolu unity, thruout the country.
manifestoes and actions of its Congress and direcDecember 23 26, at the Labor Temple, 243 East One of the first organization efforts was the contions of its Executive Committee.
84th Street. ORGANIZE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ference held at Toledo, Ohio, last May, when the The party must interpret the leadership of the The tremendous significance of this event will GETTING IN TOUCH WITH US AND PRE formation of an open Workers Party was first dis Third International in the light of American reality PARE FOR become more clear with the passing of the months CONFERENCE, WHICH cussed and endorsed.
and apply its direction to every concrete situation after the convention is held, when the workers genWILL BE CALLED IN THE NEAR FUTURE The first conferences with representatives of the with the end in view to bring the American workAND WHERE DEFINITE PLANS WILL BE erally will rally to its colors.
groups allied with the American Labor Alliance ing class in line with the conscious and aggressive WORKED OUT AND THE FOUNDATION were held on the initiative of the WORKERS units of the proletariat of other lands, following the Two years of intense persecution under the lash LAID FOR POWERFUL AMERIAN SEC COUNCIL same lead.
of the American white terror lie behind us. Our TION OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL.
ranks may be somewhat disorganized. But the spirit EDUCATION AND ORGANIZATION FIRST CALL FOR CONFERENCE of labor vanguard remains unbroken, its stanThe expressed and avowed task of the party must dards wave unsullied and defiant, while our prinTO AID UNITY STRUGGLE These conferences satisfied the national execube the education and organization of the American ciples, with a greater appeal than ever, continue tive committee of the WORKERS COUNCIL that THE to be held aloft beyond the traitor touch. We view WORKERS COUNCIL OF workers for the abolition of Capitalism and inauguTHE there was a sufficient demand for the unification of the past with satisfaction. We press on to more UNITED STATES was brought into existence for ration of Socialism. Workers Republic where all revolutionary bodies.
the working class shall rule until class rule is no vital struggles and greater victories in the future.
the purpose of carrying on this organization work, It therefore issued a call for a National Confernot with the intention of building a new party, but longer needed, shall be the political means to the ence to be held in November, with the object of aiding in the struggle to unite final social end.
all class conscious working class groups into a The call was based on a minimum program with PLAYS BIG PART The party must be an open, above board organwhich our readers are familiar.
truly revolutionary organization, into an open poWe cannot emphasize to much the part played litical organization of truly revolutionary and ization, following the lines of democratic centraliThe American Labor Alliance later announced zation and bound by ties of discipline under the by our organization, THE WORKERS COUNclass conscious workers.
its call for a national convention, and made public CIL OF THE UNITED STATES, in bringing supreme control of the membership acting thru THE WORKERS COUNCIL thus became the its determination to build up a dues paying organ national conventions and elected national executive about the unity that must work for the success ization, instead of continuing as a federation of orrallying center for all revolutionary elements leavcommittees.
of the WORKERS PARTY, taking its stand on ganizations already in existence.
the manifesto of the Third Congress of the Com ing. the Socialist Party because of its reformism, while at the same time feeling that the prevailing munist International, when it says. THE QUESTION THEN AROSE, SUCCESS IS ASSURED policies of the Communist Party were a stumbling WHETHER THERE WERE TO BE TWO The success of the Workers Party is assured It is necessary to convince the working masses that block in the building of a mass movement.
SEPARATE CONFERENCES, OR ONE from the start. The Socialist Party, thru the acthe Communists alone are fighting for a betterment of It also rallied to its support many independent their conditions, that the reactionary Socialist and trade UNITED CONFERENCE.
tion of its national executive committee meeting union bureaucracy would rather see them die of hunger elements taking a similar position.
recently held at Cleveland, Ohio, has definitely than fight for them.
From the beginning, however, while disapprovThe WORKERS COUNCIL, thruout the sucgone over to labor reformism. This was predicted. There is no longer any question as to fighting the ing some of the existing tactics and policies of some ceeding negotiations, took a stand for a united our prediction has come true. The Socialist Party traitors of the working class, the agents of the ex Communist elements, the WORKERS COUNCIL movement, but firmly stated its frank opposition to ploiters, on theoretic grounds, or to debate the question has been swallowed completely in the swamp of recertain prevailing tactics among the Communists.
of democracy and dictatorship. Rather they must be recognized that if a new party of action was to be actionary opportunism.
fought on the questions of work, bread, wages, housing, created, these elements must play an important But it considered the cause of unity greater than The Workers Party enters the field without a clothing any differences on tactics as long as there was no part in it.
competitor. It will attract to its ranks all those It is only in fighting for the most simple interests fundamental disagreement as to principles.
of the working masses that we can organize a united It was felt that developments would compel our workers who have profited by the bitter experiences front of the workers against the capitalists.
Communist comrades to drop those methods of orof the world war and the capitalist peace, and by CONFIDENCE AND CO OPERATION ganization and tactics that made it impossible to those who proclaim their solidarity with and are function as a working, revolutionary body, contin We demanded that all elements must genuinely inspired by the lessons of the Russian revolution.
STORY OF ACHIEVEMENT ually recruiting new converts to its growing ranks. work for real unity. We demanded that the comAt this time we may review slightly the successrades on all sides conducting the negotiations must AROUSE THE MILLIONS ful development of the campaign of activity outhave confidence in each other.
We demanded that the co operation that is nec These will carry the message of emancipation to One of its first achievements was to vitalize the From the beginning the WORKERS COUN essary to the creation and upbuilding of a powerful, the millions of hungry and unemployed, to those work of the Committee for the Third Inter CIL extended its activities in every direction where militant open party must be a living reality.
who suffer most under the cruel tortures and brutal national of the Socialist Party, for the purpose of its influence could be used with effect.
We declared that it was out of this joint confi inhumanities of the present social system.
organizing the left wing in the party, educating It had associated with it in its work such other dence and this common spirit of co operation that DOWN WITH THE RULE OF CAPITALthe party membership on the position of the Third organizations as the Jewish Socialist Federation, the success of the open party would grow, just as ISM. END THE LONG REIGN OF THE EXInternational, and to carry on a struggle for affilia the Workers Educational Society (Arbeiter Bil this confidence and co operation ha alread PLOITERS AND PROFITEERS. LONG LIVE tion with it on the basis of the announced 21 condungs Vereine. and a strong element in the Italian sulted in the issuing of the Joint Call for the Na THE WORKERS PARTY! HAIL TO THE ditions.
Socialist Federation. It also had the sympathy of tional Convention to be held during the Christmas WORKERS REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED The policy of the Committee for the Third was the Bohemian Socialist Federation that voted holidays.