BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

100 THE WORKERS COUNCIL (SEPTEMBER 15, 1921 SEPTEMBER 15, 1921 THE WORKERS COUNCIL 101 Go to the Masses! MANIFESTO OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL Lenin Famine Appeal to World Workers In several Russian provinces the famine equals that of 1891. This is the severe consequence of Russian economic backwardness and the seven years of war, first the imperialist war and then the civil wars, which were imposed upon the workers and peasants by the landlords and capitalists of all countries. Aid is required. The workers and peasants of the Soviet Republic await this aid from the toiling industrial and agricultural workers of all countries. Though these masses are themselves everywhere oppressed by capitalism and imperialism, we are confident that, despite their own difficult situation, caused by unemployment and high prices, they will respond to our appeal. Those who have experienced capitalist oppression throughout their lives will understand the situation of the Russian workers and peasants, will understand intuitively, as toilers and exploited, the necessity for giving aid to the Soviet Republic which was the first to undertake the welcome but heavy task of overthrowing capitalism. Therefore the capitalists of all countries wreak their vengeance upon Soviet Russia.
Therefore they plan against her new interventions and new counter revolutionary conspiracies. We are convinced, however, that this will cause the workers and small farmers living by their own toil in all countries to aid us with redoubled energy and self denial.
didn get even this dole. They will continue to Oneal was one of the original heresy hunters of starve and suffer. This winter they will freeze. the party, who worked side by side with Seymour In the days of the chattel slave there was work Stedman, famous for his Red Raid at Detroit, in for all. The country was open towards the west. the expulsions of 1919.
The chattel slave brought his price, and usually a The party officialdom has seen the party dwindle good one.
from more than 100, 000 to less than 10, 000.
To day the chimneys of great industries smoke It seems that all the Hillquits and Bergers need from the Atlantic to the Pacific when there is a to make that decrease look like progress is to take market at a profit for the goods produced by the one of Oneal editorial injections.
wage slave of 1921. But the domestic and foreign The dope works, says Oneal. Have some market is now glutted and stagnant.
There is no market for the goods produced by the Of course, Oneal would like to interpret the efslave of to day; there is no market for his labor; forts of the Workers Council as the organization there is no demand for even his muscle, Alesh and of another little neo Communist band. That is bone. His power to toil is worthless, because he has the way he translated the meaning of the withtoiled so well.
drawal statement of the Committee for the Third International of the Socialist Party.
President Harding has the usual solution he is going to have a commission investigate. But not Far be it from the Call to poison the news at its along class lines. Certainly not.
But it has space for only two or three There was but one solution for political slavery paragraphs from the statement of withdrawal, and to the British throne in 1776. It was wiped out.
it absolutely censors the names of the comrades Chattel slavery was ended, 1861 65, through comsigning the statement, no doubt because those plete extermination. Wage slavery must go in 1921 names would carry influence with the party memthrough its complete abolition, the ending of capi bership.
talist misrule and oppression forever. That is the Signing the statement are minority delegates of goal, slaves of 1921. While you are fighting for a party conventions for many years past, notably the mouthful of bread to day, recognize that that is your last three conventions held. The list includes party only salvation. Join in the war for your own editors and speakers with national reputations.
There are comrades who stand high in the labor movement, one of them being a former manager of The United Mine Workers of America meets in the joint board of one of the largest labor unions convention at Indianapolis, Ind. Sept. 20. May the in New York City.
actions of the workers at this gathering cause the Oneal fiddles away in his editorial column to keep capitalist ruling class to tremble.
up his own and the courage of others. But in their saner moments Oneal and the others know that STILL FIDDLING the 100, 000 Communists who have left or been History tells the story of Emperor Nero who expelled from the Socialist Party are uniting fiddled while Rome was burning about him. in a disciplined host, their ranks cemented by Thus does Editorial Writer Oneal of the Call, the spirit of solidarity born of the struggle with September 13, keep up his fiddling over the dis renegade reactionaries within and capitalist oppresintegrating Socialist Party.
sors without.
PROLETARIAT OF ALL COUNTRIES: Fall and winter are coming on. The weather is The Third Congress of the Communist Interna getting cooler and the workers will want to read tional is ended. It has completed its survey of the more. How about issuing the accompanying historic manifesto of the Third Congress of the Third Interstatus of the Communist proletariat of all countries.
national, with the withdrawal statement of the In a number of countries, in which Communism Committee for the Third Interantional the Socialist had as yet hardly gained a foothold, the movement Party, appearing in another part of this magazine, during the past year has become a gigantic force, in a suitable pamphlet. Just the thing to sell at all the Russian Famine Relief Mass Meetings. We will capable of organizing the masses and constituting make the price just as low as possible. How many a menace to the existence of capitalism.
can you use? Let us know! Write the Workers On the day of its initial congress, the Communist Council, Room 233, 80 East 11th St. New York City.
International, with the exception of Russia, consisted of small insignificant groups.
Since its Second Congress it has endeavored to They are not afraid of sacrificing millions of create great organized mass movements. At the human beings. For on the very morrow of the great present time the parties in Germany, Poland, Cze war, in blockading Russia, they cold bloodedly cho Slovakia, Italy, France, Norway, Jugo Slavia doomed millions of human beings to starvation.
and Bulgaria, besides Russia, have succeeded in What they fear, however, is that another war will hurl the masses into the throes of a world rallying the masses to their standards.
The Third Congress asks the Communists of all revolution. They are afraid that a fresh war will countries fearlessly to continue in the great under ultimately involve the uprising of the world proletariat.
taking, and to put forth every effort to the work of rallying millions upon millions of new adherents The are seeking, therefore, through diplomatic to the ranks of the Communist International. means, as they did before the late war, to bring The power of capitalism will be broken only about an understanding to delay as far as possible when the idea of Communism is translated into the such a crisis. But when such an understanding is invincible strength of the great majority of the pro brought about, it only serves to create a new tension.
letariat, under the leadership of the Communist Parties, the backbone of the working class move The negotiations between England and America, ment.
regarding the limitation of armaments, necessarily Go to the Masses.
create an attitude of antagonism towards Japan. Go to the Masses. is the battle cry which the The Franco English reconciliation delivers up GerThird Congress issues to Communists of all coun many to France, and Turkey to England.
tries. Prepare for the conflict. The efforts which world capitalism is making to The masses will come to us, they will flock to us, create any sort of order in the ever increasing chaos because the capitalist system is constantly making of the world, far from bringing peace to the peoples it clear that it can live only by continuing to em of the world, only augment their enslavement and broil the world more and more, and by constantly subject the conquered peoples to the domination of increasing the chaos, the misery and the enslave the victorious bourgeoisie.
ment of the masses. In the face of the economic The capitalist press is at present claiming an imworld crisis, which forces millions of workers on the provement in conditions because the bourgeoisie of streets for lack of work, the social democrats, Germany has surrendered to the conditions of the henchmen of capitalism, and bourgeoisie who have allies, because, in order to maintain its power, it for several years past been exhorting the workers has delivered up the German people to the monsters to work, work, are obliged to be silent.
in control of the stock exchanges of Paris and Before calling the working class to work, it is London.
necessary to call them to battle, and the appeal to At the same time, however, this press which is work can be obeyed only when capitalism will have at the beck and call of high finance, announces the been destroyed, and when the proletariat will have economic ruin of Germany, deplores the heavy taken possession of the means of production.
taxes, which will fall like a hailstorm on the unemCapitalism and Imperialism, ployed masses this fall, and will formidably increase the price of every morsel of food and every The capitalist world is on the eve of new wars. bit of clothing The American Japanese and the Anglo American conflicts, the quarrels of the Near and the Far East, Bankruptcy of the Capitalist Regime.
are forcing upon the capitalists a policy of in The Communist International, which bases its creased armaments.
policies on the calm and objective examination of They are asking with anxiety, Must Europe be the present world situation, because it is only thru thrust into a new world war?
surveying the field of action with clearsightedness