BolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyImperialismKronstadtSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers MovementWorkers Party

64 THE WORKERS COUNCIL May 15, 1921 The Workers Counci Vol.
New York, June 1, 1921.
本书 INTERNATIONAL NOTES Norway Socialists Join Third championing an increase of 25 per cent in the King salary The National Convention of the Norwegian Social.
the wages of the workers were being reduced 25 per cent.
Democratic Party, held March 26 in Christiania, voted The former chairman of the Second International is, it 281 to 20 to join the Third International and accept the seems, more at home battling in behalf of kings than conditions of affiliation. By approving the theses and workers who will be taxed to pay the increase in wages declarations of the Second Congress of the Communist to the underpaid Swedish monarch.
International, the Norwegian Party has rounded out a revolutionary history begun with Kienthal. It was among Communist Party Formed in Australia the first to join with the Russian Bolsheviks in building a new International, and is now a strong link in the family constituent convention of representatives from the of revolutionary Socialist parties.
Socialist Party, Socialist Labor Party and organized the Communist Party of Australia. unification of the Australian Socialist forces has been sought for a Louvain Socialists Awakening from Social Patriotic number of years. Under the banner of the Third InterStupor national the Communist Party will jointly with the radi.
The Labor (Socialist) Party of Louvain (Belgium) cal wing in the Labor Party work for the revolutionizing adopted a resolution by a vote of 2, 830 against 2, 170 declar of the Australian labor movement, which should not be a ing against the principle of national defense, favoring an hard task after the experience Australian Labor has had active Socialist and anti militarist propaganda in the army with Hughes and his ilk during the war.
and instructing the Socialist Deputies to vote against military appropriations and for the abolition of military seryComposition of Russian Communist Party ice. The action of the Louvain Secialists shows that light is breaking even in the ranks of the Belgian party, steeped census of 92, 902 Cominunists distributed in 17 in crimes against the best traditions of the revolutionary provinces and 144 counties showed, according to a report Socialist movement. The recent approval by the Belgian made at the Tenth Congress of the Communist Party held Socialists of the German reparations decided upon by the last March, that 82, 798 or 89 per cent were men and 10, 104 Allied prime ministers was another nail in the coffin of or 11 per cent were women. According to their occupathe Second International.
tions these members were distributed as follows: Number Per cent Workers 40, 877 44 Communists Win Municipal Seats in Esthonia Clerks, etc.
20, 438 22 With 393 out of 426 districts accounted for in the Peasants 13, 935 15 last municipal elections the reactionary Labor Party in Craftsmen employed in home increased its number of seats from 69 to 81, the Socialdustries 4, 465 Democrats (Mensheviks) were reduced in representation Intellectuals 5, 574 from 146 to 21; the Independents added to the 22 seats Miscellaneous 7, 432 previously held; while the Communists, who were altogether absent in the municipal legislative halls, have ob92, 902 100 tained 34 mandates. When the struggle assumes a deThe comparative youth of the party membership is cisive character, the extreme right and left parties increase indicated by the fact that only 12 per cent of the total in adherents while the wavering and middle of the road remembership investigated belonged to the party (Socialformers are discredited and deserted, Democratic Labor Party) prior to the November, 1917, Revolution. The largest number, 36 per cent, joined from Swedish Left Socialists Endorse 21 Points November, 1917, to August, 1919; 30 per cent were added The Socialist Party (Left) held a national convention to the movement during the Party Week at the end of during Easter week at which it was decided by a vote 1919; 21 per cent joined in August, 1920, and the remaining of 175 to 34 to accept the 21 conditions laid down by the one per cent gave no date. The great majority of the Second Congress of the Third International. The minormembership, 87 per cent. have entered the party after the ity withdrew from the convention and is planning to orproletarian revolution in 1917 and with only 2 years of ganize an independent Socialist party. The name of the membership they have built a party which presides over Socialist Party was changed to the Communist Party the destinies of the Soviet Republic, is challenging world (Swedish Section, Third International. According to reaction and Socialist reformism alike and is a constant Secretary Ström the referendum on the acceptance of the source of inspiration to the class conscious and revolution21 points resulted in 5, 400 votes cast in favor and 1, 500 ary workers of the world, against unconditional affiliation with the Third. The revolutionary elements have parted with the reformists, and the French Socialists Denounce Threat to Occupy Ruhr complete orientation of the Swedish Left toward Moscow augurs well for a glorious future for revolutionary Social.
Unlike the Belgian Socialists who applauded the imism in Sweden.
perialist and vindictive reparation decision of the Allied governments, the French Socialists are carrying on an intensive campaign against the designs of the French govBranting Pleads for a Raise in the King Wages ernment on the Ruhr coal mines. Humanité, the offiHjalmar Branting succeeded Emile Vandervelde as cial organ of the Socialist Party (French Section of the chairman of the International Socialist Bureau when the Communist International) prints a manifesto addressed duties of the latter as Belgian Minister of State and war to the new recruits and old soldiers in which the nature propagandist prevented him from exercising his functions of the imperialist and jingoist schemes of the French capias chief executive of the Second International. Branting talists are exposed and the reasons for the proposed occuwas the white hope of the old International and, with pation of the Ruhr district are explained. The conscripted the removal of the Bureau to Holland, was expected to soldiers are adjured to keep in mind the identity of interest resuscitate the shattered organization. He was the last between them and the workers and peasants of France as person for the job. As an agent of Allied imperialism, as well as their duty to the workers of the other countries a reformist of the worst caliber, as a social patriotic mem and, in the present crisis, particularly the workers of revober of the Swedish government he was a living example to lutionary Russia and Germany. From a tiny minority at what depths the leadership of the Second International Zimmerwald, French revolutionary Socialism has under have fallen.
the leadership of Loriot (not Cachin, as the opponents of During a recent debate on the project to increase the the Third contin lly insist) become the controlling elecourt budget by 500, 000 kronen, Branting attacked the ment in the Socialist Party. Having banished social Left Socialist deputies who opposed the increase. In the patriotism and pacifism from its midst, it has fashioned course of the discussion on the bill Deputy Wenneström a proletarian party which is destined to dictate the future (Left Socialist) reminded Branting that while he was history of France.
ko 42 ANTI RUSSIA RESOLUTION EXECUTIVE COM. OP 来 Inspiration Patrioteering in Our Public Schools The International Lesson of Kronstadt TEN CENTS COPY Two DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS YEAR TH WORKERS COUNCIL, an organ for the Third International, published by the International Educational Association, 80 East 11th Street, New York.