CominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyItalyLeninSocialismSocialist PartyWorkers PartyZinoviev

The Workers Council Communist International Manager Column Vol.
New York, May 1, 1921.
Americans are hungry readers; they consume more printed paper than other people consume sugar or fat. Their appetite seems to be growing too; statistics show a per capita consumption of news print paper of pounds in 1899, grown to thirty three pounds in 1918. We are literally swallowing our forests in the shape of printed dope and if this pace continues, we shall have to resort again to stone and clay to carry our tales. Imagine thirty three pounds of newsprint for every man, woman and child in the United States. What a volume of misinformation, of lies, of poison from which you cannot escape. It assails you from the sporting page, from every flaunting advertisement, from school books, from the very food you eat. And as a light red thread through it all runs the Socialist press; sometimes so fainly pink that you can hardly perceive it; at other times a glaring red streak, like a burst of sunrays at dawn, NEXT CONGRESS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL The Executive Committee of the Communist International has decided to convene the 3rd Congress of the Third Communist International on the 1st of June 1921.
The Executive Committee of the Communist International adopted the following provisional agenda: DRAFT OF AGENDA FOR THE THIRD CONGRESS OF THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL Report of the Executive of the Communist International. The economic world crisis and the new tasks of the Communist International. Tactics of the Communist International during the Revolution. Transition period (special requirements, special actions and final struggle of the Revolution. Fight against the Amsterdam yellow Trade Union Federation. The Red Trade Union International and the Commun.
ist International. Construction of the Communist Parties, the methods of their work, Construction of the Communist International and its relation to the affiliated parties. The Eastern question.
10. The Italian Socialist Party and the Communist International. Appeal of the Italian Socialist Party against the resolution of the Executive Committee. 11. The Communist Labor Party of Germany and the Communist International. Appeal of the United Communist Party of Germany against the resolution of the Executive Committee of the Communist International. The Women Movement, 13. The Young Communist Movement.
14. Election of the Executive Committee of the Com.
munist International. Headquarters of the 15. Other business. ZINOVIEV.
There are thirty eight million working men and women in this country and to them The Workers Council ought to bring new light and hope. One of these thirty eight millions to whom farming in Georgia is especially gloomy is yet very anxious to know something about this 3rd International and Socialism in general. Can take no stock on those subjects from what the capitalistic press say. Or as a comrade from Utica writes, find that it (The Workers Council)
is very interesting, leaning toward an able construction of purpose, and to me it is instructive and desirable.
Rs 12.
And the gist of this story is just how to bring The Workers Council to those who are anxious to know and to whom it is desirable and instructive. The answer is in your hands, Comrade. Send us your subscription, get your friend to subscribe; get up a list of names and addresses of your fellow workers and mail it to us. Perhaps you can sell some copies of The Workers Council in your spare time. Send for a bundle, at special rates. Talk about the magazine, recommend it to your friends, tell the Editors what you think of it.
Be up and doing Cut out and mail with check or money order SUBSCRIPTION BLANK The Treason of the Triple Alliance THE WORKERS COUNCIL, 80 East llTH STREET.
Date 1) The Executive affirms its resolution in the Italian question and continues to support the Communist Party of Italy.
2) The Executive protests most determinedly against the support given by one of the presidents of the United Communist Party, Com. Levi, to the centrist fraction Serratti in Livorno and after Livorno. The Executive is firmly con.
vinced that the overwhelming majority of the German sisterparty on the Italian question is on the side of the Italian Communists and of the Executive and not on the side of Com. Levi.
3) The Executive declares its agreement with the resolu.
tion of the Central Committee of the United Communist Party of February 1st and begs the Central Committee not to recognize any explanations of this resolution which could mean support of the Centrist Serrati fraction and create difficulties to the Italian Communists.
This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Executive Committee of the Communist International after an exact examination of the situation. The representatives of the United Communist Party of Germany voted for the points and and against point EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUNIST INTERNATİONAL.
Comrades: Please enter my, subscription to The Workers Council for one year at 50 (6 months 25. You will find correct amount enclosed. New Policy Toward the Peasants Nikolai Lenin Great Speech TEN CENTS Copy Two DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS YEAR Name Adoress City Canadian Postage 50 cents a year extra.
Foreign, 00 extra.
THE WORKERS COUNCIL, an organ for the Third International, published by the International Educational Association, 80 East 11th Street, New York.