BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyItalySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorking Class

SEPTEMBER 15, 1921 THE WORKERS COUNCIL 103 102 THE WORKERS COUNCIL (SEPTEMBER 15, 1921 and in taking accurate account of the situation that countries and the Communists in the trade unions the proletariat will conquer, the Communist Inter direct all their efforts towards the liberation of the national says to the proletariat of all countries. working masses from the influence of the SocialCapitalism has so far shown that it cannot secure Democratic parties and the trade union bureauto the world even that degree of order which it en racy. This will not be done unless the Communists joyed before the war. Its present work cannot lead of all countries, in these trying times, when each to a single new order of society, but can only pro day increases the privations of the working masses, long your suffering and the process of the decomprove that they are the advance guard of the workposition of capitalism.
ing class, that they will uphold it in all its strugThe World Revolution Is on Its Way. gles, and that they will lead it in the fight to free them from the burdens which capitalism has Everywhere the capitalist world is rocking on its heaped upon them far beyond what they can bear.
folindations. The second appeal which the World It is necessary to convince the working mass Congress of the Communist International makes to that the Communists alone are fighting for a betthe proletariat of all countries is the following: terment of their condition, that the reactionary We are marching forward to new and difficult Social Democracy and trade union bureaucracy battles. Arm yourselves for the new struggles.
would rather see them die of hunger than fight for Prepare the United Front of the World Proletariat.
The hourgeoisie cannot assure to the workers either work, bread, housing or clothing. However, There is no longer any question as to fighting the it shows great capacity in the organization of war traitors of the proletariat, the agents of the bouragainst the proletariat.
geoisie on theoretic grounds, or to debate the Ever since the moment, when the bourgeoisie, question of democracy and dictatorship. Rather for the first time was at a loss how to proceed, ever they must be fought on questions of bread, salaries, since it conquered the great fear caused by the wages, of labor and housing.
workers returning from the war, ever since it reMoscow versus Amsterdam.
solved to prolong after the war its alliance with the The first field of battle and the most important is traitors of the proletariat, namely the social demothat of the trade union movement.
crats and the bureaucrats of Trade Unionism, the Before all, it is necessary to lead the struggle of the Red Trade bourgeoisie has consecrated all its forces to organUnion International against the Yellow Amsterize the white guards to fight against and to disarm dam International.
the proletariat It is necessary above all to capture the strongThe world bourgeoisie is even at this moment armed to the teeth and ready, not only forcibly to holds of the enemy installed in our own camp.
suppress any proletarian insurrection, but also, if Purge your Organization of Centrist Tendencies.
necessary, to provoke insurrection in order to an Develop an Aggressive Spirit.
nihilate the proletariat before it succeeds in organ It is only in fighting for the most simple interizing a united and invincible front.
ests of the working masses that we can organize a Against the strategy of the bourgeoisie, the Com united front of the proletariat against the bourmunist International pits its own. If the power of geoisie; that we can make an end to the disunion capital can throw armed bandits against the prole of the proletariat; which alone assures to the bourtarians, the Communist International has a weapon geoisie a possibility for continued existence. But which cannot fail. It is the proletarian masses, the this proletarian front can only be inspired with the single and unconquerable front of the proletariat. joy of battle when it will be sustained by the ComOnce the millions and millions of proletarians munist Parties, which are strong in spirit and which will enter the struggle in united ranks, the bourpossess an iron discipline.
geoisie will be at the end of its rope and all of its That is why the Third Congress of the Third forces will no longer be of service to it. The trains International, at the same time that it Alings to the transporting the white guards being sent against Communists of all countries the cry, Go to the the proletariat will be stopped, the troops will be Masses! Create a strong, united front! urges overcome with remorse, and the proletariat will them also to banish from their ranks all those elewrest their weapons from them and will use them ments which might weaken the morale and disagainst other organizations of white guards.
cipline of the shock troops of the world proletariat If the proletariat will present a united front and of the Communist Parties.
against capitalism and the bourgeoisie, it will have The Congress of the Communist International captured the enemy, who at that time will have lost confirms the exclusion of the Socialist Party of Italy the first condition for success, to wit: a belief in until the time when it will have broken with the victory, which only the treason of the social demoreformers and excluded them from its ranks.
crats and division within the working masses could This decision confirms the opinion of the Congress still give it. The victory over world capitalism can that if the Communist International wishes to lead come only thru convincing the majority of the members of the working class.
the millions and millions of workers in the struggle, it cannot afford to have within its ranks reformists, Against Social Democrats and Trade Union whose aim is not the victorious proletarian revoluBureaucrats.
tion, but the reconciliation between capitalism and The Third Congress of the Communist Interna reformism. Armies that will tolerate as their tional, demands that the Communist parties of all leaders men who speak in terms of compromise with the enemy, will be surrendered and sold to the tional hails with joy the knowledge that hundreds enemy by those very leaders, of thousands of workers in the whole of Germany We Lack Revolutionary Fervor.
are ready to rush to the aid of the menaced workers in Central Germany.
The attention of the Communist International has been drawn to the fact that within a number of It is in this spirit of solidarity, which causes the proletariat of a whole country, nay the whole parties that have excluded reformists from their world, to rush as one man to the defense of an ranks, there still exist tendencies indicating they have not completely rid themselves of the spirit of endangered proletarian party, that the Communist International sees the sign which bespeaks victory.
reformism, and that even though they do not look to reconciliation with the enemy, are nevertheless The Communist International approves of the Communist Party of Germany putting itself at the not sufficiently energetic and aggressive in their head of the working masses who offered themselves propaganda for the preparation of the workers for in the defense of their threatened brothers. At the the struggle against capitalism. They are not worksame time, however, the Co munist International ing decidedly enough towards the revolution of the masses. These parties are not capable in the course feels that it is its duty openly to announce the following to the workers of all countries. of their daily work to provide the revolutionary In such cases where the advance guard is compelled inspiration with which to animate the masses. They to enter into a struggle, and where such struggle would are not capable of daily strengthening the fighting hasten the mobilization of the whole working class, spirit of the masses by their fervent enthusiasm.
the advance guard should bear in mind that if it is These parties do not believe that they should alone and isolated, it is not in a position to make a utilize favorable conditions for conflict and thus decisive assault; that if forced to fight alone, it should as far as possible, avoid an armed conflict with the allow great revolutionary currents to go to waste.
enemy, for the victory of the proletariat over the armed This was notably the case at the time of the occuwhite guards can only be won by the entire mass of pation of the factories in Italy and the strike of the proletariat. If the majority of this mass is not December in Czecho Slovakia. The Cominunist par prepared to engage in the struggle, the advanced guard, which is an unarmed minority, should not attempt to ties should strive to develop an aggressive attitude launch an attack against an armed enemy.
in their very midst. They should train themselves Thanks to the battles of March, the Communist Into become the general stafi capable of turning to ternational has learned one thing more to which it immediate account favorable conditions for com calls the attention of the proletariat of all countries.
bat, and when there arises spontaneous inovements It is necessary that the whole working class be prepared by a daily, incessant propaganda, constantly within the proletariat, to make thein of maximum more intensive and extensive, for the struggles which value by clear sighted and courageous direction.
are imminent. And when they enter the combat, they Strive to be the advance guard of the class con must have full comprehension of the significance of scious working masses.
Be their heart and their the rallying cry.
spirit. This is the cry with which the Third ConProletarian Strategy.
gress of the Communist International challenges Against the strategy of the enemy we must pit the Communist parties.
the intelligent and carefully considered strategy of To be the advance guard means to march at the the proletariat. The courage, the enthusiasm, the head of the masses, as their party and as the determination of the advance guard will not be sufbravest and the most far seeing.
ficient. The struggle must be prepared and organOnly when the Communist Parties will become ized in such a way as to enlist the great masses of such an advance guard, will they be able not only the workers. They must be mobilized and given to to organize a united front of the proletariat, but to understand that they are engaged in a struggle for lead it to the battle which will conquer the eneniy. the attainment of their most vital interests.
Against the strategy of capitalism pit the stra The condition of world capitalism will ever betegy of the proletariat. Prepare for the conflict.
come more critical and it will try more and more to The enemy is strong. It has liad centuries of impede the coming victory of the Communist Interexperience in the exercise of power, and that has national by throttling its advance guards, if isolgiven it consciousness of strength and the will to ated from the bulk of the masses.
maintain it. The enemy is strong, because it has We must therefore plan to avert this danger learned thru hundreds of years how to divide thru a propaganda that will awaken all the masses.
the proletarian masses, how to domineer and enWe must engage in a work of energetic organizathrall them.
tion of Communist parties which will assure their The enemy knows how victory is gained in civil influence over the masses, and will make them capstrife. It is for this reason that tlie Third World able of calmly judging existing situations, refusing Congress of the Third International calls to the the fight when the forces of the enemy are superior, attention of all Communist Parties the danger that and fighting where the enemy is disrupted and the exists in the fact that in strategic matters there is a masses united.
decided difference in ability between the control The Third Congress of the Communist Internaling and possessing classes, and the working class tional is well aware that it is only in combat that fighting for the acquisition of power, the working masses will form Communist parties The events of March in Germany liave shown capable of attacking the enemy with lightninglike the great danger which exists when the leaders of rapidity in cases where the enemy is in an inferior the working class, the Communist advance guard position, and of avoiding conibat under unfavorable of the proletariat, are forced to fight before the great conditions. That is why it is the duty of the prolemasses are ready for it. The Communist Interna(Concluded on Page 110.