CapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyImperialismItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismSoviet

130 THE WORKERS COUNCIL (NOVEMBER 15, 1921 The Workers Council Vol.
New York, November 15, 1921 No. A Christmas Gift to Russia Hungry This is an announcement of a plan to raise 2, 000 immediately as a Christmas Gift for Russia hungry.
Two thousand readers of THE WORKERS COUNCIL can participate in this effort to help fight the famine in the Soviet Republic. If you want to be one of them, read on You have all heard about, many of you, no doubt, have read Bishop William Montgomery Brown great book, COMMUNISM AND CHRISTIANISM, of which 75, 000 have already been sold.
It is remarkable book by a remark able man, says the Freethinker.
This book analyzes and contrasts Communism and Christianism from the Marxian and Darwinian points of view.
Its bold recommendations are to, BANISH GODS FROM THE SKIES AND CAPITALISTS FROM THE EARTH, and make the world safe for Industrial Communism.
Bishop and Mrs. Brown announce that they have had published a special De Luxe Edition of this work of 2, 000 copies. This valuable edition will be disposed of at 00 per copy.
Every cent of every dollar received from every copy sold will be devoted to Russian Famine Relief without the deduction of one penny for office or other expenses.
THE WORKERS COUNCIL is co operating with Bishop and Mrs. Brown in bringing this announcement to the attention of the working men and women of the nation, the attention of the lovers of a good book and sympathizers with a great cause. Every copy of this edition should be disposed of in a few weeks.
Every dollar raised will be devoted to Russian Famine Relief thru THE WORKERS COUNCIL RUSSLAN FAMINE RELIEF FUND, which is affiliated with the Federated Russian Famine Relief Committee, distributing thru the Red Cross of the Russian Soviet Republic.
We want our 2, 000 to be used in the purchase of foods and medicines that will arrive in the Workers Republic as a holiday greeting and gift from our host of readers. Order several copies of this book and use them as Christmas gifts to your relatives and friends.
Send In Your Order Now!
Even tho slow in making progress, nevertheless, TABLE OF CONTENTS under the guidance of the Third (Communist) InPage ternational, the world revolution is forging ahead.
Cartoon, Breaking the Chains.
Cover The strength of the advanced sections of the workFamine Appeal for Soviet Russia. 130 ers is everywhere being solidified, the proper tacEditorials 131 132 tics are being developed, the will on the part of the The Fourth Anniversary. 133 135 masses to win is crystallizing more and more.
For the Open Party 136 137 Cheers on the fourth anniversary of the WorkSocialism and Reformism in Italy. 138 ers Republic for the fifth year of Soviet rule! All Socialism Up to Date140 hail the Russian Soviet Republic! Long live the The Big Drive for Unity. 142 World Revolution. The War on the Coal Miners.
143 Mighty Power. 144 You must get your friends and neighbors to subscribe for THE WORKERS COUNCIL. One dollar per year, 50 cents for six months.
Issued by the Executive Committee of the Workers Council of the United States THE FIGHT OF THE FARMERS EDITOR. LOUIS ENGDAHL The farmers of the National Nonpartisan League have met a reverse in North Dakota. The latest reAddress all communications to Workers Council, turns indicate that their officials have been voted out 80 East 11th Street, New York City of power in a recall election. Townley, president of the League, has been committed to a county jail at Jackson, Minn. to serve a 90 day sentence for violatio of the state antiTEN CENTS COPY sedition law. The farmers opposed the late war, but per year, 50 cents for six months.
they did not withdraw their opposition quick enough to escape prosecution for their officials.
The bought press will now as always herald the THE FIFTH YEAR DAWNS crushing of this form of radicalism among the This issue of THE WORKERS COUNCIL farmers of the middle west. Thus it has always hailed reaches its readers as the fifth year dawns for the a temporary victory over the workers, in the cities or Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic.
on the land.
Two big facts stand forth as the toilers of the The Nonpartisan League tried to put some of its world cerebrate the fourth anniversary, November theories of state capitalism into effect in North 7, 1921, of the first Workers Republic: Dakota, where it had won over a part of the state That the Russian Workers Revolution is hold administration. In doing so it won the bitter hatred all of the great grain interests of Minneapolis and Chi2. That the world revolution is much slower in cago, and also of the money power of Wall Street.
coming than had been expected.
The result was a combination of all reactionary eleSoviet Russia stands victorious against all her ments against it. Capitalist democracy was ready foes, against interventionists without against to hand. recall election was secured. The power counter revolutionists within.
of money, of the bought press, of all the subsidized She is mastering the great problems arising out forces of reaction was too much for the youthful of the all but crushing famine and plague.
farmers organization, deserted by many of its memThe big problem now is that of reconstruction. bers and lacking in support because of crop failures It is as a result of the efforts of the workers rule and the fall in the price of wheat.
in this direction that the world imperialists are Whether the Nonpartisan League can long endure trying to gain some grain of comfort.
as an organization is a matter of debate even among The fifth year of Soviet power will deliver the its own members. Its favorite method of winning fatal blow to this capitalist hope. Moissaye power through capturing the primaries of the old Olgin deals with this problem to some extent in an parties results in disintegration of its forces, instead article in this issue. It will be discussed more thor of building up a powerful, well knit movement. It oly in future issues of THE WORKERS has also been too much of a one man organizationCOUNCIL Townley.
The Soviet Republic has already conducted That the farmers, through experiences gained with many a strategic retreat to the great consternation the Nonpartisan League, will move forward to of its enemies. It is doing so again.
great efforts, to greater ictories, to complete But as the workers struggle to victory in Soviet triumph, there can be no doubt. Let the farmers Russia, they await the advance of labor in other learn through their mistakes, win as the result of their countries.
Your order for as many copies of this book as you desire at apiece will be received by the:WORKERS COUNCIL, or by the:Room 233, 80 11th St. New York City, Bradford Brown Educational Co. Inc. Publishers, Galion, Ohio.