GermanyMarxSocialismViolenceWorking Class

The Workers Council No.
New York, April 15, 1921. HOOVER THE BLOCK perience good tactics in the matter of propoganda Manager Column does not consist in turning away from your adversary a few, persons or some of his members, but to The Manager task is usually a difficult one; act upon the great masses which are still indifferent.
One single new force which is brought forth from saic, and concerned with common things, payments, it is the task of making both ends meet. It is pronothing is worth more than ten followers of Lasalle who always bring into the party the misery in the bringing out of a Revolutionary Socialist money and other such uninteresting details. Even of their false tendencies.
paper, these details are ever present. So the Manager The thing would still go if one could have the was thinking of making an appeal to you, his audimasses without their local leaders, but it is always ence, to come and help him in his difficulties.
necessary to accept a whole band of these leaders who are bound by their former public declarations if not by their opinions that they professed hither Our appeal is to the Young: Not necessarily to to, and who must now prove that they have not re the blond haired and black haired as against the pudiated their principles; but on the contrary, it gray haired, but to the Young in Spirit, in Resoluis the Workers Social Democratic Party which tion, in Daring. Our appeal is to the people who preaches the true doctrine of Lassalle. This is the are setting out on a great enterprise, who see bemischief done at Eisenach, which was not easy to fore them a great New World, who are inspired by escape at the moment; but these elements have what is to come, and not by what has come. We certainly hurt the party and don know if the appeal to the great masses who labor and toil, and party would not be today as strong without them. long for a way out.
If these elements were to receive support should certainly consider this a calamity.
We must not let ourselves be influenced by all But we should not call this our appeal. It is this noise for unity. The greatest artisans of dis not we that ask you to do something for us.
cord are those who have this word most often on There are neither you nor us in this undertaktheir lips, as at this moment the Bakounistes of the ing. It is only the great Movement of the workers, Jurassien Switzerland, the artisans of all the splits, who are striving to create for themselves a new state.
that do not stop to clamor for unity. These fanatics Translated into terms of action it means effort, of Unity are either narrow spirits who would mix devotion, sacrifice. It means for you and me and all and make of it a shapeless dough, which, when everybody to get together and give freely of our no longer stirred will bring out still more sharply best to the Movement.
the differences that now find themselves in the same pot. In Germany we have a very fine example of these people who preach the reconciliation of the And in this Spirit want to tell you about workers with the small middle class. or they are The Workers Council. The publication of it is a the people who unconsciously or consciously want to task which has been assumed by the International deviate from this movement. That is why the great Educational Association, in the conviction that there est sectarians, the greatest braggers and fakirs de are a great many Comrades, attached or not atmand at certain moments with greatest violence, tached to existing organizations, who feel and think Unity. In our existence nobody has done us greater the way, we do. We want these to join with us in harm, nobody has shown us greater falseness than the undertaking, to help us carry the Workers these braggers of Unity.
Council along: Naturally every party wants to be in a position to record successes, which is as it should be. But The Workers Council is sold to the Reader at there are moments when it is necessary to have the courage of sacrificing a momentary success to more ten cents a copy. But from the Dealer we get about half that; besides the many free and unsold copies.
important things. Especially in a party like ours, where the final success is so absolutely certain, and The actual cost of the paper is more than we get for it. Add to this cost of make up, general expenses, which has developed in our days and under our eyes, in a manner so formidable, one does not al. etc. In order therefore to bring this publication to ways need a momentary success. At all events, the Reader and to spread its circulation, it is necesI believe that the capabłe elements among the folºsary for a large group of people to divide the cost lowers of Lasalle, will later come to you of their among themselves. Every dollar contributed will own accord and thus it would not be wise to gather pay for ten copies of The Workers Council. Five the fruits before it is ripe, as the partisans of Unity dollars a month from one hundred comrades will secure The Workers Council for a month in its would like to do. Old Hegel already said: party behaves like a victorious party by dividing itself present shape. One hundred dollars will give us and by being able to stand the division. The the opportunity to plan work ahead, to create agenmovement of the proletariat passes necessarily thru cies and supporters in every part of the country.
different degrees of development: at each stage a number of people stop and do not continue the Let the Business Manager hear from you.
journey; that alone explains why the solidarity of the proletariat is being realized everywhere in Address: groupings of different parties who engage in a life and death struggle, like the Christian sects in the INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASS N, Roman Empire, during the worst persecution.
320 Broadway, Room 620, New York. Sic him, Fido. Russian Trade and the Economic Crisis in America The Resurrected Second International The Fight of the American Farmer 0, The Wicked Marx. TEN CENTS COPY Two DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS YEAR THE WORKERS COUNCIL, an organ for the Third International, published by the International Educational Association, 80 East 11th Street, New York.