THE WORKERS COUNCIL of the world are urged to organize loosely with of blunders piled upon blunders. Bankruptcy is writ autonomy, etc. In this way, presumably, they ten large over the entire movement. Only one thing will be best fitted to meet the solid ranks of the can help to give it new life, and that is open and Imperialist nations ready at any moment to clamp unreserved affiliation with the Third International.
an air tight blockade against any Socialist revolu This one thing the party, officials refuse to do, in tion. The miserable failure of the lamented Second spite of the expressed wishes of the membership.
International has evidently taught the Hillquits They will not even allow a delegation which they nothing. If he can have his way there will be no themselves chose, to go to Russia, evidently for fear centralized form of organization in the international of its being affected with Bolshevism.
field nor within the party.
We may quote in conclusion from the Russian Not a word is said in this report about the Dic Press Review, No. 9, Comrades, make it plain to tatorship of the Proletariat or the Soviet form of every worker, that it is not a matter of one, two, government. Is it possible that since the May con five, or twenty one conditions, but that there is only vention, the Dictatorship has been embraced as some one real condition, namely: that those parties which thing acceptable to American psychology. Per desire to affiliate to the Communist International, haps in another year, the party leaders will be will must be real Communist revolutionary proletarian ing to accept the twenty one points.
parties, in which there is no room for reformists, The party leaders have to their record a series social pacifists and waverers.
but it cannot hide the joy, and indeed this struggle papers about America army and navy it reminds will have important consequences. We note why us of the same articles which were written before and how the conflict between Germany and Eng the war in regard to the Russian army and the land has begun. England demanded that Germany might of Czarist Russia. These articles seem to stop naval armaments, having nothing against the say to every citizen: arziaments of Russia, Beligum or France. The en Do not be afraid of our conflicts with England.
deavor of Imperialistic Germany to create by all We play one hundred per cent sure. America will means the strongest navy, the building of the great carry us through. By the time Great Brtiain will est number of high type warships, the works over have made up her mind to attack us the American the Canal of Kiel, etc. all this was the most im fleet will be the first in the world.
portant factor which excited all England and which In the growing English American conflict made the dominating classes of Great Britain join French diplomacy sees the best means to raise the Russia and France with whom however, England world significance of France as a country whose had serious controversy in America and in Asia. friendship or hostility is of importance to everyone Now in place of Germany there appears a much of the rival countries which are about to begin in more dangerous competitor for England in the shape the near future a bloody war. Bourgeois France of the United States.
begins to feel itself the master of the situation.
The French bourgeoisie hopes to profit by the but the International proletariat will crus. these English American conflict the same as they did in hopes together with the whole capitalistic building the German English conflict. This is the explana and under the ruins of the latter the remnants of tion of the courage and daring with which the the French, English and American bourgeoisie will French press is attacking England. It is interesting be buried. If not we shall soon be witnesses of to note that the French press is trying to brush another world war, where millions of proletarians aside the role played by the English and especially of all countries of the world will perish again for Russian army at the beginning of the war and the sake of the French exchange and for the sake which practically saved France from being utterly of raising the dividends of dynamite and gun kings.
demolished. But instead of it the French press The English American struggle for the world dompraises the merits of the remarkable, heroic ination is first of all a struggle for the domination American army, which chased away the barbarous of the Pacific Ocean, in other words the yellow conGermans. When we read the articles in some French tinent.
England and America in Struggle for World Domination By PAVLOVICH Home for the Politically Homeless By Karl RADEK While the French press is full of attacks and of the seas and putting England second. The efforts bitter reproaches towards England and is already of the United States to overtake England in war bringing up the question of the end of the Entente, marine armaments are even of a more intense charthe same press is full of praise for the Unite acter. The English Government has announced more States and is emphasizing the rapid growth of the than once that the English fleet under all circumwar, marine and economic might of the United stances must always be equal to the combined fleets States.
of two of the strongest maritime governments in the France is a country with a small population, world.
weakened by the war, having in the East an enemy This position is considered the axiom of the in Germany, which if not today will tomorrow English war marine poiicy and has been sanctioned show its teeth again and the only reliable Ally of more than once in the House of Commons and the the Continent is Belgium, not counting Poland of House of the Lords. But the United States decided the Schlachta (Landlords) France would never not to consider the predictions of the Dominator of have dared to begrudge England if she would not the seas. In the last report of the American Naval feel behind her a support of some considerable Department we find the following lines: force. Lately the French press is full of articles The Naval Department has established a policy regarding the English American rivalry. This rival according to which the fleet of the United States ry is first of all manifested in the struggle for the must become equal in its force to the strongest domination of the seas. The items which the French navy which any country in the world may have; press has recently printed (Temps of Aug. 8th) therefore we shall increase our fleet yearly in acshow indeed the tremendous success of the United cordance with our resources. This we must attain States in the struggle for the domination of the by all means not later than 1925.
In the year 1914, just before the war started, to which the American Secretary of the Navy has The French Temps remarks that the only fleet the United States was in her merchant marine alluded is the English fleet which is of course the (steamers) behind Germany, France, Japan and strongest in the world. Now England is menaced Italy. The tonnage of the American fleet was almost by a danger.
ten times less than the tonnage of the marine of The items which the French press brings up show the Queen of the seas England. But after the that America has a chance of overtaking England period of 1914 to 1920 the tonnage of the American in the tonnage of the war marine in the year 1923, steam fleet grew six times and now the United which is two years before the expected time, if States in its merchant. marine is far ahead of England will not put forth its utmost efforts. The Germany, France, Italy and Japan and is now ocofficial organ of the French government concludes cupying the second place after England.
with a remark: In the year 1914 the English fleet was equal to 18, 000, 000 tons, the American 2, 000, 000 tons. In With deep emotion and apprehension we are the year 1920 the English marine had 18, 100. 000, tracing the movement of the fleets of both countries.
the American 12, 400, 000 tons. The English fleet struggle for the domination of the seas has decreased, owing to the submarine war, by 800, 000 begun.
tons. The American, however, increased to 10, 380. The French press tries to hide its joy over the 000 tons, e. 500. The United States has taken open fight which has begun between the United up seriously the question of becoming the dominator States and England for domination of the seas, The 242 International is an organization without the Italian Socialist Party. The Italian Socialist independent political ideas. It is an organization Party used to be regarded as one of the largest and that is unwilling to carry out in practice the ideas most important parties of the Communist Internait has borrowed from the Communist International tional. The thousands upon thousands of workers and diluted to its own taste. It is not an internation who stood behind that party gave proof of their al organization of the proletariat at all but aims steadfastness in the earlier skirmishes of the Italian consciously to be an international loosely joined Revolution. Their sympathies for Soviet Russia federation of the various national centrist parties. they expressed in terms of action at the time when How little faith it places in its own power to fight she was threatened with the gravest dangers. They and survive it proves by its desperate cleaving to declared themselves openly for the dictatorship of the yellow Trades Union International of Amster the proletariat. They assimilated the idea of the dam. Nevertheless it would be a mistake to assume workers councils and they even tried, in connection that it is unable to exist. If the revolutionary move with one of their revolutionary engagements, to put ment in the western European countries does not at into practice the control of production by shop once take more rapid strides, if the process of the councils. Nevertheless they were as a matter of radicalization of the masses of Labor does not make fact connected with the reformistic past by bonds immediate progress, the 242 International will be the significance of which they themselves do not able to prevent the vaccilating elements among the understand, although these bonds threaten to stranrevolutionary laboring masses from attaching them gle the Italian Revolution. Because the reformists selves to the Third Interantional. It will become within the Italian labor movement split just before the home for the politically homeless who are un the war, because the openly imperialistic elements able to decide for this side or that. To be sure among them left the party even before the war, its existence will be but a shadowy one. Incapable the majority of the Italian revolutionary workers of action, incapable of becoming the living, revolu fail to see the danger which consists in the fact that tionary advance guard of the world proletariat, it their leadership contains democratic and pacifistic will form the mere illusion of the rear of the pro elements which are opposed to the Socialist revoluletarian army, unless events somehow force it to the tion, opposed to the dictatorship of the proletariat.
fighting front of the world revolution.
And this mass of workers which considered itself How large these hesitating masses are appears an advance guard of the Communist International most clearly in the most recent happenings within when it had to decide between the reformist leaders